Chapter 98: Free

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     They were all ashamed and guilty of her words. Someone who is a mere child and even blind got to see the world fully than them who were adults and are older and supposed to be more understanding and considerate. But no, her way of understanding and forgiving is way more higher and further than they could reach. Even the way she makes her decisions of harming humans than demons is what they couldn't even think of. Because for them, those demons are already beyond forgiving when originally, it's the humans.

It's now daytime as Kazumi's inside of what seemed like an underground lab. That very place where Kagaya, his wife, and Gyomei with Tamayo and Yushiro, went into back then. As they look around, they saw how different it looked now than that time they saw it. The lab was empty and full of dirt when now, it is full of medicine and poisons and several tools to make and preserve them.

'If I were to say it, it seems like it'll take a long while to make a medicine that'll enable her to walk under the sun.'

She kept on mixing liquids after liquids before she stopped and put them aside as she climb out by the the ladder. Since it's day, Fujikase's in her room to avoid the sunlight. As Kazumi leave the place after checking her room, she went on to her mission.

This time, she's headed to investigate a noble family accused of hiding a demon. Upon reaching the place after sunset, she was greeted by the guards of the family and led her to her room. There the family greeted her and explained everything to her. The reason why they were accused of having a demon was because all the people that go against them gets abducted and were never seen again.

Later on, her dinner was served by their maid. As Riku stay with her in that room, he just slept while keeping himself alert. As the family left her alone to eat she, took a spoonful.

'Unfortunately for them, my body's used to poisons and sedatives like this so it won't work. But a little act won't kill, right?'

She took a few more in her mouth as she eat and slowly put herself down the floor to act asleep. She heard the doors open as they saw the maid come inside. Just as she's about to check if she's really asleep, Riku started growling at her showing his sharp teeth which scared her away.

After a few hours, she slowly got up as she sense her surrounding. She knocked down the guards guarding her room and the rest that she passed by swiftly without causing any commotion.

As she go further more following her own senses, she ended up at the back of the estate. There she was surrounded by the guards.

"Please do let me pass while I'm still talking nicely or else...."

"Or else what?" One of the men spoke.

"I'll choose violence."

They all charged at her as she grabbed one of the men's naginata and used it. She managed to knock them all down without killing them by hitting their vital spots like their napes and abdomen by the rod of her weapon and kicking them while breaking some of their weapons. As she run closer to a small cabin, the family are all in there.

"Sir, what you're doing is wrong. Now get out." She calmly said with her lips formed in a thin line.

But nonetheless, she still knocked them all out as she open what seemed like a secret door found by Riku. As she go in and down the stairs with him, they all saw a huge dark cell only lighted with a single torch outisde it. As they walk closer, they seem to see a figure inside. Riku barked as they heard the sound of chains and the sound of hissing snakes.

"Please do speak if you can see me." Kazumi said stepping closer.

Just then, they saw a pair of glowing yellow light from it. It turned out to be a pair of yellow eyes with slanted pupils.

"Stay.... away." A hoarse voice said coming from the dark.

Kazumi, being the stubborn person that she is, opened the cell and stepped inside as she let Riku stay outside. She walked towards the figure revealing a man or to be precise, a demon, with chains wrapped around him and talismans.

'This talismans can affect the demons that have no rank at all like this one. I can't believe that the supposedly feared creatures of the night are treated like this.'

But just then, she heard the gritting noises of the demon's teeth as it started to move and reach for her. The sound of the chains startled Riku as he kept barking and growling while the demon try to reach her growling in hunger.

'What happened? The sound he was making was calm just now.'

They all heard the door slammed shut from the distance. It seemed like one of the family members she knocked out woke up and decided to trap her there. She remained calm as she step back a little while hearing the chains started to break and the talismans falling down the floor.

'Frost Breathing, third form: Frosty Mist; ....'

She held the hilt of her sword as she draw it out making a thick layer of freezing mist surround them as she stab the demon by the time he ran towards her as his hand is just inches away from her face.

'.... Illusionate.'

Her blade passed through his abdomen as he soon fell on his knees while Kazumi catch him putting him down gently on the ground. The mist stayed as she hasn't sheathed her sword back yet letting it stay on the floor right beisde her. The mist surrounding them calmed the demon down as he breathe slowly before opening his eyes again.

"Please listen to me first. I might've stabbed you but I don't wish to kill you at all."

The demon just looked at her in silence while sitting up as his snakes are just hanging down unconscious due to the mist. The half of his hair down are made of white snakes that has similar yellow eyes as him.

"Kill.... me." The demon finally spoke out.
"I.... killed my family.... so please, kill me." He begged bowing down in front of her.

"Don't beg." She said as she held his arms to help him get up.
"It wasn't your fault. I'm sure it was never your choice to kill them in the first place."

The demon sat up properly but didn't look at her at all.

"They locked me up down here, and feed me animals and humans."

"Can you tell me, how this all happened?"

"A man came and talked to me here a long time ago. He told me to be obedient before leaving. After that, all I could remember is that my vision would turn black and then when it's back, I'll see nothing but dead people in front of me and blood on my hands and mouth." He explained keeping his eyes down.

'If that's the case. That man would be no other than Shinjitsu himself. He also must've given the family permission and some sort of tool to control this person.'

She stood up as she held her sword. She also reached her hand out in front of him as to help him get up.

"Let's get out of this place and punish the ones who deserves to be punished. I don't care whoever they are, they might be humans but I don't consider nor see them as one at all. For me, I see them as nothing but mere trash that are supposed to be cleaned off this world."

The demon slowly reached for her hand with his trembling hands as he got up. The three got out of there as Kazumi kicked the door destroying it for them to get out.

"Riku, do it."

With just those words, Riku jumped at the father as he tore his throat off with his mouth while Kazumi stabbed the son while the demon feasted on the mother. None of them are innocent at all as they all have been in this. To turn an innocent man into a demon and lock him up to be manipulated. Something that made her think of such a punishment, to mercilessly kill them.

The watchers looked terrified as the blood cover the whole cabin. Riku not only ripped the father's throat but also his stomach as he feast on his oragns while Kazumi stood there sheathing her sword and grabbed a small wooden statue covered in blood on the floor that the father dropped. She she threw it on the wall breaking it, the chains around the demon's neck broke as he also fell on the floor on his side.

'Now, he's free from being a puppet he got turned into.'

"She's.... crazy...." Genya muttered out in horror.

"And she can be crazier." Hanare replied with a smirk on her face.

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