Chapter 112: Fates

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Kazumi's now in her room writing on a piece of paper that seemed like a letter to be sent. Just then, she heard a crashing sound from the front gate that made her get out and see it. Upon arriving, she saw Uyeda on the ground and Satoshi assisting him to sit up. There stood a group of five masculine tall men who forced theirselves in. They're all holding a weapon, three men holds an axe, and two are holding a shotgun.

"Master, we're sorry. We tried our best not to let them in." Uyeda apologized.

"Please don't be, are you alright." Kazumi walked closer to him as she look at his back while being assisted by Satoshi to stand.

"Hey kid!" A man pointed his gun on the back of her head.
"Tch! Are you really the owner of this place?"

"Yes, now please leave." She calmly answered facing them with a smile.

"Check inside and get everything valuable." One of them ordered as the three started walking in.

"Please don't enter. This is tresspassing."

"Shut up kid. I'll shoot your head once you walk to them." The same man who's pointing a gun at her threatened.

"Step a foot inside and this man pointing his gun at me is dead." Her smile disappeared as she look down.

Uyeda and Satoshi started to tremble as they step aside. The men just scoffed and laughed not taking her seriously and so, one of the three men stepped in. As soon as he did, they heard a gun shot and and a body falling on the ground. In just a blink of an eye, the one who's holding the shotgun now is Kazumi as the man who pointed it at her is now lying bloody on the ground with his head almost bursting into half as Kazumi shot him from his mouth. The other one attempted to shoot her but he also ended up on the ground on his knees as Kazumi's already pointing the gun on his mouth.

"That's murder...." Sakonji said crossing his arms.
"But it's quite valid for me."

Shinjuro nodded in agreement as the rest agreed too. After everything that they watched she had done, this is no different now.

"If you guys want to live, take his corpse and leave." She coldy said glaring down at him.

The three holding an axe immediately carried the man's corpse as they also pull the other one from the ground running out of her place frightened.

'What a bunch of cowards.'

Satoshi stepped forward as Kazumi handed him the gun and went back in. By the time she entered the door, their scene changed again showing her with a shorter hair now wearing a demon slayer corps uniform and her haori.

As she walk on the veranda of her hidden estate, she opened Kanae's doors just to see her back in her adult form sitting inside wrapped up in a blanket.

"Good afternoon Kocho-san. I'm glad you're back." She greeted her.

"Are you perhaps.... Azakura Kazumi-san?" Kanae asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry if it's a stranger you have to see now that you're back to your senses."

"Oh no, not at all. I'm glad to see you. I heard a lot about you from Yuichiro-kun and Masako-chan this morning when I woke up. They also mentioned how you're helping the corps too."

"I see, I'm glad then. Although, I have to say sorry since up until now, I still haven't started the medicine to turn you back into being a human. My schedule's always full." Kazumi scratched the back of her nape.

"Please don't apologize! Sparing me and keeping me here is more than enough. I could've died from the other slayers or demons if you left me wandering around outside."

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