Chapter 14: Run Away

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Tatsu charged at them all in an instant. He attacked Genya first shoving him down the ground before throwing him making his back hit several trees as he spit out some blood. He then attacked Nezuko who's already reaching her limit, he punched her on the gut sending her flying towards Tanjiro's direction. He managed to catch his sister while receiving the impact of her being thrown in exchange as his back hit a tree making him spit out blood.

"Mist Breathing, first form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze."

Muichiro then charged towards him as their surrounding got covered in mist again in an attempt to send Tatsu a straightforward thrust attack, as he do so, Tatsu caught his blade.

"Let mee see how you'll react seeing your blade be broken to pieces." Tatsu said as he held onto it tighter.

As Muichiro's blade is about to crack, Mitsuri intervened from above.

"Love Breathing, third form: Catlove Shower!"

She sent him a series of ranged arc attacks which manage to slice through his scales. He then caught her blade as he pull it making her fall down on her stomach.

"This is tiring." Tatsu muttered out as he's about to stomp on her head.

Genya then took out his gun as he shot his leg stopping him and head before dashing towards him from his right side tackling him down the ground. Nezuko then grabbed the blade of Tanjiro as she let her hands bleed on it.

"Nezuko! What're you doing?!" Tanjiro exclaimed.

Right after that, his blade got wrapped up in fire because of her blood. Her blood turned Tanjiro's sword into a red color. This will make the impact of his attack stronger. Tanjiro then looked at Muichiro as the two nodded at each other then to Mitsuri who stood up and nodded too. Tatsu then noticed the mist has gotten thicker.

"Again with the same attack." Tatsu said as he look around him.

"SHUT UP!!!" Genya shouted at him grabbing his left arm.


"If I can't cut you with a sword then I'll rip your arm off." Genya muttered out.

Genya then pulled harder as Muichiro came closer.

"Mist Breathing, sixth form: Moonlit Mist."

He leapt up high in the air as he sends a series of countless ranged slashes down his opponent. As his slashes reach Tatsu, Genya managed to tear his left arm off.

"Love Breathing, fifth form: Swaying Love-Wildclaw!"

She somersaulted backwards through the air as she creates a long whiplike strings of slashes towards her opponent. As Tatsu regenerated his slash wounds, his left arm has only regenerated mid-way yet it was cut off again as he again received numerous slashes from Mitsuri. He then felt a sword coiled around his neck. As he look behind, Mitsuri's holding her sword as she pull it while Tatsu's holding onto it with his right hand.

"Hinokami Kagura: Clear Blue Sky!"

Tanjiro charged towards him as he grit his teeth.

'No, it won't work. My scales are too hard for his sword to cut.'
Tatsu thought as he used his left arm that has newly regenrated to block it.

Tanjiro then jumped at him as he spins his body vertically creating a 360° slash. Because of Nezuko's blood on his sword, this helped his attack be stronger and cut his arm. He then striked his blade again on Tatsu's neck. Tatsu felt the burning sensation inside as Tanjiro's sword slowly cut his neck a little and also Nezuko's blood on Tanjiro's sword burning him makes it harder for him to regenerate.

"Even if you try so hard you won't cut me! Just give it up!" Tatsu exclaimed as his left arm regenerated in an attempt to stab Tanjiro.

"Never! We will never stop! You have to pay for everything that you've done! For devouring countless innocent human lives!" Tanjiro replied.

Genya then came again as he hold his left arm stopping him. He decided to use his right letting go of Mitsuri's sword but Muichiro dashed forward stabbing it stopping him from moving his right.

"Kanroji-san! Tanjiro! Cut him!" Muichiro exclaimed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!" Tanjiro let out a yell as he pour out all his remaining energy.

As this happens, the scar on his forehead changed. His scar has turned into a mark that took the form of flames. He gritted his teeth as Mitsuri let out a battle cry too pulling her sword harder. Tatsu could feel his scales slowly breaking as their blades slowly cut through them and into his neck.

Tatsu thought as he grit his teeth in anger.

The ground then started shaking again as he screamed and at the same time, dragons came out of the ground again pushing everyone away from him. Mitsuri rolled on the ground, while the others had their backs hit some trees. Tanjiro's sword was left stuck on Tatsu's neck. As he's about to attack again, the sun has started rising up.

'The sun.... I have to go now.'
He thought as he grab Tanjiro's sword breaking it by stepping on it.

As he started running away, Tanjiro and the others went after him. He then jumped down the cliff followed by Tanjiro and Nezuko while the rest stopped, especially Genya who's still in his demon form. As they land on the grassy plain, the sunlight started burning Nezuko.

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro called as he ran back towards his sister.

Just as that happens, Kotetsu came holding the sword that Haganezuka's refining, the rusty sword that was now cleaned.

"GIVE IT BACK! I'M STILL NOT YET FINISHED!" Haganezuka yelled as Kanamori held him down.

"Give this to him!" Kotetsu threw the sword towards Muichiro.

"Tanjiro!" Muichiro called out as he threw it towards Tanjiro.

The sword landed on the ground as Tanjiro grabbed it and covered Nezuko.

"Shrink! Get smaller so I can cover you! Get smaller! Please! Nezuko!" He exclaimed, fear and worry patched on his face.

As Tatsu's getting further he looked back to see the two siblings. Nezuko then kicked Tanjiro away as to send him towards Tatsu. Tanjiro landed on the ground as he understood what the kick was for. He turned around as he dashed towards Tatsu. He concentrated as he breathe and put all of his strength in his legs.

'Concentrate! Don't lose! I have to cut his head off!!!'
Tanjiro exclaimed in his mind as he dashed forward faster than ever.

His speed was almost like that of Zenitsu's. He focused his breathing and his blood flow to his legs as he used it all at once. And in that move, he managed to reach Tatsu almost like the speed of lightning.

"Hinokami Kagura: Flash Dance!"

An advanced version of the 'Dance'. As he released all the strength he mustered in his legs, he went all the way to Tatsu assaulting him with a single slash. As his blade reach Tatsu and cut his neck, his head fell down the ground.

"YOU BRAT! THAT HURTS! I'LL MAKE SURE TO SEE YOU GUYS AGAIN! BY THAT TIME, I'LL KILL YOU GUYS!" Tatsu grumbled looking up to Tanjiro as his head's on the ground.

Tanjiro's eyes widened as he saw the body ran into the forest ignoring the other swordsmiths that was by chance, were behind the bushes. He again looked at the head as it turned into a rock and break. He started crying then as he look down.

'In order to behead him I have lose Nezuko. Yet I wasn't able to defeat him. Nezuko.... Nezuko....'
He thought as he kept on crying.

"Nezuko.... I'm sorry.... I...." Tanjiro muttered out.

The swordsmiths from behind the bushes then walked towards him as they comfort him. When they suddenly got surprised.

"Tanjiro-dono! Look! Look! Your sister.... your sister is alive!"

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