Character Info😌

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🐷: *rereads the previous chapter for the 100th time* Are you f*cking serious?

👤: What?

🐷: You're kidding me.

👤: What do you mean?!

🐷: Look at this! You put Kyojuro as the one who asked Hideshi to marry her! And here I thought it was one of the twins! Look! LOOK!

👤: Well.... that's better than putting Tengen--


👤: Whaaat? But it's true. Besides, it's not an official ship, Kazumi died anyway. And also, don't they marry some young girls to men way older than them back then? Kyojuro's 20 so.... um.... eight years age gap isn't that much.... *sweatdrop*....

🐷: ....

Readers: ....

🐷: F*ck you. You better make a ship in book three you moron! She's the f*cking mc but she ended up with no one! NO ONE! *throws things at author-san*

👤: NO! THERE WILL BE NO BOOK THREE! *hides from behind the couch not to get hit*

🐷: *chases Dark-san around the house while holding a frying pan*

Here's Kazumi's Info now!

Here's Kazumi's Info now!

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Name: Azakura Kazumi

Gender: Female

Age: 12 years old

Birthdate: September 11 (9/11)

Height: 5'0 ft/ 150 cm

Hair color: Ash-gray with Black tips

Eye color: Dark-green (right), Dark-violet (left)

Occupation: Demon Slayer
Rank: Pillar (Frost Pillar)

- Miyuki (deceased mother)
- Tetsuya (father)
- Toshino (2nd mother/ her father's 1st wife)
- Tomoe (half-older-brother)
- Shu (half-older-brother)
- Suzuki (half-older-brother)
- Touya (half-older-brother)
- Kano (deceased adoptive brother)
- Haruna (deceased adoptive sister)

- She wears a typical demon slayer uniform with a dark-red tint and silver buttons which is also quite oversized making her body look big and plump when it's only the effect of her clothes.

- She has poison in her system due to being experimented on when she was young. She started receiving poison ever since she was five until she was eight. This caused her to have a pale complexion and also for her health to slowly deteriorate. Also a reason why she can kill demons with only her blood. This also made her immune to poisons but the poison in her system is stronger.

- Due to torture she had ever since she was young, her body slowly forgot to sleep as she just took naps that lasts for one hour or less. This gave her more time to work on medicines, poisons, reports, and her plans. But also made her body even more exhausted and stunted her growth.

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