Chapter 33: Additional Demons

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     Now that the fight ended, Ringo stood up with the help of her sword as she still control her breathing to stop her bleeding just a little. Her internal bleeding now has worsened because of her fall. Just as she's about to fall on her knees after getting back up, someone held her up hugging her.

"Thank the gods you're alive. Sorry I'm late, again."

Upon hearing that, Ringo bursted into tears as she hug that one person they've been waiting for to come back.

"Master.... Kazumi-sama.... you're finally back.... You're finally.... here...." Ringo managed to mutter out those words in between her sobs as she hug Kazumi tight.

"There, there, let's get you back shall we. You're badly injured." Kazumi replied as she rub circles on Ringo's back hugging her too.

Kazumi then carried Ringo on her back. Despite her being a short and small person that she is, this doesn't seem to bother her at all. Ringo can't retort too as she could feel her consciousness about to slip away in just seconds. She saw some bandages wrapped around Kazumi's head. Just as she's about to talk, everything she sees became blurry as she completely went unconscious. Kazumi then landed on the ground from a tree branch as some people showed up in front of her.

"Kazumi-sama! You're so fast despite being injured! You left us behind." Daki pouted.

"I'm really sorry. I just really have to be that fast to be able to get here on time." Kazumi replied.

"Please let me carry her Kazumi-sama, don't push yourself too hard. Your injuries are still fresh."

"No worries Akaza-san, I'm alright."

Akaza just sighed as he went in front of Kazumi and crouched down.

"Kazumi-sama, I'll carry the both of you then."

Kazumi just sweatdropped as she smiled and gave up handing Ringo to Akaza. As he carry her on his back, a certain blondie lifted up Kazumi from the ground holding her waist from behind.

"Kazumi-sama, you should really be carried too. Look how light you are and even carry someone much more taller and bigger than you." He said as he slightly wave her up and down.

"Douma, get your hands off her." A certain man said as his six eyes glare down at him.

"Everyone please calm down. What did I tell you guys? Please treat each other nicely and like a family." Kazumi said still with her warm smile and calming voice.

"Apologies, Kazumi-sama." Kokushibo and Douma replied in sync as Douma put her down.

With that, they all went on their way to the Frost Estate. Kazumi managed to inject some medicine in Ringo to temporarily stop her internal bleeding and wrapped up some of her wounds with the use of some sashes Daki offered to her for them to reach her place on time.

     As they all manage to reach her estate, Kazumi entered the gate as the demons follow just right behind her.

"Kazumi-sama, what if a slayer sees us here?"

"Don't worry Nakime-san, there are no slayers around here." Kazumi answered as she slide the doors open.

Because of how late it is in the night now, the halls are empty and dark. No one's walking around. She then went into a certain room as she turned the lights on and made Akaza put Ringo down the bed.

"I'll start the operation now, please wait outside the room." Kazumi said.

Akaza nodded in response as he got out and closed the doors. And they all really ended up waiting right outside the room sitting on some chairs there placed aside.

"Waaaaah! Onii-chan! Isn't this place beautiful? I saw a glimpse of the garden outside on our way  here." Daki praised.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Gyuutaro replied.

"I really would like to see her whole place! I want to wander around! This place is even larger than mine!" Douma clasped both his hands.

"Shh, we can't make loud noises. We might wake someone up." Nakime shushed them.

"You guys wanted some tea for the night?"

They all jolt up upon hearing a man's voce to their right side. They looked at him as he's holding a tray with tea cups on it. He has yellow eyes and is wearing a green hanfu and also has a brown hair.

"Don't worry, I serve Kazumi-sama. None of these tea are poisoned." He said.

"Kai? You're really alive? How about Fujikase-san and Aoki?" Nakime asked as she walk closer to him looking at him with her one eye covered by her hair to not be seen.

"Don't worry, they are. Aoki's currently out while Fuji's doing something." Kai answered as he hand her some tea.

"So, you know each other?" Kokushibo asked as holding his tea that Kai gave him.

"Yes, he's a demon too just like us. And so are the two I just mentioned." Nakime answered.
"How do you know Kazumi-sama's back here tonight?"

"I didn't felt her presence but I did felt the rest, Fuji also did. Such powerful presence belongs to demons of high rank and none of you would be here without her." Kai answered as he sat down on a chair with them.

After what seemed like hours of waiting and short chats, Kazumi finally came out as she smiled at them. Kai instantly stood up and bowed.

"I'll put her in another room now." He said.

"Thank you, Kai-san." Kazumi replied.

Kai entered the room to take Ringo out and get her to rest on another room.

The demons then tailed Kazumi as they follow her up until her room. As she open the door, Take opened his eyes as he got up in surprise.

"Take, how are you?" Kazumi asked.

Take didn't say anything as he just flew towards her and hugged her with his wings as Kazumi carry him hugging him back. He doesn't look like he wanna let go at all.

"You're finally back.... you made us all worried to death." He said as he kept his face burried on her right shoulder.

"I'm really sorry, I just really didn't get to come back that fast at all." Kazumi replied.

"Kazumi-sama.... c-can I ask a favor?" Daki blushed slightly.

"Go ahead."

"Um.... c-can we all sleep here with you? I promise none of us snores! We won't bother you!" Daki's face is now red in color.

"Well, if that's—"

"Of course I agree." Kokushibo cut her off.

"Me too! We can shrink to a form of a child to still have space here." Douma waved his right arm up.

"For the first time.... I'll agree with him." Akaza sighed as he point a finger at Douma.

With that said, they all shrank down to their child form, they even managed to shrink their clothes with their body to fit it despite them getting smaller. They're all now in the size of a two year old child looking up to her.

'Oh well, I can't stop them from sleeping here. None of the Pillars would come here anywway to see them.'

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