Chapter 10: Morning!

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     Nahori still hasn't woken up and now her younger sister, Kiori, is on her way to her room with some dumplings.

'Nee-chan had a tough fight against an upper moon. I hope she wakes up, we're all worried for her. Even her sword got broken and it'll take days before a new one arrives.'
Kiori thought as she open the door.

By the time she entered, she almost dropped the plate she's holding. Nahori's now awake and sitting up.

"Morning Kiori!" Nahori greeted her with a smile.

Her head is still wrapped up with bandages and both her hands and arms underneath her long sleeve clothes. Kiori instantly turned around and ran out.

"Eh?! Where are you going?! I'm hungry!" Nahori exclaimed as she could only stay on her bed.

Shortly after that, she could hear several footsteps coming closer and closer. And there showed the children and her mother. Mei instantly ran towards her and hugged her.

"Finally.... you're awake." Mei said as her tears started falling down.

"Of course I am. Please stop crying now, I might cry too." Nahori replied as she hug her mother back.

They all chuckled as Mei wiped off her tears and Kiori handed the plate to her with dumplings for her to eat.

"Nee-chan! How was the fight?! Did you kill it?! Did you defeat the demon?!" Otaru asked in excitement.

"Of course I did! I killed him by slicing his head off." Nahori answered swinging her right hand cutting through the air.

"You shouldn't move that much yet. Your wounds are still fresh." Mei said.

"Hehehe, sorry." Nahori apologized with a sheepish smile.

After a short time, the children has to leave for her to rest again. Now only her, her mother, and younger sister are the only ones left in the room. She then looked at the neatly folded haori placed on the table beside her bed. Mei and Kiori just watched her do so. She then reached out for it as she held it and hugged it tightly on her chest as her tears slowly fall down.

'Kano.... Haruna.... I did it.... I did it. I killed that upper moon who took you guys away.... I.... came back alive.... thank you.'
Nahori thought as she sob hugging the haori that was once owned by Kano.

As she do so, Mei and Kiori hugged her too. Unbeknownst to them, Kano and Haruna's spirits were there as the two hugged her too.

"You've done well, Nahori-nee"
They both said as they disappear.

Although no one could see them, Nahori felt as if there were other people hugging her from the front. She smiled sadly.

"You did it my child. I'm sure they're happy for you now." Mei said comforting her daughter.

As they're having a hug, Ringo peeked on them as she smiled before walking away still wearing a corps uniform and her own haori. She looked outside through the window and watched at how the flowers and leaves dance with the wind outside.

'Master.... she woke up and I'm happy she did.... but.... everyone of us are still hoping for you to come back.'
Ringo thought.

Take's still resting inside Kazumi's room. He's now on top of a small cabinet as he's in a basket with a pillow underneath him and a blanket over his body, the basket's big enough for him to fit and sleep comfortably. But this time, no. He couldn't sleep peacefully at all as he kept on looking at the doors of the room. Just closing his eyes for an hour then opeing it again just to look at the doors for hours, this is how it works for him.

He kept on hoping that those doors would be opened by the same person he's been waiting for. But days has passed and the person still have not come. He didn't eat that much and only a little, almost nothing at all. He doesn't have the appetite to do so, and even an energy to fly around. The doors soon opened showing Kai.

"Hey there Take! Still sleeping are you?" Kai greeted as he walk closer and sat down the mat beside the cabinet.

".... What're you doing here?" Take asked.

"Just checking on you. Mei told me you haven't been eating that much lately. If Master's here she'll be worried." Kai answered.

"I'm.... still waiting." Take said.

"I know. But still.... you can't let your own health deteriorate. If you ended up sick, you might not be able to help her once she comes back. You should eat and rest well!" He caressed Take's head.

Take watched him stand up as he's about to leave.

"Kai...." He called that made the man halt and look at him.
".... can you bring me some food then?"

"Of course! Wait here!" Kai answered with a thumbs up as he left and close the doors.

Tetsuya and his family including Ayato and his friends are now getting ready to leave. Yesterday was their last day of staying at Kazumi's place and now they have to go. Although, they felt sad that she wasn't there, they'll be happy as long as she comes back alive.

"I see that you guys are ready to leave now." Ringo said as she walk towards them outside the gates of the estate.

"Yeah.... although we were not able to spend some time with Kazumi-chan, receiving news about her coming back alive will be enough to make us happy." Tetsuya replied.

"And also once she's back, please tell her to send lots of letters! We'll be waiting!" Touya exclaimed with his bright smile.

"I will. I'm sure if she'll arrive right now, she'll be apologizing for how long it took her to come back and missed the time to spend it with you guys." Ringo replied.

"Enjoying your job now as a slayer? You're still wearing a uniform until now." Ayato smirked.

"You said something?" Ringo glared at him.

"Nothing ma'am!" He instantly answered sweating coldly.

"Goodluck with your travel. I'm sure you guys would be able to arrive back to your places before the sun sets. Or if not, stop by at least somewhere safe to stay at for the night." Ringo said turning her back from them as she walk back to the estate.

"Thank you Ringo-san, we will." Toshino replied.

As they left, Ringo then closed the gates as she let out a long sigh. She then walked back inside and into Kazumi's office where she do check-ups. As she enter, she was met by nothing but an empty room wrapped in silence. Everything in there is in place as no one had come inside there ever since she left for the Train Mission. She walked towards her table and looked at the untouched box placed on top.

"Master, these are some important medicines. Why are you entrusting this to me?"

"I know, that's because.... I might not be back from my next mission."

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