Chapter 54: Limit

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      Kazumo's still sleeping on Kazumi's futon as the sun has risen up outside. The upper moons already went back to their lair too.

'She's not yet here.'
Kazumo thought as she turn around and look at the closed doors.
'I wonder if she's alright.'

After a short while, Ringo came into the room. Her face and head is still wrapped up with bandages but she's able to move normally again. She then sat down the tatami mat facing Kazumo.

"Is there something wrong, Ringo-san?" Kazumo asked as she sit up.

"Nothing's wrong, I just came here to check on you." Ringo answered.
"Master sent a letter that it'll take her until night time to come back as she has to deal with something."

"I see, that's understandable then. Seeing that she's a Pillar."

"I see.... so you don't know." Ringo sighed which caught Kazumo's attention.

"What is it?" Kazumo looked completely clueless.

"Nothing much, forget it since it has no importance at all."

'It seems like Kazumo still didn't know about Master being labelled to as a traitor.'
Ringo thought looking down.

She then stood up as she leave while Kazumo just watch her do so.

"Maybe Ringo-san's still tired." Kazumo mumbled to herself before she goes back to sleeping too.

Ringo's now walking on the corridor as she enter Kazumi's office. She looked at the box on her desk and opened it. There showed three syringes with medicine in each of them. She then took one of them.

'Sorry Kazumo.... but upon Master's orders, I have to.'
Ringo thought as she close the box and got out of the room.

     It's now time for lunch and Ringo's now holding a tray of food to Kazumi's room. She entered and saw Kazumo sleeping the usual. Take's also taking a nap in his basket.

"Lunch is ready, you should eat." Ringo said as she place the tray down the table.

"Thank you." Kazumo replied waking up as she sat up.

Ringo stayed waiting for her to finish her meal. As Kazumo finished eating, she drank her tea that's been put aside. Just then, several minutes later, she felt dizzy as she fell limply on the mat.

"Tell Master I've finished up the task." Ringo said as she look at Take.

Take opened his eyes and looked at Kazumo then to Ringo before she opened the doors for him to fly out. She then walked towards Kazumo's unconcious body as she fix it and wrap her up with a blanket.


     The night has fallen down again as Kagaya's in his room reading peacefully. As he turn the page, he looked outside on the veranda where Kazumi usually appear. He just sighed seeing no one as he continue to read.

"Expecting me?" A sudden voice asked startling him.

He looked back outside seeing Kazumi as his eyes widen. Her wavy hair now reaching the ground as she's wearing a black oversized haori reaching down the ground too, a dark red kimono and black hakama pants with a black snake wrapped around her right arm with yellow eyes. Her eye's covered with her hair, only the right eye with a green color can be seen with a slit pupil.

"Ka.... Kazumi." Kagaya stuttered dropping his book. Beads of cold sweat formed in his forehead and back.

Kazumi then stepped inside as she stand right in front of Kagaya. Her cold eyes staring right at his fearful ones. A smile no longer in her face.

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