Chapter 26: Tamayo's Visit

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Kagaya's still inside his room as he just sent a crow to the Frost Estate a while ago to call for the three demons. As he wait, Amane came in with Tamayo and Yushiro behind her.

"Good evening Ubuyashiki-sama." Tamayo greeted as she kneel down the tatami mat in front of him with Yushiro.

"I see that you came to visit Tamayo-san, and your companion?" Kagaya looked at Yushiro.

"I'm Yushiro, a pleasure to meet you Ubuyashiki-sama." Yushiro introduced himself with a bow.

"I see that you've gotten well from your curse." Tamayo said.

"I did. It's all thanks to the medicine Kazumi-sama made. It has taken effect on me and so I'm doing well now." Kagaya replied.
"That said, what's the reason behind you coming here to visit?"

"I came to discuss about the poison Kazumi-sama gave me to be used to Muzan. She told me that I could make another one if I would like to and so, I will. I don't wanna waste her poison on him as I'm thinking of keeping it. She told me that, there's a possibility that another demon is out there who's just on the same level as him or even a bit stronger. She hasn't confirmed it yet so she told me it's just a hunch." Tamayo explained.

"I see, so you're planning to use her poison to that other opponent besides Muzan."

"Yes, so I came here to ask you if ever you could recommend someone to help me other than Kazumi-sama."

Just as that, the three came. Aoki's now wearing a simple plain brown yukata, Fuji's wearing black hakama pants and a mint green kimono while Kai's still wearing his green hanfu.

"Tamayo? Yushiro? You two are here too?" Aoki asked.

"I accompanied Tamayo-sama who came here to visit." Yushiro answered.

"Is there something wrong Kagaya-san?" Kai asked as the three of them sat down.

"Well.... since you guys got to know each other then maybe it'll be alright for me to discuss it with Tamayo-san and Yushiro-san with us." Kagaya said.

"Discuss what?" Aoki asked tilting his head to the side.

"About my ancestor, Ubuyashiki Nishiki." Kagaya answered.
"I just finished reading his journals last night and today. He mentioned you three there so I wanna ask something."

"What is it?" Fuji asked.

"Tamayo-san, please do tell who was the slayer who spared you back then." Kagaya looked at her.

"He uses the Breath of the Sun God, he told me his name was Yoriichi." Tamayo replied.

"According from my ancestor's journal, Yoriichi-san had a Master along with Rengoku Toshiaki-san. Can the three of you perhaps tell us who he is?" Kagaya explained as he look at the three.

The three remained silent with serious looks on their faces.

"You can ask us other questions. But about your question just now, I'm afraid we can't answer it." Fuji said.

"Then how about this...." Kagaya took out the key.
"What is this key for?" He asked as he show it to them.

"We found a trap door inside one of the rooms where we keep the documents of the deceased slayers." Amane said.

"That's the key for that trap door. And it'll be better if none of you were to go down there. Whatever's under that door is something important that is better left unknown by anyone." Kai answered.

".... I see.... can't the three of you really answer my first question?"

"No. The answer for that is better to be kept a secret." Fuji replied as she stood up.

"If the things down that so called trap door are considered important, why not let it be known to anyone?" Tamayo asked that made Fuji stop from leaving.

"Because for us, those things are kept not to be touched by anyone. The things there are.... some things that could show and tell the truth behind lots of things. But we know, not everyone would be able to understand and believe those. And I'm afraid it could just cause trouble." Fuji explained as she kept on looking down gripping her pants tightly.

Kai and Aoki just stood up too. The two males bowed their heads to Kagaya as Fuji remained standing still with her back turned from him. Just as that, the three of them left.

"Seeing their reactions and their answers, it must be really hard for them to answer." Tamayo said as she look down sadly.

"Seems like up until now, they can't move on from their Master's death. I admire them for their loyalty towards him. I'm sure the Master must've been a very a great person to be blessed with such loyal servants who are still carrying his words after years of his death." Kagaya praised them as he look at the key.

'Yet it seems like I might disobey them.'
He thought as he kept his eyes to the key.

"Has Kazumi-sama sent any letter to you?" Amane asked.

"That's also one of the reasons why I came here. She's alive but she's injured. We told her she could stay at our place but she refused and left immediately. She visited the night before I sent my letter of my upcoming visit here. That was also the same night she warned me about the possibility of another demon that's on Muzan's level." Tamayo answered.

The couple sighed in relief now knowing that Kazumi's alive. Amane kept on breathing in and out as she control herself from how surprised she is about the news. Kagaya helped her calm down.

"We don't know how many injuries there is on her body as she kept her distance away from us. We asked her to let us mend her wounds on the very least but she just smiled as she refuse." Tamayo added.

"Now that's very like her. As expected, she don't wanna worry you two." Kagaya replied.

"I'm even more worried not seeing how many injuries she got or how bad it is. I'm afraid that, what if she died on the road? What if a demon attacked her and she can't fight 'cause she's injured?" Tamayo looked down.

"We only managed to know that she's injured when we saw the bandages around her head. We don't even know whether she's back to her place or not." Yushiro said as he look down too like Tamayo.

The couple just sweatdropped at how the two look in front of them. They understand how they feel as they're worried too.

"But Kazumi-sama said not to tell it to anyone yet. So only the four of us know about this." Tamayo said.

"Alright we won't." Kagaya replied.


The news of Kazumi being alive and injured reached Ringo as she was the only one informed about it by Kagaya. She then told this to Mei and the three demons and Take as they all gather inside Kazumi's room. The three demons sulked in the corner together with Take and Ringo....

Because they knew how much of a suicidal person she is. Now they doubt whether she'll really come back alive or let herself die from her injuries.

Fuji: 'Kazumi-sama, you better come back alive.'

Kai: 'Master, please come back or I swear I'll bury those Pillars alive. Especially that scar face bastard.'

Aoki: 'Please come back alive or I'll fill your coffin with my tears instead of flowers.'

Ringo: 'Master.... don't you dare think of letting yourself die from your injuries or I swear I'm going to skewer those Pillars.'

Take: 'Master please come back, I might not stop myself from gouging those Pillars' eyes out once you die.'

Mei sweatdropped as she could feel their dark auras despite them sulking.

'They're sulking but, what's with the dark aura? It feels like they're sad yet cursing at the same time.'
She thought.

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