Chapter 32: A Woman's Flame (pt. 2)

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For the past three hours, Ringo and Tatsu has been fighting. Their spot is now covered with holes and small to medium sized craters. Dusts filled the air as the both of them stood away from each other. The nearby trees around them has been destroyed, either burnt or cut down or crashed as someone's thrown to it.

"Good.... really, really, really good. You amaze me orange head. Or should I say tangerine?" Tatsu smirked as he lick his lower lip.

"Shut it." Ringo coldly replied.

Ringo's now keeping her breathing under control as not to let herself pant. Despite that long of a fight, her fake hand is still intact as Tatsu still hasn't noticed it.

"Compared to those two Pillars back there, you're much more stronger than them. Tch, they only lived because I wasn't serious from the start and because they outnumbered me." Tatsu praised her.

'Just what the hell's wrong with him? He's so cocky! Like those b*tching Pillars!'
Ringo exclaimed in her mind as she kept her usual serious face outside.

"Pathetic isn't it? Yet here you are still alive and just received some scratches when I fought with you half serious from the start." Tatsu eyed her.

"It's because I fought just as half seriously as you did."

"Alright then, let's get serious at this time. Show me your full power." Tatsu evily smirked as he ready himself in a fighting stance with his fists to his sides.

"Very well." Ringo replied pointing her sword at him.

Just as that, they both dashed at each other at the same time as Ringo's sword hit Tatsu's scales around his arms. His scales has now covered his whole arm from his shoulders to his fingers. He also has increased in size and now his whole body's covered with thick scales. Ringo then jumped away as she dodged his fire breath.

"Come on tangerine, fight like a slayer that you are!"

Tatsu sent her a straightforward punch as Ringo stepped aside to dodge facing him.

"Flame Breathing, seconnd form: Rising Scorching Sun!"

She swung her blade upwards as it cut Tatsu from his abdomen up to his jaw also giving him some burns from the flame. He just smiled like a maniac as he regenerated and kneed Ringo's stomach. As his punch towards her face is just inches away, she dodged by jumping away.

"Nice, your reflexes have gotten faster. You're really serious now just like me." Tatsu praised as he look at her direction sprinting towards her.

Ringo then swung her blade as she defended herself from Tatsu's punches and kicks.

'Blood Demon Art: ....'

"..... Burning Tongue!"

As Ringo deflected his punch and kicks, he opened his mouth sticking out his long flexible tongue like that of a frog covered in flames. Ringo barely dodged it by flipping back as it hit her left shoulder giving her a slight burn.

'I already half expected him to have more techniques. He's strong and one wrong move.... only means death to me.'
Ringo thought as she jumped back dodging Tatsu's tongue again.
'But as if I would let myself die without exhausting him.'

She then sprinted towards him again as he sent out a punch, just as when he thought it'll reach her, she slowed down her speed and let him punch first, making him punch nothing but the air. After sending out the punch, Ringo cut his eyes and sliced his arms off instantly.

"BITCH! MY EYES!" Tatsu shouted in pain as his regenerated arms hold them.

'I see.... he concentrated his energy to harden his scales so the exposed part of his body that didn't got covered in scales became weaker and becomes more painful when injured.... which is his eyes.... no.... his head. His scales only covers him up to his neck.'
Ringo thought observing Tatsu.

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