Chapter 37: Clothes

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     Kagaya's mouth just went agape upon hearing Kazumi's answer. He couldn't process the sudden words he just heard as he just stared at her. As she pull her hand back about to leave, Kagaya grabbed her wrist stopping her.

".... How?" Kagaya asked.

"Maybe tomorrow night. Come to my place as that's the only place you can meet my new friends. There, I'll answer your question further." Kazumi answered as Kagaya slowly let go of her wrist.
"May you have a peaceful rest."

Just as that, she walked out of the veranda and vanished. Not even a trace of her left as if she never came at all. Kagaya sat there silent as he stare outside.

"But, who could do such a thing?.... It can't be.... don't tell me it was Kazumi-sama's doing." Kagaya muttered to himself as he look down.

'If she is indeed the one who killed him, how could she ever possibly do that all alone.'

     As Kazumi came back to her estate, she saw a slayer on his way to her place with the same man she just hit this morning. She watched as she saw them stop in front of the gate.

"Are you sure this is the place? This was where you were beaten?" The slayer asked.

"Yes! I can't be wrong at all! This is that child's place!" The man replied.

"Alright then, we'll teach that kid a lesson." The slayer proudly replied as he knocked on the gate.

As the gates opened, he saw a man wearing a kakushi uniform. His eyes widened as he suddenly sweat coldly.

"You again?! Do you really wanna die that bad?!" Uyeda exclaimed as he cross his arms and look at the man.

"Shut up! My friend here is a slayer! He'll teach that kid a lesson!" The man replied.

'If a kakushi's here, that only means... a Pillar's here.'
The slayer thought.

"Are you really a kakushi or are you just pretending?" The slayer asked.

"Are you dumb? Do you think the corps would give this uniform as a joke? How stupid are you?" Uyeda replied.

"Come on! Let's go inside! The kid's there!" The man said tugging his friend's right sleeve.

"Tell me, what does that kid look like?" The slayer asked looking at his friend.

"A short kid with an ash-gray hair with black tips and eyes of the opposite color."

'Shit! His description just matches the Pillar assigned for us to find a few days ago.... no.... or yes.... DON'T TELL ME HE MESSED UP WITH A PILLAR!!!'
The slayer freaked out in his mind as he sweat bullets.

"Hey stupid, you're shaking while sweating. Have you realized the person your friend messed up with?" Uyeda asked as he raise an eye brow.

"D-Don't tell me.... the person residing here is...." The slayer stuttered.

"Yes, Azakura Kazumi-sama. Your friend messed up with the wrong person." Uyeda said.

"Let's go, let's go back now." The slayer grabbed his friend's left arm pulling him away.

"What?! No way! That's just a kid! What're you so afraid of?!"

"She's a Pillar for god's sake! Just facing one would make me almost fall on my knees in fear! So shut it and let's go!"

"What the hell are you talking about? What's a Pillar? Aren't you a slayer?"

"A Pillar are those slayers stronger than the rest. They're the highest of all ranks as they're the strongest. And that kid you were talking about is the Frost Pillar, Azakura Kazumi-sama! A search has been ordered to us a few days ago as she went missing without any trace! And now that she's back you messed up with her!" The slayer explained.

The man stood there frozen in shock from everything he just heard from his friend. Just as they're about to walk away, Kazumi showed up smiling at them. The slayer gulped down as his friend hid behind him trembling in fear.

"A-Azakura-sama.... my friend's wrong, please.... please spare us." The slayer begged.

"Well.... I heard everything, sure I'll spare you two. On one condition." Kazumi replied lifting up her right index finger.
"Don't tell the other slayers especially any other Pillars you encounter about me coming back or else.... I'm afraid I'll hunt you and your friend down for even daring to come back to my place after what he did." She continued in a cold tone.

The two just nodded their heads as Kazumi step aside and watch the two run away. She just smiled again as she walk back to her place as if nothing happened. As she vanish from in front of the gate and appear in front of her room, she already knew what's happening inside. As she slide open her doors, she saw the upper moons. They all stopped as they look at her.

Douma's holding her newly washed yukata sniffing it as Akaza's holding the other end trying to take it away from him. Daki's wearing her other yukata while Gyuutaro's helping her tie the ribbon around her waist. Kokushibou's sitting at the corner admiring her sword that's out of the scabbard while Nakime's just at the other corner sitting as she watch them. She's the good girl as always.

'What in the gods name is happening?'
Kazumi thought still smiling as she tilt her head a little to the side.

The upper moons all blushed madly seeing her except for Gyuutaro and Nakime. Their faces turned red like tomatoes in an instant.

"Ka-Kazumi-sama! It's not what you think! I'm not being a pervert!" Douma blurted out.

'Well..... I'm not thinking about anything like that at all.'

"I swear we didn't tear any of your clothes!" Akaza let go of her yukata.

Daki stayed silent as she can't form any words out of embarrassment. Kokushibou instantly put her sword back to its scabbard and looked the other way.

"We're glad you're back, Kazumi-sama." Nakime greeted walking closer.

"Yes.... um.... is there something wrong with my clothes?" She asked dot eyed looking at them.

'Why so cute!!!'
The upper moons thought as they all look away.

'Seriously.... why are they so embarrassed? Did I do something?'
Kazumi thought again.

Despite her smile, she's confused on the inside. Even when the answer why they're embarrassed is already obvious, she's dense.

"It's alright, I'm not angry about you guys trying my clothes on. You can try them as long as you don't tear or dirty them up." Kazumi said giving them a closed eyed smile.

'That's not it!!!'
Nakime exclaimed in her mind as they all heard someone falling down the floor.

It turns out to be Douma with a red face as steam come out of his head.

"He's dead, his body didn't get a hold of such a sight." Akaza mumbled out.
"Just a little more and I'll pass out too."

"What sight? Dead? Is he alright? Are you guys alright?"

..... And the upper moons passed out as Nakime remained the only one standing. The only survivor.

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