Chapter 52: Showing Up of an Old Enemy

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     Fuji, Kai, and Aoki are now walking their way back to the Frost Estate as the night falls down deeper. They managed to deliver the medicines at a certain village and some previous places and now it's time for them to go back.

"Do you guys think Kazumi-sama's finally back from her family visit?" Aoki asked them as they walk.

"I guess, but maybe no at the same time." Kai answered.

Just then, Fuji suddenly stopped walking as her eyes turned to look at the dark forest beside the road.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked as him and Aoki stopped too and looked at her.

"YOU GUYS! JUMP!" She suddenly yelled at them.

They all jumped away when spikes suddenly grew from underground. As they land on their feet, the spikes disappeared as it went back underground. They watched as a figure came out of the dark. His purple colored long hair swaying with the wind, his red plum eyes gleam looking at them. He then smiled showing his sharp teeth with his hands behind him.

"As always, you hardly let your guard down Fujikase." He said.

The three of them suddenly gritted their teeth as their eyes glow and their pupils slanted. Aoki's eyes with a blue color and slanted pupils, Kai's yellow, and Fuji's dark pink.

"You bastard, you're really alive after more than four hundred years." Fuji replied.

"Yes, of course I am. And mind you, I already saw Kazumi. Although I wasn't able to kill her back at that village where I found her." He raised his right hand as he look at his dark purple nails.
"It's quite fun yet at the same time annoying watching her fight with a friend."

"You dare to attack Kazumi-sama, so bold of you to do such a thing." Aoki smirked at him.

"I was planning on facing her but I thought of facing you guys first. I'd like to see how she'll react finding out her demon friends dead by my hands." He chuckled.

"Fujikase, go back. Me and Aoki will deal with him." Kai said as he stand in front of her.

"You guys.... you two better come back alive." Fuji replied.

"Of course we will, Kazumi-sama's waiting after all." Aoki smiled.

Fuji then vanished from her spot and ran away at her fullest speed to reach the estate faster. Although she wanted to help, she knew she has to go back and warn Kazumi about the fight.

'Kazumi-sama's right after all.... after all these years, those two stayed alive.'
Fuji thought as she looked back over her shoulder.

     Aoki and Kai are now standing side by side as they look at the other demon who just appeared.

"Come on, we're all demons now. Aren't you guys supposed to be happy? We should be friends." He blurted out in a cheerful way.

"Friends my ass.... IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR GODDAMN AUNT THAT WE LOST OUR MASTER!" Aoki yelled as veins pop out on his forehead and neck in anger.

"We've got no time to chit-chat with you. If you're here to fight, let's start." Kai replied as half of his hair going down turned into white snakes.
"You and your aunt never changed, Natsuko."

Aoki and Kai both charged at him at the same time as he just dodged their attacks. He also has to catch some of Aoki's fists as he deflect them but his face was then met by Kai's kick as he roll on the ground. Aoki then kicked him up by the stomach as he cough out blood while Kai grabbed the back of his collar and threw him towards several trees that his back ended up breaking.

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