Chapter 59: Douma

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     Kanae and Shinobu are now right in front of the demon placed in the upper-rank two, the one who almost killed Kanae and even turned her into a demon unintentionally.

'This very sight is just what angers me the most. The sight of a demon surrounded by the bodies of their victims. How? How can she spare such a monster?! How can she spare such demons?!'
Shinobu thought in anger as she look at the corpses around the demon.
'How can she possibly forgive them?!'

"It's a very nice night out there, my name's Douma." He introduced himself.

Just then, he felt an incoming attack to his neck as he deflected it using his fan cutting Kanae's vine.

"Oh.... I remember you." He said looking at Kanae.
"You were that Pillar from before. The one who uses Flower Breathing. I didn't expect you to be a demon now."

"It's because of you though, despite being a demon, I'm still human inside. Unlike you." Kanae replied glaring at him.

"Yes I see that is—"

He got cut off when he felt his left eye got stabbed as he wasn't able to block it with his hand.


'Insect Breathing, Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter!'

Shinobu thrust her sword into his eye by dashing forward in an incredible speed strengthened by her momentum as she inject him with poison.

"Blood Demon Art: Ice Lotus."

By using his fans and swinging them in front of him, he created several ice lotuses with razor-sharp ice shards capable of increasing the range of his attacks to ensnare his opponent. Shinobu managed to dodge by flipping back and jumping away.

'I don't know if this poison would work on an upper moon but, I'll know now for sure.'
Shinobu thought as she watch Douma fall on his knees.

By this, Kanae attacked him with her vines growing from underneath him and stabbing him passing through his body. Douma coughed out a huge amount of blood. He then used his fans in order to cut them as he jump away dodging Kanae's vines.

"Oh, seems like despite your sister's attack I still managed to decompose your poison. Sorry about that." Douma smiled at them as he stand straight up completely healed from his injuries.

'This might be harder than we thought.'
Kanae thought.

"It's quite pitiful to see your teamwork isn't it. Although the other one's a demon, the other one can't decapitate demons but uses poison. Your scabbard has a unique sound whenever you put your sword back, that's where you must be mixing your poison." Douma clasped both his hands while holding his fans.
"I wonder if your next mix of poison would work! Come on, give it a try!"

"That's fine with us, we already half-expected this to happen." Shinobu replied as she put herself in a battle stance with her sword out.

The sisters dashed forward towards him ready for an attack. Kanae used her vines slicing Douma but he just kept on slicing them and freezing them in place. Her vines connected to her nape is what she uses to cover Shinobu as she use her sword to inject poison to Douma. He didn't mind the poison as he just focused on Kanae's vines and decomposing the poisons he kept on receiving.

'Back when Kazumi-sama's still a human, before we upper moons gave our loyalty to her, I fought her in this exact same room. I still remember it as if it was just yesterday.'
Douma thought as he cut Kanae's vines with his fans.
'Despite being just as small as this Pillar here with me, she held a normal katana capable of decapitating demons but it's still poisoned like this one.'

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