Chapter 39: Former Upper Moons

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     Kagaya and Amane are  now on their way to Kazumi's place. He's really curious as to what Kazumi might be talking about her new friends that he even forgot checking the chest box he's been wanting to see. As they reach her place, they were welcomed by a kakushi, Uyeda, as he led them to her room.

"Kazumi-sama, Oyakata-sama and his wife have come here to talk with you." Uyeda called from the other side of the shoji doors.

"Please come in." Kazumi replied.

Uyeda opened the doors for the couple as he close it for them after they enter and leave. No one's around her room now as everyone's already resting.

"Seems like everyone's early to take a rest." Kagaya said as Kazumi hand him and Amane some tea.

"We didn't have any patients admitted here for the past few days so yes, they're resting earlier than usual." Kazumi replied as she take a sip.
"How's their training?"

"Everyone's doing a great job. I visited them this morning as I take a look at their ways of training." Kagaya answered.

"That's very good then. I'm glad they're doing fine."

"How about Ringo-san?" Amane asked.

"Unfortunately, she's still unconscious until now. But I'm pretty sure she'll wake up tomorrow." Kazumi took a sip from her tea.
"Judging from the sound I can hear from her."

After a short silence as they enjoy their tea, Kagaya looked around her room as if observing something. He saw Take's basket empty.

"Did you sent him somewhere?" Kagaya asked as he look back at Kazumi.

"Yes. But he'll be back shortly." Kazumi answered.

Silence enveloped them for a while as Kagaya and Amane prepare theirselves to whatever Kazumi would show them as he can feel it wouldn't be that simple. She gave them time as she know that unlike her, there are things that are really hard to accept. Such as what she has done now that she'll show them.

"You said Muzan's dead. Is it possible that you were the one who killed him?" Kagaya asked.

"Yes, I am. It might be hard to believe but that's the truth."

"How about his upper moons? Weren't they suppose to help him?" Amane asked.

"They did, but I didn't kill them. That's why I called you two here."

"What do you mean Kazumi-sama? They're also a threat." Kagaya furrowed his eyebrows.

With that, Kazumi clapped her hands twice as her other doors open. The couple looked outside, in just a mere second, figures appeared on the veranda kneeling down in one knee with their heads down. Just like how the Pillars would bow in front of Kagaya. Kagaya and Amane's eyes widened in shock to see who they are.

"I present to the both of you, the former upper moons. Upper moon one, two, three, four, and six." Kazumi said.
"Upper moon one, Kokushibou, his human name was Tsugikuni Michikatsu. Upper moon two, Douma. Upper moon three, Akaza, his human name was Hakuji. Upper moon four, Nakime. Upper moon six, the siblings Gyuutaro and Daki, Daki's human name was Ume." She continued as she introduce them.

"This.... Kazumi-sama, you're supposed to be aware of what they've done and how they played a huge role of serving Muzan and killing the former Pillars and helping him. Even one of them was the one who nearly killed Rengoku Kyojuro, the current Flame Pillar." Kagaya frowned as he sweat coldly whilst Kazumi stayed calm and kept her smile.

"I know that this is a total shock for you and so it will be for everyone. I know it's hard for something like this to accept." Kazumi replied.

"But this is too much Kazumi-sama! For you to spare them who murdered countless innocent humans! This is considered unacceptable!" Amane exclaimed losing her composure.

"We all know we've done such things. We killed countless human lives for survival and power, even for fun. But please, don't get angry at Kazumi-sama." Kokushibou said as he kept his head down.

"If our death would mean for everyone of you not to hate her, then we'll all be more than willing to give ourselves up to the other Pillars and let them behead us as payment for what we had done." Douma said which is very much an unusual feat coming from him.

The couple almost couldn't believe of what they're hearing and what they're seeing. Kagaya just stood up as he walk towards Kazumi banging his hands on her desk.

"Do you think it's that easy for us to forgive like how you do?! Do you think something like this would make the slayers accept them?! Especially the Pillars?! Humans and demons are enemies!" He exclaimed gritting his teeth looking at her in the eye.

"I know that none of you would ever forgive them for what they've done. But how about us? They were humans too back then, what about the things we humans had done to the other demons out there before they even became one. Before they accepted to be turned into one? Aren't we all the same. Isn't humans and demons just the same side of the coin?" Kazumi said still in her calm tone.
"Aren't we humans much more considered as monsters than the demons?"

Her words left everyone speechless as the demons raise their heads up and look at her. They couldn't help but to tear up hearing what she just said, especially Daki and Akaza. Kagaya calmed down too as he sat down the tatami mat while his wife walk forward and kneel beside him.

"But this.... This isn't how it's supposedd to be. I'm sure the Pillars, whatever the reason is, they won't accept this. They'll never acccept this." Kagaya muttered out.

"I know that none of you would. Even if I were to try my hardest to convince everyone of you to accept them." Kazumi replied as she stand up and walk towards the tearing demons.
"It's up to you to decide for my fate, whether you'll give the Pillars the order to kill me and the upper moons or to spare me alongside these people." She continued with her back turned from Kagaya as she look up the night sky.

The night sky that only have stars decorating it making it beautiful despite the moon's absence. The cold wind of the night passing by, making the warmth of the afternoon long gone.

"Kazumi-sama.... are you really going to spare them?" Kagaya asked once again.

"I stand by my words as I make it true." Kazumi bluntly replied.

"I see." Kagaya sighed as he stand up with his wife beside him.

They then walked out of the room from the door leading to the inner corridor instead of the ones opened leading to the veranda, the door where him and his wife entered.

"I'll give you a month, on the very least, please use that time to reconsider your decisions. If you won't.... I'm afraid I have to tell this to the Pillars and let you be labeled as a traitor of the corps.... and let them go after you and the upper moons." Kagaya said with his back turned from her as he face the empty corridor, his tone no longer gentle but cold and threatening.
"I wish you a good night, Kazumi."

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