Chapter 41: Fear and Doubt

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The morning has come again as Kazumi's on her way to Ringo's room. She's currently holding a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of water and some medicines. As she enter the room, she closed the doors as she placed the tray on the table and take a sit on an empty chair. She stayed silent. As a minute pass by, Ringo's eyelids started to move as she slowly open her eyes.

"Good morning, glad you're awake now." Kazumi greeted her with a warm smile as Ringo turn her head to the side to look at her.

"M-Master..." Ringo muttered out in a hoarse voice.

"I'll help you drink some water, your throat is dry." Kazumi said as she help Ringo sit up a bit and help her take a sip of water.

"Thank you." Ringo whispered as her voice is still weak.

"No problem, would you like to eat? I'll feed you." Kazumi held the bowl of soup as she mix it a little and blow on the soup she spooned before feeding it to Ringo.

She stayed there inside as she fed her and changed her bandages. She also stayed as she hum a short lullaby for Ringo as she went back to sleep. After all those, she silently went out of the room holding the tray and some dirty bandages.

"Has she woken up?" Mei asked.

"Yes, but she's back to sleep now. She still needs a lot of time to rest." Kazumi answered.

"Thank the gods. I was so worried." Mei sighed as she put a hand on her chest.

Kazumi's now playing with the children in the garden. They're all playing tag as they run around and laugh.

"Run faster! Mitsuki-nii's coming!" Ai called to Hideshi as he run away from him.

"This way!" Otaru called out to Togashi and Setsuko.

She's running around with them as they all chase each other. And just as they're playing, Kazumi got called by Satoshi to go to the front gate. As she reach the gate, she saw a man with a cart pulled by a horse. The cart has a lot of gifts in it as he stood there outside.

"Finally! You came out my dear wife!" He happily exclaimed.

The father and son were taken aback from his words as they grit their teeth underneath the clothing covering the lower part of their face. But they stayed on their spot afraid that they might displease Kazumi.

"I see, it's you again. How many times do I have to reject your offer? I'll say it again then, I'm not interested to become your wife." Kazumi calmly said with a smile

'Because I know you only want my money.'
She thought.

"Please, can't you give me even just a single chance? Don't you want someone to make you happy for the rest of your life? A man to help you and stay by your side? You look so young and gentle I want to marry you now." The man said as he scoot closer to her despite the fuming Uyeda and Satoshi behind her.

"Please leave, I don't need a man to help me for the rest of my life, I can handle myself. And to add that up, I'm not interested at marrying someone at all. Now go back." Kazumi replied taking a step back from him.

Finally, the man has already lost his patience as he suddenly grab Kazumi's arms and pulled her closer.

"Just what more do you want?! I always buy you gifts whenever I come here to visit. All of them would cost me a fortune yet you kept on rejecting them. I always tell you about my feelings yet you kept on pushing and driving me away." The man frowned as his grip on her arms went tighter.

'Well.... I didn't tell him anything about buying me gifts or to even come here with such.'
Kazumi sweatdropped.

Just then, the man felt a cold blade just right beside his neck. As he look at the person behind Kazumi, it was none other than Mei holding her naginata. She glared at him as he instantly let go of Kazumi.

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