Chapter 19: Team Up

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They all stood there still as they all tremble. Their hands kept on shaking and so are their feet. They couldn't find the courage to attack her at all.

"Come on, am I that scary that you guys are trembling? I haven't even done a thing yet." Kazumi said as she cross her arms.

None of them responded as she sigh and looked down putting her arms to her side.

"Alright then, I'll be having dinner now." She said with a smirk as she dash forward.

Just that, she's now right in front of Sanemi as she ready her long sharp red nails to claw him. Gyomei grabbed the back of his collar as they all jumped away.


"And I said I don't know any of you! Is that hard to understand?!" She exclaimed.

"Get it together everyone." Giyu said in his usual tone.

"Tomioka...." Obanai muttered out as they look at him.

"At this time, there's no convincing her. Tanjiro said it, she's an upper moon now. If we hesitate, we're all gonna die here. Let's do this." Giyu held onto the hilt of his sword as he unsheathed it.

The others took in a deep breath as they close their eyes opening it to get theirselves ready to fight. Nezuko then came out of her box too, growling as she look at Kazumi.

"Finally, the other demon I was talking about came out." Kazumi said as she look at them.

They all charged at her, surrounding her as they start to take her down. Kanae used her vines from her nape to hold her which Kazumi clawed to pieces. Sanemi and Muichiro then appeared behind her in an attempt to cut her while Kyojuro, Giyu, and Obanai attacked from in front as Shinobu's above her going down with Gyomei's iron ball. She knew she was cornered but she just smirked.

"You should've conducted a better plan than that." She said as she kicked Kyojuro's abdomen and grabbed Obanai's collar throwing him towards Sanemi and Muichiro.

Kyojuro thought as he groan in pain from her kick.

She then grabbed Giyu's neck as she slammed him down the ground creating a small crater under his back. Right after that, she vanished as she appeared behind Shinobu who just landed gracefully on the ground.

"Gotcha!" She said as she tap Shinobu's shoulder from behind.

Before Shinobu could even turn around, Kazumi's not there anymore. She tried to look around her as she felt someone grab the back of her collar and throw her.

"Shinobu-chan!" Kanae called as she catch her sister.

"Nice catch! As expected from a demon!" Kazumi praised.

"Love Breathing, first form: Shivers of First Love!"

Mitsuri dashed forward as she sent a series of slashes towards Kazumi. Her slashes managed to hit as Nezuko's attack came right after that. Kazumi felt a sticky liquid hit her face and suddenly turning into a fire burning the left side of her face and her left shoulder including her left arm.

"We won't let you get away!" Kanae exclaimed as huge vines from underground emerged out and wrapped around Kazumi's arms, legs, and waist.

"Sound Breathing, first form: Thunder!"

Tengen then lifted up both his swords above his head as he slams them down on her back with great force while creating explosions around him with the use of his bombs causing a loud sound like thunder. As the dusts rise up and cover their surrounding because of his attack, he looked down to see no one.

"Kanae!" Sanemi called as the dusts cleared away a little.

They all saw Kazumi has already regenerated right behind her. Even before she could look behind, her body already got sliced in half from her waist. Kazumi then kicked Shinobu on the stomach that sent her flying away and grabbed Kyojuro's sword with her right hand.

"That attack was quiet an effective one, don't you think?" She smirked at Kyojuro as she punched his abdomen that sent him flying away too.

Gyomei's iron ball then came towards her, as the iron ball's inching closer, she disappeared again just to appear beside him. She then used her claws as she try to stab him but he used his axe to cut both her arms from the elbow.

'We're all sorry Kazumi-sama.... but.... we have to do this.'
Gyomei thought as Muichiro and Yuichiro came forward.

"Mist Breathing, first form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze."

The twins launched a straightforward thrust attack towards her as she regenerated her arms in an instant grabbing their heads as she slammed the both of them down the ground. This made them unconscious as Giyu and Sanemi have to grab them and take them away from her while Obanai sent an attack from behind.

"Serpent Breathing, third form: Coil Choke."

His blade curved like a slithering snake as it reaches her neck. As his blade managed to decapitate her, she grabbed her head that's about to touch the ground as she jump away.

"That's one unique blade. Turns out taking your attacks isn't that bad at all." She said as her head's reattached to her neck again.
"Maybe just a little more and I'll show you guys my blood demon art."

Just as that, Tanjiro came from her right side holding his flaming sword coated with Nezuko's blood as Nezuko came from the front. As Kazumi raise her arms, they were cut by Kanae's veins from her nape. Kazumi looked up just to see her there.

"Hinokami Kagura: Ra—"

Tanjiro got kicked on the face cutting him off from his attack as Nezuko stab Kazumi on the gut with her hand. Nezuko wounded her hand before stabbing it into Kazumi to activate her blood demon art. As Nezuko pulled her hand out, fire immerged out from Kazumi's stab wound burning her.

"Water Breathing, first form: Surface Slash!"

"Flame Breathing, second form: Rising Scorching Sun!"

"Wind Breathing, fourth form: Rising Dust Storm!"

Giyu dashed forward attacking her from behind as he generates a single powerful concentrated slash. Kyojuro then attacked her from the front as he move his blade upwards towards her chin. Sanemi then leapt up as he swings his blade downwards from several directions.

Giyu and Kyojuro's blade hit her at the same time cutting her neck and slicing her head in half from the chin. Sanemi's slashes then slashed her body cutting both her arms off and cutting her from her left shoulder down the right side of her waist. Just as they thought it's all over, her blood solidified and pulled her arms and head back to her body.

"Now my turn." She muttered out as she smirk at them.
"Blood Demon Art: Porcupine."

Her blood that got splattered on the ground around from their attack then turned into solid sharp spikes. The spikes managed to stab Sanemi's left thigh, Giyu's left arm, and Kyojuro only got his right cheek scratched from it. All three of them jumped away. She then smirked at them as she stood there completely fine like nothing ever happened while the spikes are still activated.

"Let's all play until sunrise.... or until I lose my patience from playing with you guys."

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