Chapter 91: Fake

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     Kazumi's now at her brother's place again for a visit. She hasn't visited for two weeks straight as the slayers, especially the Pillars, have become busier lately due to the loss of Sora and they still don't have anyone as replacement. As she walk to Muzan's room, Misayo appeared yet again going to the same room.

"Will you look at that. Two weeks passed without me seeing you at all." She said.

".... Me too. Now excuse me." Kazumi turned around about to walk away again and take another way to Muzan's room.

Misayo then looked at the maid beside her as the maid ran towards Kazumi and grabbed her right arm making her face them back. Misayo then walked forward as she slap Kazumi's right cheek. She just chuckled as she touch her cheek and face Misayo again.

"You dare push me off the veranda before and now you're turning your back from me? How disrespectful. I bet your mother never taught you proper manners. I bet she's just as disrespectful as you are seeing how you act."

"Don't mention someone who's not suppose to be mentioned milady. Slap me all you want but I beg of you, please don't talk down to my mother like that."

"Hah. Are you offended? It's such a shame then. I wonder how your mother raised a child who has no morale at all."

'Oh, how I wanted to tell her that I'm not a mirror for her to describe herself in front of me.'

Kazumi remained silent as she just smiled and sighed shaking her head lightly. She clicked her tongue.

"What? Are you speechless? Well you should be. Disrespecting me is like disrespecting the Kibutsuji family as a whole. As you can see, I'm the one and only remaining family of the current head of this place. You better know your place, bastard."

"If I'm a bastard then aren't you a bitch. No, whore sounds better."

Misayo then slapped her left cheek and then her right again. Kazumi just let out a small laugh as she raise her head again as the maid's still holding her right arm. She just smiled again.

"How dare you insult me!"

"You did it first."

"Drag that trash."

Another maid then went to grab her left arm as the maids pull her following after Misayo. Kazumi let them be as she follow them. They all ended up entering Misayo's room as her maids remain outside the door while the other two who are holding Kazumi are the only maids inside her room.

"You're really getting into my nerves. I hate it when someone talks back to me."

"Just who is your mother that you ended growing up as a fake?"

"How disrespectful! Your audacity to harm lady Misayo and now taint her mother's name!" The maid to her right pinched her arm.

"If there's someone who's fake here, that'll be you! You're ruining lady Misayo's name!" The maid to her left grabbed her hair by her ponytail.

Misayo smiled at how her maids pinch and pull Kazumi's hair as she didn't do anything to them. Misayo enjoyed watching until the maids stopped.

"Of course, who else would be my mother. Me and nii-sama only have the same one, her name's Kibutsuji Hanare. My mother who raised me with utmost grace, knowledge, and elegance."

"HEY BITCH! I SWEAR IF I ONLY SAW YOU I WOULD EAT YOU! YOU'LL BE THE VERY FIRST HUMAN I'LL EAT! I NEVER HAD A DAUGHTER LIKE YOU! HOW DARE YOU HURT MI-CHAN!" Hanare yelled in anger and annoyance as her eyes glow a bright threatening red color.

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