Chapter 48: Risk

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     As the siblings continue on to walk while they kept on pestering Kazumi to buy any item, she suddenly halted which made the two go on without noticing she stopped walking as they point out stalls. She sensed the maid's presence getting further so she looked back. She saw the maid standing in front of a stall. As she approach her, she saw that she's staring down at a beautiful hair stick, it has a violet flower on it with green tiny beads hanging.

"And here as you can see—" Shu got cut off as he look beside him without Kazumi.

"Where is she?!" Touya freaked out.

"I don't know! Where?!" Shu replied.

As the two stopped walking and looked around in panic, they saw Kazumi with the maid in front of a stall.

The maid's attention then got pulled back in reality as she saw a hand grab the hair stick she's staring at. She then looked beside her just to see Kazumi.

"How much is this?" Kazumi asked.

The lady selling it stated the price as Kazumi paid for it with her own money. She then looked at the maid beside her.

"Here, my gift for you." Kazumi said as she hand it to the maid.

"W-Wait! Ka-Kazumi-san.... I can't accept such a gift from you! T-That's expensive!" The maid stuttered with her face flushed.

"Come on, I bought it for you." Kazumi insisted as she gently grab the maid's right hand and made her hold it.

'She just held my hand! She held my again! Waaah!'
She mentally squealed.

"She doesn't want to buy anything yet she's willing to buy for someone else." Shu muttered out as he and Touya watch Kazumi and the maid from the distance.

"I really can't accept this. I don't want it. This would look better on Kazumi-san." The maid said as she looked down.

"You're lying, you're staring at it. And besides...." Kazumi gently grabbed back the hair stick as she put it on the maid's hair.
".... it looks better on you than it would to me."

Before the maid could even speak with her blushing face, Kazumi already turned around and started to walk away. As she gently touch the hair stick, she instantly followed her. The lady who sold them the hair stick have a flustered and satisfied smile on her face after watching them, even when she knew they're both ladies.

'Seeing her like this, I don't have to be worried if a man would ask for her hand. I'm sure they'll just end up being rejected.'
Take thought as he watch them from the rooftop.
'But if any of those Pillars asked for her hand, I would've sliced their mouths with my talons before they could even speak!'
He grumbled in his mind.

After having lunch, they all went back to the estate to rest. But as soon as they arrived, they got welcomed by Suzuki dragging them to their parents' room as the maid went back to the maid's chambers.

"Welcome back! I'm glad you're finally here!" Akiko greeted them as she hug Kazumi.

"Yes we're—"

"Waaah! Your cheeks are really soft! I can't help myself but to pinch them!" Akiko cut her off as she pinch her cheeks.

Shortly, she stopped as they all sat down the tatami mat. Kazumi could see lots of boxes around. Ranging from small ones to bigger ones.

"What are these boxes for?" Kazumi asked.

"Our gifts for you. While walking around the village I can't help myself but to buy gifts for you along with mother by my side." Akiko answered as she look at Toshino.

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