Chapter 28: Open

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     Kagaya stepped aside as he watch Gyomei hold his axe and lift it up above his head. As he swing it down to the lock, the lock didn't even break. It surprised him.

"Oyakata-sama, is there something wrong with this thing? It didn't break at all." He asked as he turn his head to Kagaya's direction.

"That's covered with blood demon art, and perhaps, the same goes with the whole chest box. Kai-san, Aoki-san, and Fujikase-san doesn't want to open it as they wanted to keep everything in it untouchable and a secret." Kagaya answered.

"The three of them.... know about this?"

"Yes, they also know about my ancestor, Nishiki-sama. But they really are secretive about so many things."

Gyomei then tried again using much more force as he swung his axe down the lock. But the lock didn't even budge. It doesn't even have a single scratch.

"Seems like this will be harder than I thought, just as what I've expected from them." Kagaya sighed as he close his eyes.

"Should I call the others for this? If we all hit the chest box with our weapons, maybe it'll have a chance to open." Gyomei suggested.

"Is that alright?"

"Yes of course, Oyakata-sama."

"Then, let everyone come here tomorrow. I'll wait."

Gyomei nodded as him and Kagaya climbed up the ladder and walked out of the room. He left as Kagaya went back into his room to continue some new paperworks.


Shinobu's now walking around her region while carrying a wooden box where Kanae's placed. She has become like Tanjiro carrying their sisters in a box.

"Master, are you really alright carrying that box?" Kanao asked with concern as she walk beside Shinobu.

"Of course, it's not that heavy at all." Shinobu answered with her usual smile.

As they continue to walk, Kanao stopped as she look at the shop where she would usually drink ramune together with Kazumi.


Kanao and Shinobu are walking side by side together when a certain person suddenly greeted them from behind.

"Hello there Shino-san! Nao-chan!" She cheerfully waved her hand at them.

"Aza-chan?" Shinobu watched Kazumi ran towards them.

"Let's have a drink! My treat!" She invited them with a cheerful smile.

"What drink?" Kanao asked.

"Of course your favorite, ramune." Kazumi answered.

Kanao then slightly blushed as she looked at Kazumi smiling at her. Before she knew it, Kazumi's already holding her and Shinobu's wrist as she drag them to the shop they usually drink at. She could also see Shinobu blushing.

They sat on the bench with Kazumi between them, they started to drink their cold soda.

"You don't have to treat us everytime you invite us for a drink." Shinobu said.

"It's my invitation so of course, I'm supposed to pay." Kazumi replied with a closed eye smile.

End of Flashback《《《《

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