Chapter 24: Journal (pt. 2)

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"Master's really amazing! Just now, Master found out that I'm writing when he can't even see because of his blindfold! He told me that, if ever I wanted to write my day with him, I shouldn't write his name and keep his identity a secret. Why? Cause he said whoever reads this would get curious who Master is. That's really a very wonderful idea! I really hope in the future I'll have some descendants and have one of them read this journal of mine on the very least. I wonder if Master would be able to see me have one."

'Huh?! Nooooo!'
Kyojuro internally screamed.
'I really wanna know who's Toshiaki-sama's Master! Toshiaki-sama you got me good.'
Animated tears showed on his face as he continue to read.

"Today I went to a nearby river with Yoriichi. He's really calm and reserve yet the both of us are just the same age. I always end up starting the conversation but, I don't regret that at all. It's honestly kinda wonderful having him as a friend! He's really good with holding a sword but his skills are still no match against Master. I do hope our friendship would last long."

"Yoriichi? Does he mean Tsugikuni Yoriichi?! The user of the Breath of the Sun God?!" Kyojuro muttered out at his self as he kept on reading.

He didn't even notice that it's slowly getting dark as he's so indulge at reading his ancestor's journal.

"RENGOKU KYOJURO! YOU GOT A MISSION! STOP READING!!!" His crow yelled startling him.

He sweatdropped as he let out a chuckle and put the book back in his satchel. He then looked at his haori before running towards his destination. As soon as he arrived, he looked around to find any demons nearby. He managed to find it and killed it in one swift move. By the time the demon disintegrated, he sat outside a house with a lamp on as he continue to read without anyone even noticing him as it's already night.

'I hope that's the last one! I really wanna finish this!'
Kyojuro thought as he open the journal again and start reading.

"Today, Yoriichi fell into the river with me when we tried to play on the stone path. We didn't expect it to be that slippery! We both came back wet as Master laughed at us before ruffling our hair into a mess. I pouted but I honestly like it. I saw Yoriichi smile. Seems like he only expresses himself more towards Master. But at least he knows how to express his self even just a bit."

Kyojuro just chuckled as he read it.

"Nishiki-sama came to visit here at the estate yesterday. I never expected Master to be Nishiki-sama's teacher and friend! It's so shocking that I went speechless! Nishiki-sama's an Ubuyashiki, the future head of the corps and Master's teaching him! Although it feels kinda weird since Master's younger than us, I feel so embarassed. But I really praise him and admire him!"

'Huh?! The Master's younger than Toshiaki-sama, Yoriichi-sama, and Nishiki-sama?! Unbelievable!'
Kyojuro exclaimed in his mind as he's so shocked and even pulled the book closer to his face.


On the other hand, Kagaya's still reading Nishiki's journal too as he try to find out what the key is for and what's placed underground that trap door. He told Amane to keep the room unattanded for a while and not to let anyone enter. They still haven't moved back the shelf so the trap door can clearly be seen once a person enters the room. He still don't want anyone to enter and see what's underground as he fears that something important must've been placed in there. He told the two kakushis not to tell it to anyone and keep it to theirselves which the two agreed and shut their mouths.

'Still nothing.'
Kagaya thought as he sighed and looked at the other journal he just finished before looking back to the one he's currently reading.

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