Chapter 131: Final Test

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     As they kept on crying in that void seeing the siblings disappear, Kagaya faced Hanare as he held on to her sleeve. She looked down just to see him bowing down at her.

"Please Hanare-sama.... is there a way.... is there a way for us to go back?" He asked as he look up to her with his tear covered face.

"What are you—"

"Please! I'm begging you! Please...." He begged as he bowed down again, his head touching the ground as both his hands clutch on tightly to the hem of her haori.
".... Please.... we'd like to go back. Can you.... perhaps let us go back in time?"

"Idiot! If that happened everything my daughter had done would go to waste!" She exclaimed that made him flinch but didn't lift his head up.
"Even if I am a demon who can do that, I'm already dead. A deceased demon can't change timelines."

"Then please help us! Please grant us our wish!" Muichiro pleaded bowing behind Kagaya.
"That if we get reincarnated in the future.... please.... please let us remember her and this past."

"I still can't." Hanare coldly answered.

She then watched as everyone did the same as Kagaya and Muichiro bowing down in front of her. Bowing so low as to beg to her. But as this thing happen, their sight all turned black as their eyes shot open back in reality as they all jolt up from the floor. Tamayo and Yushiro who came to visit, and Kagaya's children all looked startled at it as they shortly looked confused when the ones who just woke up started crying. They cried as Kai and Fujikase watch them do so with such an expressionless face while Aoki has his back turned from them as he sit outside on the veranda.

"Seems like everyone's back." A voice said that made them look to their side.

This time, they saw Kazumi's grandfather standing before them as he look at them with his red plum eyes. Even the three demons looked so surprised seeing him in that room with them.

"With how much anger my daughter has for everyone of you, surely, she won't grant any of your requests even if she can." He said putting his arms behind him.
"But knowing your wishes concerns my dear granddaughter, I came here myself."

"How? Isn't Hanare-sama dead?" Kagaya asked.

"She is. But I sensed her power here in the human realm still. I connected myself to it for a short while and heard everyone's plea." He answered taking out a black straw doll from his sleeve and putting it down the floor.

He clapped his hands twice as black mists came out of nowhere all going into the straw doll. The doll shortly transformed into Hanare as she click her tongue in annoyance seeing them.

"Ugh! Come on! I thought it's over already!" Hanare faced her father behind her.

"Calm down my daughter. I just wanted you to decide for them."

"If it is to bring back time or let them reincarnate with their past memories, no! My answer's never! They let my daughter suffer so let them forget and not see her ever again!"

Hearing her just made them start crying again. She looked at them in disbelief as even Tamayo and Yushiro started to cry.

"Stop crying and listen to me." The grandfather sternly said as they all look at him.

"On what matter is Master's grandfather here for?" Take or precisely, Riku in an owl form, asked flying in as he transform into his demon form upon landing inside.

"Well, just here to do something important."

"I know Master's passing hurts but please, do respect her wishes and her deeds. She has been through much more than enough."

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