Chapter 58: Start of the Final Battle

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(The art placed on the header of this chapter is made by me, please don't accuse me of plagiarism or copying the drawing or worst, stealing it from someone. I hope everyone have a nice day/afternoon/night.)

Tanjiro's now falling down as he kept on holding his sword. He looked back seeing the fortress with the ups and downs even the left and right mixed up like a huge puzzle.

'This place, is this created by her Blood Demon Art? I saw Tamayo-san holding her in place, how long will she last?'
Tanjiro thought.
'I'll die once I fall down there. Grab onto the building, somewhere. I need to-'

Just then, someone grabbed the back collar of his haori and threw him onto a platform below where he managed to land on his back. It turned out to be no other than Tomioka Giyu, the Water Pillar.

"Are you alright?" He asked from above.

"Yes! Thank you! You saved me!" Tanjiro thanked before he turned around slicing the demon behind him.

Right after that, a swarm of demons showed up destroying the shoji door attempting to eat him. But he managed to move.

"Water Breathing, sixth form: Whirlpool!"

Tanjiro fiercely twists his upper and lower body creating a whirlpool as it cut the demon caught into it.

"Water Breathing, third form: Flowing Dance."

Giyu swung his blade at the same time that Tanjiro did mimicking the waves of the waters as their attacks combine and sliced the demons to shreds.

'Giyu-san is incredible.... he managed to read through the attack I'm going to use and used one that'll go along with it for us not to cut each other.'
Tanjiro mentally praised him realizing what just happened.
'What's that expression on his face? It's freaky! I can't tell what kind of expression he's trying to show.'
He looked at Giyu who has an expressionless face.

"Let's go." Giyu said leading the way as Tanjiro followed him.

Obanai and Mitsuri managed to be in the same place together as a swarm of demons also showed up to them.

"Serpent Breathing, fifth form: Slithering Serpent."

He moved his bending sword as it curves from right to left as if a huge snake just passed by his opponent decapitating them in an instant.

"Stay away from Kanroji-san you scums." He cursed right after defeating them.

'Kyaaah! Iguro-kun is so great!'
Mitsuri mentally praised as she just watched Obanai's moves with a blush on her face.

"Are you hurt?" He asked.

"No." Mitsuri answered instantly.

Gyomei's now running with the Tokito twins following just right behind him as they leave behind the demons they just decapitated.

"It's an incredible number of demons isn't it? It appears they've been imbued with a strength roughly equal to a lower kizuki. They're trying to wear us down." Gyomei said noticing the strength of the demons they just killed.

"Oyakata-sama's still unconscious without any signs of waking up while Amane-sama and their eldest daughters are all dead now. They were always there beside him, I'm sure it'll break his heart once he woke up receiving the news." Muichiro replied.

"This time we won't hold back, we shouldn't hold back. I know how much you two respected her, especially you Yuichiro. But this time, she has shown us her true colors."

"My respect for her have gone away ever since she turned into a demon and turned her back from us. Now, not only did she put to sleep our second father but she also caused the death of our second mother figure. I'll make sure to kill her." Yuichiro replied gritting his teeth in anger.

"Don't worry, we all feel the same way." A sudden dark aura surrounded Gyomei as he said those words.

Sanemi's now sitting on the floor as a swarm of demons come to his way, he sliced them to shreds upon them getting close to him. But right after that, another group of them showed up.

'I couldn't protect Oyakata-sama from her at all and now we all even lost Amane-sama.'
He thought.

"They keep coming, one right after another! You filth! Bring it on! I'll kill you all!" He cursed as he smiled like a maniac with tears rolling down his cheeks looking at the swarm of demons surrounding him.

The other slayers managed to enter the fortress now too as they all got separated while the others are still together. Tengen ended up alone the same as Kyojuro as the two ran around and kill demons on their way on finding Kazumi's location.

"PIG ASSAULT!" Inosuke yelled as usual as he run forward.
"I'm suddenly in this crazy place and there're demons everywhere! Perfect for testing my training!" He jumped up mass killing the demons down him as he kept on running.

'What is this place?! A demon base?! Where is everyone?! Aniki! Be safe for me, aniki!'
Genya thought in panic as he run in search of everyone too.

'I heard something! This time Kazumi's now our enemy and not Muzan anymore! She used to be our friend, now she has come to this!'
Zenitsu thought as he run forward.

"Tanjiro trusted her, we trusted her yet this is what she gives us back. I'll never forgive her!" Zenitsu exclaimed out of anger.

Shinobu managed to end up with Kanae in the same place. As they walk around, they caught the scent of blood coming from a certain room. As Kanae opened the doors, they were welcomed by such a bloody scene right before their eyes. Inside is a man with a blonde hair and rainbow eyes holding a pair of gold fans and around him are the corpses of his female victims.

"Oh, hello there! Welcome to my room!" He greeted them with his carefree smile.
"You ladies look so young and tasty! I should thank Nakime after this!"

This just irked both the sisters as they shot a glare at him.

Tengen's now running around too as he managed to take a turn and enter a room so suddenly. At that moment, he instantly felt the sinister aura of the demons near him. He looked to his left as he saw the demon siblings on the other side sitting on the upper platform.

"Look, onii-chan! Our first Pillar food for tonight!" Daki pointed at Tengen.

"Yeah, turns out there's no need to look for some." Gyuutaro replied as he held his twin sickles.

"You know what, I should've just killed you two before. You guys put up such great acting with her." Tengen said as he held the hilt of his swords tighter.

Kyojuro then kept on running as he jump down the opened shoji door landing on another platform taking a few turns as he kill the demons on his way. Just then, he suddenly stopped as he sensed a familiar aura coming closer. After a short while, he heard a rumbling sound coming closer down to his spot from above as he jumped away dodging the broken pieces of the building. As the dusts subsided down, a certain demon with marks on his face and around his body and a short pink hair appeared.

"Glad that we met again, Kyojuro." Akaza smiled as he look at him.


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