Where To First

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*Ben sleeps longer than normal through the night so you and Bucky get a little more sleep

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*Ben sleeps longer than normal through the night so you and Bucky get a little more sleep. You nurse him and then pump a little and put it away. You lay Ben in bed between you and Bucky as you wait for the others to wake up.*
Y/N- okay, I'm gonna bring the stroller and then my sling to carry him in as well.
Bucky- okay, are the kids bringing their bags?
Y/N- No, I don't want them to lose anything. My bag is big enough to hold what they may need.
Bucky- okay, do we need to be getting them up?
Y/N- Nope! *He gives you a look*  do you want to wake our children who didn't get restful sleep the night before and then spent the whole day in the car?!
*Bucky laughs and shakes his head*
Bucky- they'll wake up on their own.
Y/N- yup!
*Ben wiggles around between you two. He stretches and you just watch him as Bucky watches you. You look up and finally get a good look at the room. It's so cute and it's Mickey Mouse themed. The headboards are Minnie and Mickey ears. Everything is so cute and decorated to the Disney standard.*
Y/N- you know this room is really cute
*Bucky looks around as he picks up Ben.*
Bucky- it is pretty cute! Although the Mickey on the shower curtain is a little offsetting. *You look and in the reflection of the mirror you see what Bucky is talking about.* he looks like he's starting us down and like he has no soul. *You laugh and hit his arm.* Okay, which park first?
Y/N- Magic kingdom *You smile* I want the kids to see the castle first thing. *Bucky nods and agrees. He looks down at Ben.*
Bucky- are you gonna sleep all day?
*He grunts and stretches. He is so cute and he still does the newborn scrunch. Bucky just holds him close as he sleeps.*
Y/N- he is so cute I could die!
*Bucky laughs and rubs Ben's back. Ben wakes up and looks up at Bucky like he's saying "is she for real?" Bucky laughs and kisses his head, he drifts back to sleep.*
Bucky- okay, I'm gonna get a shower before we go.
Y/N- you know you're gonna sweat all day *Bucky nods and hands you Ben*
Bucky- yes but I also had a very nice dream last night after you put me to sleep with you magic lips. *He smirks and kisses you* I made a little mess and I need to shower real fast. *You giggle and kiss him*
Y/N- okay baby
Bucky- be back in a flash.
*He heads to the bathroom and washes off really quick. You get dressed as Ben does some tummy time on the bed. He looks around and try's to keep his head up*
Y/N- good job bubba!
*You finish with brushing your teeth as Bucky watches Ben and gets dressed. He smells so good after his shower, you can't help but pull him close and give him a little kiss*
Bucky- Mmhmm what was that for?
Y/N- you're just too sexy baby
Bucky- be careful baby, that's dirty talk and the mouse *He dramatically closes the shower curtain and you see the Mickey face starring you down.* won't stand for that*
*You laugh and hit his arm*
Y/N- oh stop it! *You pull him close and kiss him. You squeeze his butt and he smirks. He finishes dressing and you get Ben changed and dressed.*
Bucky- okay, I think the kids are stirring. *You look over and you see Winnie moving around as Grant sits up.*
Y/N- yeah they will all be up soon.
*You look at the clock and it's only 9am*
Bucky- not too late of a start
*You nod*

*The kids all get up and just look around. Like they don't remember where they are. Winnie comes and sits with you.*
Y/N- hey, you ready for today?
*She nods and smiles*
Y/N- okay, go brush your teeth  and get dressed. I laid out your outfit.
*She heads off. Grant comes and sits with you too*
Grant- hey mama
Y/N- hey little wolf. You excited?
*He nods*
Y/N- okay get dressed and then brush your teeth.
*He does as you asked. Bucky gets the triplets  moving as Ben wants to nurse again*
Bucky- so the cluster feeding begins?
Y/N- yup *You sigh and smile*
Bucky- alright kids, let's get ready so when Ben is done we can head to breakfast and then the park!
*They all cheer and do as he asked.*

*You get Ben buckled in his seat and your bag. You make sure you have everything and that you have what you need for Ben.*
Y/N- alright, let's go get breakfast!
*The kids follow Bucky down the hall as he carry's Ben in his seat. You follow behind and make sure you have all the kids. You get seated and the kids get Mickey Mouse shaped waffles and eat every bite.*
Grant- when can we go?!
Winnie- I wanna get there!
Bucky- we are here, look around!
*She rolls her eyes and Bucky tickles her. She giggles and he gets up*
Bucky- let me show you something!
*She follows and he leads her to the window. He lifts her up and she sees the park in the distance. She squeals and Bucky just smiles and puts her down. She runs back to you and jumps around.*
Winnie- come on mama!!
*You laugh and go look. You look back and you see Grant drinking some of your drink.*
Y/N- Umm Grant?
Grant- it smelled so good, I wanted a taste. It tastes bad though.
*You laugh and nod. Bucky gives you a questioning look*
Y/N- my coffee *He sighs and then points to Ben* it's decaf, calm down. *You kiss his cheek and he shakes his head*
Bucky- okay, let's go!

*You go to the monorail and wait for the next one.*
Jonnie- are we getting on a train?
Y/N- kinda!
*They watch and their eyes get so big as it pulls up. You laugh because these kids have flown in a jet and this train is the thing that's blowing their minds.*
Bucky- okay, come on *He walks on and the kids follow. You all sit down and the kids look out the window as you take off. As you pull up to the gates the kids are just in awe. You get everyone off and get Ben's stroller set up. Some people notice Bucky and even you and ask for pictures. You are nice and take pictures with them, you then head in.*
Gate operator- next please! *You walk up and they check your stroller and you scan you band. The kids scan theirs and they are so giggly and excited. Bucky scans his and then the alarms go off. He looks around and they pull him to the side.*
Security officer- sorry, we just need to scan you
Bucky- that's fine *He smiles and let's them do it. It of course beeps at his arm.*
Grant- dad I think it's your arm!
*Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- I know bud *He looks at the officer* sorry I wants sure if it would go off so I didn't say anything. I have a metal arm. *The officer nods and Bucky shows him.*
Officer- oh! Gotcha- wait are you- *Bucky waits for the classic "Winter Soldier"* Sergeant Barnes?! *Bucky is caught off guard, he smiles and nods.*
Bucky- yeah, yeah I am.
Officer- we were informed that you and your family would be visiting today and to give you guys the star treatment while you're here!
*Bucky looks at you and you shrug.* Tony Stark called early this morning and told us to be on the lookout. Follow me!
*Bucky looks at you  and you smile*
Bucky- good ole Tony
*You laugh and nod*

*They get you guys set up with fast passes and an attendant to walk around with y'all and make sure you aren't bothered and that you don't have to wait.*
Y/N- this is really nice but I feel like waiting in line is part of the experience. *You whisper. Bucky laughs*
Bucky- I'm like 500 years old! *You laugh and hit his stomach* I'll die waiting in these lines! Take me to the front! *You shake your head* I took bullets for this country, I deserve a short wait!
*You shush him and he smirks and pulls you close. The kids are in front of you and they are looking around. Winnie sees the castle and stops. Odette squeals and Elizabeth twirls around and feels the need to dance. Jonnie pulls at Bucky's hand and he lifts her up in his arms, she whispers.*
Jonnie- is there a princess in there?
*He nods and her eyes light up*
Jonnie- wow!
*The girls are just star struck, you take pictures of them and get a big family picture with the castle and then You and Bucky take a cute one.*
Attendant- okay, where to first?

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