Chapter 66: Chest Box

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The kakushis and slayers who are still in perfect condition helped the exhausted and injured ones to be taken to the Butterfly Estate. There, they all received proper medical care for their injuries and rooms to rest. The Pillars also decided to stay there to rest and wait until it's time for them to go back to their own places.

"I'm glad that everyone's back now." Kagaya said as he enter the room where all the Pillars have been put.

Their eyes widened as they all went to hug Kagaya.

"Waaah! Oyakata-sama! We're all so happy that you're finally awake!" Mitsuri cried.

"Oyakata-sama, we're all so scared. We thought that you'll never wake up." Muichiro looked at him with teary eyes.

Amane then shortly came in too as she smiled at them. Everyone's speechless seeing her alive and well that they hugged her too.

They cried as they talk to the couple. But after a short while of staying there, they have to go visit the others too.

After checking on the slayers, him and his wife are now walking back to their own estate.

"Do you think, it's now time to disband the corps?" Amane asked as she walk beside her husband.

"I do, everything has ended already after all. Muzan and Kazumi's dead. And I'm sure that those three won't cause any chaos. I also know that Tamayo-san and Yushiro would keep on helping people." Kagaya answered.

"Then why does it look like you're still bothered about something?"

"It seems like I've made it obvious to you, huh. I'm bothered by your explanation about Kazumi and the dream I had when I was asleep. I keep on wondering why would I be dreaming of such a thing."

The both of them then stopped walking as they both look ahead an empty path in front of them. As Kagaya stare a little more without moving his eyes to any directon, he saw someone with a black colored hair ending just below the shoulders wearing the same black kimono and a white haori fading to pink and purple as him, he recognized who it is immediately. It was none other than his ancestor again, Ubuyashiki Nishiki.

Kagaya's eyes widen in surprise as Nishiki just stood there with a sad expression but shortly showed a sad smile before turning around to walk away and disappear.

"Oyakata-sama." Amane called his name as she tap his right arm that made him come back to reality.

"I-Is there something wrong?" Kagaya asked.

"Do you need more rest? I called you many times but you remained silent and kept on staring in front of you."

"Sorry, maybe I really do need a rest."

The couple then continued to walk back to their place as Kagaya still think about what he just saw.

'Why does he look so sad?'

After less than a month of rest, the Pillars are now in the same meeting room together with Tanjiro as Nezuko's left with the others at the Butterfly Estate, she's finally human. Kanae and Yuichiro is with the Pillars in the room and also Shinjuro and Sakonji.

The day is beautiful and fine with the wind blowing the petals of the flowers around and the leaves as the sun shines brightly. Today would also be the last day of them being slayers, and the last time they'll be wearing their uniforms.

"I'm glad that everyone has come for our final meeting. Me and my family are happy and thankful for everyone's cooperation and help as to defeat the demons of this world. We all give our greatest gratitude and respect to everyone of you." Kagaya said as him and his wife, together with their children, bow their heads down to the slayers.

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