Chapter 68: Oiran

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     They couldn't believe at what they're seeing at all as they look at the girl who's already an oiran in such a young age. Engaging in sexual services when she could just be serving an oiran at her age instead of being one.

"They got such twisted minds. How could they?" Shinobu frowned.

"Even if you guys keep on bragging and cursing, nothing will change. This all happened way before everyone of you were even born." Hanare replied as she kept her eyes on the child.

"Sachi, are you alright now?" The girl finally spoke after her and her hand maiden enter a room.

"Yes, Akaihime." The girl with black hair and honey brown eyes answered.

"I'm sorry, if only I didn't send you out that time then you didn't have to be tarnished like that."

"P-Please don't apologize, you've done nothing wrong! And besides.... this place is a pleasure house after all."

"Akai.... hime?" Mitsuri titled her head a little.

"That's a nickname given to her. As you can see, she has different colored eyes and she's known for it. They gave her that name not only out of her beauty but also because of her plum red eye. Lots of people describe her eye beautiful as red rubies. And so she got her name 'Akaihime' which means 'red princess'." Hanare explained to them as to clear their confusion.

"Seriously, is that kid you?" Tengen pointed a finger at the child.

Hanare remained silent as she didn't dare answer the question.

Just then, a woman called out for the child's name from outside the room as Akaihime permitted her to enter.

"The warlord's here again, Akaihime-oiran." The woman said who looked like to be in her early forties.

"What's that?" Akaihime asked as she look at the box the woman's holding.

"He gave this to me to be sent to you. He said he would like to see you wear these upon meeting him today since today would be the third time of you and him to see each other." The woman then gave the box to Sachi as she place it on the table in front of Akaihime.

As she open the box, she saw six pieces of kanzashis all made out of jade. The small beads adorning it to the upper tip are made out of shiny pearls.

'Something like this is very expensive. And rejecting on meeting him today would just surely cause chaos.'

They all heard her thoughts as they have a surprised look on their faces but later on turned into a troubled look.

"Please tell him that I will and I thank him for such a gift."

With those words, the woman stood up and left the room.

"Akaihime, today's the fourth day in a row he came to meet you. Seems like he's really very eager to have you." Sachi said with a worried look.

"Well.... it's not like he's asking my hand for marriage. He's just a pervert who's eager to play with someone young." Akaihime replied as she close the box.
"I too don't feel like meeting him today but rejecting him might just cause chaos like yesterday."

"He's quite scary, but thankfully he managed to understand. He nearly destroyed the tea house yesterday after getting drunk just to see you."

Akaihime remained silent as she just sigh and look out of her open window as the sun shines into the room.

"So she's a sun conqueror. Wait.... I got it! Akaihime's the progenirator before Muzan!" Tengen exclaimed looking proud.

"How could you say so?" Hanare asked.

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