Chapter 25: Journal (pt. 3)

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"What a very sad day today is. One of my Pillar friends, Hiro-san died after his fight against one of the major ranked demons. I never expected that yesterday would be the very last time I get to see him and talk to him."

'Major? Does he mean an upper moon?'
Kagaya asked in his mind.

"It has been three weeks ever since the last time I saw Master. He hasn't showed up for a while and I wonder why. It might be because of his missions or because he's just really busy training Toshiaki and Yoriichi. It must've hurt a lot for him too knowing about Hiro-san's death since they're friends too and treat each other like brothers."

"I just received such a great news today! My wife's pregnant of our first child! I'm so happy! Even grandfather congratulated me and wishes for my child to be born healthy! Master also secretly sneaked here in the estate tonight to see me and congratulated me. It's amazing that I didn't even notice him behind me not until he spoke. It startled me and I nearly even coughed the tea out of my mouth!"


Kyojuro's now walking back to his assigned region. As he reach it, he sat down on a bench he saw and started to read again. Despite reading the whole night, he wasn't able to finish it as another demon came nearby that village he went to last night and he was then sent again to eliminate it. If he's going to be honest, the demon annoyed him a little for being the cause of his disturbance from reading.

"Tonight's the very first time I saw Master show his annoyance and it's really scary. I mean, he's usually calm and carefree. Yoriichi and I trembled as we watched him slam the man's face down the ground. It was the man's fault anyway. He kept on asking us for money as payment since we entered his village when he's not even the chief! It was so annoying! He even pulled Master's hair! What made Master annoyed is when that man punched me in the face. No wonder Master's always calm, because he's scary when he's not."

'Ah.... I would've done the same thing if someone harmed my friends!'
Kyojuro exclaimed in his mind as he chuckle.

"It has been a month since Mabuta Hiro-san's death from a major ranked demon, he was the Wind Pillar. Dai-san has been appointed to take over his position as a Pillar since he's Mabuta-san's tsuguko. What's worst is that, the demon managed to escape. Now we're all worried on what's to come next."

'Major rank? I never heard of such demons having that rank.'
Kyojuro raised an eyebrow.

"Today I made a mistake! I accidentally switched up the tea I was about to give to Nobuko-san and his older brother, Yuki-san. Nobuko-san doesn't like ginger tea at all and he really got angry at me. Thanks to Yuki-san calming him down or if not, maybe he would've crushed a bone or two in me."

'I'm getting shivers.'
Kyojuro thought as his body shivered a bit.

"Last night, I encountered three demon birds. It really is challenging to defeat them especially when they can fly and have a very keen sight. They're quite different too since they suck blood with their tongue instead of actually devouring a human like eating their flesh. Thankfully, I managed to defeat them although I received a huge slash on my back."

'Demon Birds? Never heard of that? Are the demons during the Sengoku Era different from our current era?'
Kyojuro wondered.

"It's really amazing watching Yoriichi use his Breath of the Sun God. Master taught the both of us but it seems like Yoriichi's the only one who managed to fully master it. I use the Flame Breathing. But the both of them are really cool! At first I felt so down not mastering the Sun God Breathing but Master cheered me up! So of course I would keep on fighting!"

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