Chapter 100: The One Behind

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     As their scene changed again, they saw Kazumi walking to Muzan's room again with Nakime wearing a proper kimono following behind her. This time, Kazumi has gone a bit taller. From her five feet height to five feet and three inches. The doors behind them closed as they enter.

"Hello! Long time no—" She got cut off from greeting her brother when he tackled her down the floor hugging her.

Nakime sweatdropped stepping aside looking at them.

"Now, now. Don't cry as if I've been gone for a long time. Besides, I heard your illness has gotten worst." Kazumi said as she pat his head and back while he bury his face on her chest.

"Shut up! One year straight of not seeing you here is a long time! One! Year!" He replied looking at her with his teary eyes before burying his face back on her chest again.

'Mother.... I don't remember you telling me that you raised a crybaby.'

The slayers stiffled in their laughter at her thought as they watch them. To see the so called 'progenirator of demons' of their timeline cry and act childish more than his own younger sister.

After a while, the two are now sitting up as Muzan locked his left arm with hers as she sit right beside him while Nakime sit in front.

"So you're telling me, Nakime's gonna be my personal maid? I mean attendant? Or.... ugh! Whatever."

"Yes, since it kinda bothers me when I heard rumours of Tsukika-san coming here more often this past year when I was gone. I feel there might be something wrong."

"I see. Then it's nice to meet you Nakime."

"The same goes for me Kibutsuji-sama." Nakime replied as she bow her head a little.

"How's Misayo?" Kazumi asked.

"Well, she's still the same. She became even more annoyingly close to me when she noticed you haven't been visiting. It became even more annoying since that Tsukika would join her." Muzan answered looking uncomfortable as he remember all those.

After a while of staying there, Kazumi and Nakime walked around the estate for her to be familiarized with it as the sun starts to set.

"This place is quite huge. I might even get lost." Nakime complimented as she follow Kazumi.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Besides, I think you'll just be staying inside or outside his room most of the time."

By that, they eneded up outside the side of Misayo's room where no attendant is present. She stopped as she heard her and Tsukika talking. Nakime could also slightly hear them as the corridor's silent and only their voice from the inside can be slightly heard.

"That Kazumi could really be the one to ruin our plans. Thankfully, she hasn't been visiting here." Tsukika said.

"But mother, she just came today. I heard it from one of the guards, she even has with her a companion. What if that lady would get in the way too." Misayo replied that made Nakime gasped as she cover her mouth.

"Go back to nii-san's room. And don't tell him anything." She whispered as Nakime nodded and silently walked away as Kazumi stayed behind to listen further.

"Just when I thought everything would go smoothly with Hanare's death, a brat would show up out of nowhere and be closer to him. Just who is she? That damn Kazumi."

'Tsukika-san.... knows about mother's death?'

"Mother, Kazumi and Hanare-san seemed so close. Kazumi got angry when I mentioned Hanare-san to be my mother back then. What do you think? Do you think she knows Hanare-san's death?"

"If she does, we'll have to keep her away from Muzan and the rest. Who knows, what if she does something that'll ruin us?"

Despite hearing those words, Kazumi remained calm as she listen even more. She stayed put not even knowing that her brother's already a few steps away behind her.

"Mother, didn't you tell me that Hanare-san's child, nii-sama's younger sibling, was never confirmed dead?"

"If you're trying to say it's Kazumi, that wouldn't be possible. Hanare and her husband doesn't have such hair color and it was said that Haru found her as a beggar at a village while doing his mission. He also told us that she's an orphan so she can't be."

'Even Haru-san, lied about my background just to keep me safe.'

"Besides, no one knows about the truth behind Hanare's death. Not even the Grand Elder himself nor Muzan. As long as it's only between us, we're safe. That includes the death of Muzan's father and yours."

"But mother, what if that Kazumi did help nii-sama look for the ones behind their deaths? What'll we do if we get caught?"

Just then, she felt a pair of familiar hands cover her ears. They could see Muzan having a sad expression on his face as he looked down at his sister. He shortly held her hand hand as they walk away holding each other's hands side by side. As they do, Kazumi could feel Muzan's hand hold hers tighter.

"Do you.... know about all that?" Kazumi asked as they walk on the empty corridor.


"So, it turns out you also chose to suffer by yourself."

".... Yes."

They walked out of the garden as Muzan led her to the tree they would usually go to and sit under it. Despite reaching that place and sitting down, he didn't let go of her hand.


"Because I know, that telling the truth would only ruin the relationship of both families that they all worked hard for. It'll only ruin, the relationship the two families built for years."

"It's not only about the families. You're most concerned about our mother. I'm sure your main reason is, because it'll ruin our mother's hardwork."

".... Yes."

The two stayed silent as the skies became darker. As the deafening silence grew more around them, Kazumi sighed.

"Nii-san, what would you do.... if I die?"

Muzan stayed silent as he look at his sister. He held her hand tighter as he look down.

"I'd probably, lose myself. If you die, then I suppose I'll die out of grief and if not, then I might just end up getting crazy. Back to when you stopped visiting, I always think about you. It scares me to think that I might just suddenly receive a letter or announcement of you being dead. Especially when I heard about Mabuta Hiro's death months ago, it made me scared to the point that I would pray so many times, day and night begging to the gods to keep you safe."

"Is that so? Seems like I'm really lucky to have you as my brother." She smiled at him as she face up.

Just as their scene changed again, they saw Kazumi with Riku walking on the road as an old man greeted her who looks like to be heading back to his place.

"Wait, sir. Aren't you the doctor I hired to go to the Kibutsuji Estate?" She said facing him.

"I am. But when I arrived there, they told me there's already a doctor there to give him medicine so I'm just about to go back to my place."

"Wait, what? A doctor? I don't remember talking to anyone other than you."

"Oh well, the guards told me it was the new doctor hired by a lady named Tsukika. They also informed me that that doctor will be the one to give the young lord medicine."

His words seemed to have pulled the air right out of Kazumi as she thank him while running away fast towards the Kibutsuji Estate.

'No, no. I don't have a very good feeling about this.'

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