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So..... lol I do not feel like writing today! Even though this chapter is Bucky focused I just can't get over the ick of today.

Hopefully the ick is gone tomorrow and I can see Steve Rogers and Marvel as a whole as something bigger than the dude who only thought with his dick. (Sorry I'm a little heated lol) If you like them, good. If you don't, okay. I don't believe they will last, which is sad.

EVERYTHING surrounding this weekend doesn't line up and is so damn confusing and there hasn't been any confirmation as of yet... 🤷🏼‍♀️ but still it's just icky. I mean if I was in her shoes I'd be jumping him too cause she isn't my problem with her and the whole "marriage".

Anyway, it goes without saying (and I didn't think I would say this sentence within two weeks of each other) No, I will not talk about the wedding. Mainly because I've got some strong opinions and I love each of you too much to potentially offend any of you, so I will keep them to myself.

Hopefully back to our smut fest tomorrow! Here is a new pic of Seb as a peace offering! ❤️🌼

Hopefully back to our smut fest tomorrow! Here is a new pic of Seb as a peace offering! ❤️🌼

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