A Good Team

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‼️Hang in there

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‼️Hang in there... this one gets a little confusing to start but hopefully it will make sense‼️

*You walk into the room and see Steve, Peter, and Sam all standing around the screen. At first they don't notice you, the whole room feels off and you can't put a finger on why. Tony has something pulled up and he has already stared to discuss it with them.*
Peter- so right now there are only a few hostiles but when we go there could be more.
Tony- yes. Turns out Kang didn't exactly wipe out the flagsmasher, he just sent them deep underground. They are slowly starting to reappear and regroup.
*Steve nods and then sees you walking up.*
Steve- hey y/n. Tony was just filling us in.
Y/N- Flagsmashers. Got it. *You nod* so is this a break it up and arrest type of mission?
Tony- yes, but what I was just saying was we don't know how many will be there by the time you bust in. We do know for sure, Carly will be there.
*Sam nods*
Sam- good, I'd like to have a chat.
*he crosses his arms. Bruce comes walking in with a file and hands it to Tony. It's weird that Bruce is even here, did he even walk in or did he just appear, you can't remember. You cross your arms as Tony reads the file. You see your hand and notice your wedding rings are missing.*
Tony- Are you serious? *That got your attention, forgetting the rings* You actually did it?!
Bruce- yeah, thanks to a sample from Steve and then a sample from Matthew, I was able to extract the serum. I know exactly how to remake it.
*You and Steve look at each other. Steve looks so calm. You look around, and where did Peter and Sam go? Somethings off*
Steve- Bruce?
Bruce- it's not what you think Cap. It's not to recreate and use on anyone. In fact I am trying to reverse engineer it, create a serum that could reverse the effects of the original serum.
*You are shocked. You look at Steve who is stoic*
Y/N- what?! Why?!
Tony- because there are too many super soldiers in the world. Most of them not worthy of the title. They took it either because they were forced to or because they felt that was the only way to defend themselves. Now we have yahoos like Walker running around and messing stuff up. This way we can reverse the effects and make sure only the ones who are worthy have the serum. *You are livid. what Tony is talking about it just wrong.*
Y/N- I was forced to take it and it turned out to be the only way I could defend myself... you gonna use it on me? What about my kids? Huh?! They mess up and you're just gonna take away the thing that makes them special?!
Tony- Chai-
Y/N- No, not chai. Y/N. Bucky was also Forced to take it. You gonna reverse his as well?! What if I go off the rails a little. *You throw a glass bottle at him, you don't even know where it came from, it just showed up. None of this seems right. Tony would never- Bruce would never. Steve wouldn't be so silent. You wouldn't just not wear your rings. This has to be a dream, you think.*

*Alarms blare and everything around you fades. You hear Tony, Steve, Peter, and Sam groan. Bucky cheers you on*
Bucky- hey! You lasted longer this time!!
*You groan and walk out of the simulation room*
Y/N- what now?!
Tony- what now?!? You made people disappear! You made a glass bottle appear out of thin air! You lost it. You can't lose it, not against her. *You sigh and nod*
Y/N- I know, I knows when you said we had intensive training this is not what I imagined.
Tony- I know, you thought you would be rubbing sweaty bodies with Cap again and it be totally above board *You gasp and smack his arm hard and Bucky glares at him. Nat laughs and Steve just blushes*
Y/N- not true! I just thought we'd be fighting.
Wanda- you are, y/n. But the fight is in your mind. That's why I'm putting you 4 through these intense scenarios, we don't know what she may throw at you once you enter her turf.
*You nod and Bucky pulls you into his lap.*
Bucky- you made it longer than Steve! He saw red skull and put a bullet through his brain before the time officially began.
*You smile and Bucky kisses your cheek*
Tony- But still... not good enough! You all 4 have to be able to live in her delusions long enough to find her and subdue her. You also can't be fooled by the images she puts in front of you.
Wanda- remember once you enter the town, she's got all the power. *You nod* okay y/n, you did good, you noticed it was fake by the inconsistencies but what sealed the deal?
Y/N- my wedding rings. I didn't have them on, I knew I'd never not wear them, even on a mission I wear a replacement.
Wanda- okay, she will be able to see the rings and she will make sure that detail transfers. So what's something else of that significance that you could wear and hide. That when you notice you aren't wearing it you will be able to get out- and remember.
Y/N- my locket *Wanda nods*
Wanda- that will work. Remember it will have to be a simple and calm detachment from the trance she has put you under. If you come out kicking and screaming like you did just now, she will know and you will all be toast. That goes for all of you.
*Steve nods and Sam sighs. Peter agrees*
Tony- okay peter, you're up!

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