Chapter 73: Father

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     They're now watching as Haru's teaching Kazumi on how to sew. She pricked her finger a few times but she managed to adjust and be able to do it properly.

"You're really good at it, I wonder if you're a genius in disguise." Haru praised.

"No I'm not, I'm still improving."

Just as they kept on sewing, Kazumi sensed someone's presence coming as she put her things down and stood up.

"Haru-san, someone's at the door. I'll hide."

Haru's about to talk but Kazumi instantly ran and hid somewhere that just made Haru sigh. They watched as she went back into her room. She stayed there playing with the cat waiting for Haru's visitor to leave.

After what seemed like an hour of waiting, Haru came back as he saw Kazumi playing with the cat alone.

"Kazumi-chan, I'll be leaving for a mission for a while. I'll be back tonight as usual."

"Take care and come back safe, Haru-san." Kazumi said smiling at him.

"Of course I will! Bye!"

Haru looked so fluttered as he left. Kazumi's now alone as she went back into Haru's room and continued sewing the clothe. She stayed there until she has to leave again to cook her lunch. They all watched her as she finished her lunch and cleaned the utensils she used. After a while, she left again and ran into the forest.

There she played with the same foxes she met. Just when the sun's setting, as she's about to go home, she smelled blood. She followed it until the slayers saw an injured wolf. It's unconscious as it kept on bleeding. It has a black and white fur and a scar over the left side of its mouth

Kazumi slowly approached it reaching her hand out as she gently touched the wolf. Just then, despite it's huge size, Kazumi used her own strength to carry it. She tried her best.

'Its even heavier than me. But then, if I turn into a demon now to carry it easily, someone might just suddenly see me.'

She managed to get back in time with the wolf on her back as she took it in her room and put it down on the floor, though she struggled a lot on her way back. She left to get a bucket of water, a towel, and medicine for the wolf. She gently washed the wound and applied medicine on it after that, she even wrapped its left front foot with bandages as she took out a new blanket placing it over the wolf's body.

"She knew that's a wolf that could just eat her at any moment. So why is she treating it like a child?!" Sanemi scratched his head.

Shinobu then sighed again who's seeing it, as someone who can't stand furry animals, she felt a bit scared and at the same time disgusted. Giyu then, who's hated by animals, sweatdropped watching Kazumi take care of the wolf.

As their scenario changed again, they saw Kazumi sitting beside the wolf after placing a bowl of water on the floor for it. Shortly after that, the wolf slowly opened its eyes showing its bright blue eyes. It blinked a few times before its eyes turned to look at Kazumi. As it growled a little and tried to stand up, it just groaned in pain feeling its injuries.

"Ah, please don't move too much. You're still wounded." She said as she lightly place her hands on the blanket covering its body.

The wolf's growl slowly stopped as it huffed and turn its head on the bowl of water. It sniffed the bowl for a while before it stuck out its tongue to drink.

"Kazumi-chan! I have a watermelon with me! I came back quite earlier than usual!" Haru called out as he walk towards her room in which they heard.

'Am I going to get nagged at once he sees my new friend?'

Haru then slid open the shoji door holding a plate of sliced watermelons. He almost dropped it seeing the wolf inside her room, but at the same time, he can't believe it thinking it's just an illusion caused by his tiredness.

"Ka-Kazumi-chan, what's that?" He asked with an awkward smile.

"My new friend wolf."

Haru then came in as he placed the watermelons down the floor and walked towards Kazumi still with an awkward smile. He then placed his hand on the wolf's head. By the time he did, he flinched as he instantly grabbed Kazumi and jumped away.

"What've you done?! Why did you bring in a wolf here?! What would you do if it attacked you so suddenly?! With its size, it could definitely eat you!"

'Yeah, I really received a nagging.'

The wolf just looked at Haru dumbfounded as it watched him nag on Kazumi.

"He's injured so I brought him here, I just saved him."

"He? How can you say so?"

"From his scent."

Haru just sighed as he massaged his temples and looked at the wolf that's been staring at them. He then gave it a judging look as the wolf just placed its head down the floor again.

"Anyway, we'll be having dinner soon. You can take a bath later." He said as he pat her head.

"How was your mission?"

"It went well as usual. I killed the demon. Besides, tomorrow I think you'll be having an actual friend."

Kazumi just slightly tilted her head in response wondering who that person would be.

"Should I hide? I could hide somewhere far from here."

"No, no. Don't hide. You're human now so of course, they'll see and sense your presence as a human. As long as you won't transform into being a demon, no one would know."

Kazumi remained silent as she face down. Haru's expression then turned sad as he looked at her.

"I'm just worried. If anyone finds out that I can turn myself into a demon, you'll be the one who'll get in danger. I don't want that."

"Kazumi, listen, whatever happens to me would and will never be your fault. Don't worry about me. What I want is to see you happy and enjoying your life. Watching you grow up living your life than hiding in the dark because of me or other people. I'm not talking to you as a stranger or some sort of an unknown man, I'm talking to you right now as a father."

Right after his words, he hugged Kazumi stroking her hair. Kazumi then slowly lifted her arms up as she hug him back.

"Demon or not, you're still the same. We may not be related by blood but for me, you are my daughter. Whatever happens, I will treat and look at you as one."

Kazumi just hugged him tighter as she nodded in response.

"It's so touching it makes me cry out of joy. She finally have someone to be there for her again!" Mitsuri wiped a tear looking at them happily.

"Me too, after what she had been through, she finally have someone to be with her again." Kagaya replied.

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