Chapter 108: Curse

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     Dusts and soil filled the air together with the stench of blood from the demons. Several trees and even the ground got cut as they all watch while Yuki and Etsudo managed to wake up now too. All they could see is the shadow of someone cutting the demons down with such swift moves.

"Come on, I'm still half serious yet it seems to me like you're slowing down already." Kazumi smirked.

The demons being formed down the foot of the monster slowed down as she kept cutting them. More shadows came after her as it managed to scratch Kazumi's left thigh before she cut it.

"If she's that powerful.... then why? Why did she die? Why does she have to kill Muzan? She's such a powerful swordswoman, so why?" Tanjiro kept asking facing Hanare.

"Even strong people have their own burdens. Being strong doesn't mean being capable of whatever that person does. They all have their own ups and downs which they're too talented to hide from the outside world. That little girl, who's supposed to be reading or having fun with others her own age fought to survive. Took the blame of something she hasn't done. Killed that one family she have in order to save many. That girl.... who died with many people hating on her for the mistake she never did, for the blame she took. Is that same person you're calling strong and talented." Hanare answered as she kept her eyes on her daughter.

Just then, they saw Kazumi jump up as she swung her sword.

'Frost Breathing, first form: Frozen Scythe Cut; ....'

She swung her sword from her left to her right forming a massive crescent shaped slash that reached the monster giving it a huge slash on its front as many of its demons got caught too.

'.... Crescent Moon.'

She landed down on one of the shadows coming to her from below as she run on it and jumped from one shadow tentacle to another before jumping up slashing more shadows around her as she land on the ground. Upon landing, she put herself in a stance as she took a breath out.

'Frost Breathing, first form: Frozen Scythe Cut; ....'

The monster formed a number of huge sized demons much bigger than the normal ones as they all surround her. When Shinjitsu thought he finally got her as he smirk, he felt a sudden chill down his spine.

'.... Full Moon.'

She twisted her body forming a 360° slash around her cutting all the demons surrounding her in half killing them in the process. All the demons around her, front to back and left to right, were all cut and died. She then sprinted towards him and up sending him multiple deep and fatal slashes that he can't even regenerate that fast. He felt as if his cells went frozen preventing it from multiplying to regenerate.

He stopped forming demons as he controlled all his shadows chasing after her but she kept on slashing and dodging each and everyone of it.

"Blood Demon Art: ...."

The shadows enveloped Kazumi trapping her in a sphere as he formed spikes in there.

".... Torture Coffin."

Instead of getting stabbed, his sphere of shadows broke as there emerged out Kazumi with scratches all over her body as she jump high in the air landing from one shadow tentacle to another until she's a bit above him holding her sword.

'Frost Breathing, second form: Snowfall; ....'

She swung her sword down at him in a single slash but released multiple powerful slashes. He screamed in pain as her attack not only deeply slashed him but also chopped off his limbs and the monster. His blood bursted out from his wounds as the monster started to fall down the ground and so is she.

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