Chapter 128: Underworld

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     As their scene changed again, they looked at Kazumi in her demon form with a koto in front of her while the demons are sitting aside as they look at her too. She started playing as the parts of the fortress moved except for the room they're all in. She played a tune for a full minute until the doors in front of her opened. She stood up walking out of the room followed by them as they saw the corridor properly put and the rooms aligned in order. She soon stopped facing a door in front of her as they heard some noises outside of it.

"You guys may stay here for a while. I just have to go somewhere." She said as she open them and walk out.

To their surprise, they're at a whole new place. As Kazumi walk down the stairs, they saw a bunch of crowds around composed of demons and yokais. They're all in the underworld now as Take then followed her landing beside her and turning into a man.

"Master! How does it feel seeing me back to this state?!" He happily asked with his tail wagging.

"Happy of course. Guess I'll call you Riku again now." Kazumi smiled.

Right in front of them, the huge owl they know as Take turned into his demon form being Riku all this time with his wolf ears and tail.

"Finally! She's dead! I have to be stuck as a bird for such a long time cause of that b*tch!" Riku exclaimed scratching his head as Kazumi chuckled.

As the two walk into the crowd, they all saw a huge castle up ahead to the direction she's heading to. As she go nearer and climb up the stairs finally facing the guards, they bowed to her letting her in. The servants opened the doors for them too as the two enter.

"You're here sooner than I expected." The same silver haired demon said walking up to her.
"Riku! You're here too!"

"Yeah, I'm back to being a wolf again Ginjiro-san."

"Where's the noble council?" Kazumi asked looking at Ginjiro.

"They're currently having a meeting. I'll take you there if you wanted to."

"Thanks Ginjiro-san."

"But first, of course wear this one!" He said handing her a thick black veil.
"Let's surprise them!"

"I see, fine then." She replied with a chuckle after as she put the veil on her head that reached the ground covering her head and hair.

Kazumi and Riku followed him as they walk towards a room with such huge wooden doors guarded by two tall and huge red ogres with their tusks coming out of their mouth holding large kanabos or war clubs as a weapon. Ginjiro faced them as they look down at the three of them while blocking the doors. Kazumi kept her gaze to the front not looking up at them.

"You can't enter." One of them spoke.

"The person with me is a very important one. Now step aside." Ginjiro replied glaring at them.
"You two know who I am, now out of my way."

The two huffed as they open the doors letting the three walk in. The demons and yokais who were talking inside stopped as their gazes transfer to the three new comers.

"Ginjiro, who are those with you?" One of them asked.

"Close friends of mine that has some business here." He answered smiling at the demon.

"Aren't you a demon from the human realm?" Another demon with six arms spoke pointing a finger at Riku.
"If I'm not mistaken, your Master's lady Hanare's daughter."

"Yes I am, Riku's my name."

"Then what is a demon doing here without his Master? Are you here to threaten us?"

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