Chapter 36: Apologies

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     The Pillars are now on their way towards the Frost Estate after hearing what happened to Ringo. It has been announced how she defeated Tatsu all by herself as she ended up badly injured. As they reach the estate, they entered the gate and saw Uyeda who just finished sweeping. He looked so surprised upon seeing them that he instantly let go of the broom he's holding and ran inside.

"Wait, Uyeda-san!" Shinobu called as she watch him run away.

"Are we that scary?" Tengen sweatdropped.

'There's no way they're here, they still don't know that Master's back!'
He freaked out in his mind.

"Uyeda-san, what's wrong?" Mei asked as she grab Uyeda's right arm.

"Hurry and go to Master, the Pillars are here! They're all here!" Uyeda instantly answered.

Mei then ran towards the direction of Kazumi's room as Uyeda looked for his son and called him. He told his son to be the one to accompany the Pillars as he also don't know about Kazumi already being back to the estate and so they'll believe him if ever they ask about her.

"Is there something wrong?" Satoshi asked as he walk out.

"We came here to see Ringo-san, our crows notified us about her being severely injured after a battle." Yuichiro answered.

"Please follow me." Satoshi said as he let them in.

As they walk towards a certain room, they saw Nahori come out holding a tray of medicines. She then slightly bowed her head at them.

"Don't worry, you can see her in as she's still unconscious." Nahori said as she walk away.

They entered the room with Satoshi leading them in. They all can see how she's wrapped up in bandages like a mummy and lying motionless on her bed with IV tubes connected on her arms. Although Gyomei can't see it, he know she's in a very bad shape.

"Thankfully, she didn't lose her life. Just what would Kazumi-sama think and feel when she's back hearing Ringo-san dead." Yuichiro said as he look sadly at Ringo.

"It's surprising how she was able to defeat Tatsu when back then, Muichiro-kun and I just ended up injured together with Tanjiro-kun and Genya-kun." Mitsuri praised.

"Right, yet she have done it all by herself." Muichiro agreed.

Just then, they heard some scratching noises from Shinobu's box. Seems like even Kanae wanted to get out and take a look. They closed the windows and covered it with the curtains doubling it with Himejima's hapi and Giyu's haori. Kanae came out growing in her original size as she walk and stand beside Ringo's bed.

"She must've endured such painful injuries during their fight. It's a miracle she didn't die from these." Kanae said as she gently touch Ringo's right shoulder.

While she was staying at the hidden estate, Ringo would sometimes visit there to check on her and Yuichiro as she also spend a little bit of time with them. It's usually Kanae she's spending time with as Yuichiro would go out on missions. She also participated in training Yuichiro back then while Kazumi's out doing her own duties at the Frost estate even when she was not yet a Pillar. Ringo's like an older sister to the both of them.

     Right now, Kazumi's having a stroll in the forest with Take as she got notified about the Pillars coming as she sensed them too. That includes two familiar auras that aren't suppose to be with them. She already knew it as the three demons told her about Ringo already revealing to them about Kanae and Yuichiro. As she sat beside the river, she saw a fox coming towards her with her cubs from the bushes.

"Ara~, good morning Momo. Sorry if I didn't come to visit these past few days." She greeted the fox.

A fox she saved from a trap in that same forest that she later on named Momo. Turns out during that time, the fox was pregnant and now have healthy cubs after being saved by Kazumi. The fox came towards her together with its three cubs.

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