Chapter 34: Headpat

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     Right after Mei woke up in the morning, she was informed about Ringo being badly injured and Kazumi coming back by Kai. Even with how much she wanted to see Kazumi, she has to take care of Ringo first and the children. Kazumi's still asleep in her room with Take on her abdomen and the demons surrounding her. Despite knowing that she's injured, they stayed too close.

'Are they serious? There's almost no air for Master.'
Fuji grumbled in her mind as she peek from outside the room to not let the sunlight come in.

Before they slept last night, they covered the doors and windows with the extra blankets to prevent the sunlight from coming in. They all look happy sleeping so Fuji didn't bother.

'Gotta stay here in case those children suddenly come running around here.'
She thought again as she sat down the veranda outside Kazumi's room.

Kazumi then slowly opened her eyes as she look at the demons still in their child form and Take on top of her asleep. She just smiled as she try to move her right arm but she saw Daki asleep hugging her arm preventing her to do so and Gyuutaro just beside her. She then tried to move her left leg but she felt another one there, she looked at it and saw Douma hugging it while sleeping. She tried moving her right leg but she saw Kokushibo and Akaza's head on it making it their pillow as they sleep. She then saw Nakime hugging her leftt arm too. She just sweatdropped.

'I'm completely locked.'
She thought.

Just then, Fuji finally entered and saw Kazumi awake. She can see Kazumi mouthing help. Fuji then closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath.

"WAKE UP! YOU GUYS ARE CRUSHING MASTER!!!" She yelled that made the demons jolt up awake and scared.

"Waaah! Did we hurt you Kazumi-sama?!" Daki cried.

"Did we made your wounds bleed?! Can you breathe?" Nakime asked worried.

"Kazumi-sama! Kazumi-sama! Don't die! We'll behave! We promise we'll behave!" Douma cried.

Fuji just watched the demons cry and over-react in disbelief as she clench her fists.

"Shut it now or I'll put you guys outside to burn." She threatened as a dark and cold aura's leaking out of her.

The demons just gulped down as they instantly shut their mouths.

"I'm alright. You guys don't have to cry." Kazumi said as she sat up.
"Good morning everyone." she greeted them with a smile.

'Her smile's already like a sun shining at us. Please, too bright.'
Kokushibou thought as he look away a little with a slight blush.

Fuji then looked at her as she observe. Kazumi's still wearing her uniform from last night as she has her head wrapped up in bandages. She also noticed that she's not wearing her haori but she has her sword put aside in the corner where she would usually put it.

"Master, you're injured. I'll get your bath ready." Fuji said as she look at her sadly.

"Thank you."

With that, Fuji left. The demons stayed in their child form still.

"It's already morning, I suppose you guys have to go back to the fortress now too. That place is safer for you guys than here." Kazumi said as she gently caress Nakime and Daki's head.

"B-But.... we feel safer around you." Daki stuttered as she wipe her tears.

"If you guys stay here longer, there's a chance that some Pillars or slayers nearby would find you guys. They would surely go straight after your heads." Kazumi replied.

'She really has a soft and gentle voice. I love hearing it.'
Kokushibou thought as he stayed silent looking at her.

"Hmph! Those slayers that came to my place addressed you as 'Kazumi-sama' while those two Pillars point their blades at me and onii-chan! They might hurt you if we leave!" Daki exclaimed looking at her.

"What? What do you mean Ume-san?" Kazumi asked.

"Those Pillars addressed you so formally calling you 'Kazumi-sama' as if you're their Master. They even got mad when we told them that we're under your protection. They didn't believe at first but when my sister threw your letters at the face of one of them, they seem to have believed it." Gyuutaro explained.

"Can you please tell me how they look like?"

"The one has a silver hair and a pair of huge swords, he's very tall and masculine. The other Pillar's shorter and has a raven colored hair, he has eyes like yours of opposite colors and a snake around his neck. They're not alone though, they have three lower ranked slayers with them. A boy with a burgandly hair carrying a box, a boy with a yellow hair, and a boy with no top and is wearing a boar mask." Daki answered remembering their looks.

'I see, but how did they know? Did Kagaya-san already told them?'
Kazumi thought as she kept her smile on the outside.

"Very well, thank you for letting me know. Don't worry, I can defend myself from them. You guys should go now. You can visit at night when there's no sunlight to bother you guys." Kazumi replied as she gave them all a closed eye smile.

Although they wanted to stay longer with her, they all just nodded  in agreement. Only Nakime grew back to her original size as she grabbing her biwa she placed on Kazumi's desk last night and played it. A shoji door appeared in front of them as it opened.

"Can you pat our heads before we go?" Akaza asked blushing a little.

'Huh?! Akaza-dono, why take my chance to ask?! I want a forrehead kiss!'
Douma thought looking disappointed.

"Alright, please line up."

The demons lined up except for Nakime who's standing aside. First is Daki as behind her is her brother Gyuutaro, then Kokushibou, then Akaza, and finally the last is Douma. They all received headpats as they all stepped aside happily. Until it's Douma's turn.

"Why are you pouting? You look upset Douma-san." Kazumi asked.

"But I don't like a headpat." Douma answered fidgeting with his fingers.

"Then what would you like?"

"A kiss here from you." Douma put a finger on his forehead.

His answer triggered all the demons that even Nakime gripped on her biwa too hard, if not for the blood demon art covering it, the biwa would've been broken already. The demons gritted their teeth as they glare at Douma who's smiling happily waiting for Kazumi to kiss his forehead.

'The audacity of this bitch.'
Akaza cursed in his head.

"If I do that it'll be unfair for the others. How about next time? So I could do the same to them too." Kazumi suggested as she pat Douma's head.

Douma just pouted again but receiving a headpat made him smile and agree. When they all entered, the shoji door disappeared. The demons turned back to their original size now, all glaring at Douma.

"Now that we're back, would you like me to beat you?" Akaza gritted his teeth with his clenched fists.

"Calm down now everyone, on the very least Kazumi-sama didn't really gave him what he asked for." Kokushibou said.

"Why are you guys so mean to me?!" Douma whined.

"Cause of your audacity to ask for such a thing." Daki replied.

"You're unfair." Gyuutaro said scratching his nape.

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