Chapter 27: Underground

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     Kyojuro's now taking a short walk around his region for a while as he's still not yet finished reading the journal. He thought he'll be able to finish it yesterday, turns out he ended up having an afternoon nap and woke up at sunset. As he walk, he passed by the restaurant where him and Kazumi would eat whenever she pass by his region. Sometimes, Mitsuri joins them. As he's about to go on, an old lady called him.


Kyojuro turned around to look at her.


"I saw a glimpse of your haori and thought it's Kazumi's. Turns out it's you Rengoku-san." The old lady said as her husband came out too.

"Is that so?! My apologies then!" Kyojuro replied lively as ever.

"I see that you changed to that haori from your cape. It looks good on you." The old man praised as he look at Kyojuro's haori.

"Say Rengoku-san, I haven't seen little Kazumi around for a while. How is she? I always see you both eat here often and she would even come eat here by herself." The old lady asked.

Kyojuro's smile then slowly faded as it turn into a thin line then his expression became sad. He looked down sadly.

"Sorry.... she has been missing for weeks now after she chased a demon. No reports have been sent whether she's still alive or not." Kyojuro answered.

The old lady paled and almost fell on her knees if not for her husband and Kyojuro catching her and assisting her to stand. She clutched her chest before covering her face.

"Oh no.... I can't believe it. She was such a kind child." The old lady muttered out covering her face as she sob.

"But please don't worry, her friend came back with news saying that she's alright. And we still haven't lose hope of her coming back alive." Kyojuro said as he comfort her.

Obanai, who was passing by, saw this and heard everything as he remained standing a bit away from behind Kyojuro. He also got a sad expression on his face as he look at them. Kyojuro then shortly stood up, as he watch the couple go back inside before turning around to leave.

"I guess even those who aren't that close to her are worried too." Obanai said as he look at Kyojuro beside him.

"I know." Kyojuro replied as he walk alongside Obanai.

As they walk, Obanai kept on glancing back and forth to Kyojuro's haori. He got a confused look on his face.

"Something wrong?" Kyojuro asked.

"Nothing, I'm just wondering where you got your new haori." Obanai answered.

"It's actually from my ancestor! I just used it since I kinda got interested!" Kyojuro beamed.

"I see."


Kagaya's now standing inside the room where the trap door's in. Together with him is his wife and also Tamayo and Yushiro whom he let to stay for the night. He then crouched down as he used the key to unlock the door. He lifted it up with Amane's help as it fully revealed a huge hole leading to a dark place. Yushiro then lighted a paper with a match as he throw it down to see how deep it is.

"It's not that deep if I say so myself." Yushiro commented as they saw the paper drop.
"I'll check it."

Yushiro then went down the hole by the ladder as he held a lantern with him. By the time he reached the ground, he found a torch just beside him as he light it up from the lantern's fire. As one torch got lighted up, the rest of the torches suddenly got lighted up too giving light in the dark hole. Yushiro's eyes widened as his mouth went agape. Seeing that it has been lighted down, Kagaya and the others climbed down the ladder one by one.

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