I Really Am Worthy

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*The day starts like any other, simple breakfast before the kids head outside all day

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*The day starts like any other, simple breakfast before the kids head outside all day. You settle with a book on the porch as Bucky takes the peace and quiet to write some more of his dissertation. Steve pulls the shield and Mjolnir out and trains Grant some. Thor comes up and helps Steve and Grant as well. You see Winnie watching from the side as Grant runs around throwing the hammer and then calling it back. You can see she wants to try but doesn't. You gently smile and go back to your book. Once your book loses your attention you make sure the kids are being watched while you step inside. You see Bucky sitting at the table, reading glasses on, pen sticking out of the side of his mouth while he types away on his laptop. He stops for a moment, takes the pen and writes something; then he puts it right back between his lips. You smile and walk over to him, rubbing his shoulders and slipping your arms down his chest. You kiss his neck and hum as you feel his warm skin beneath your hands and lips.*
Y/N- you look so sexy when you're working.
*Bucky smiles and takes the pen from his mouth, laying it on the table before he turns to face you.*
Bucky- well that's a way to greet a man. *You giggle and he kisses you.*
Y/N- you almost at a stoping point?
Bucky- not really, why? *He shift to look at you once again. You smirk and tease him*
Y/N- oh no reason. I was just feeling tired and wanted a big strong man to curl up with. But if you're busy-
Bucky- oh I'm not busy! *He smirks and stands up* I'm not at a stopping point but I'm definitely not busy. *He pulls you into his arms and you continue to tease him.*
Y/N- No it's fine, you just work, baby. I'm sure Nat wouldn't mind loaning out Steve-
*Bucky has you thrown over his shoulder and is walking out of the cabin with you. He puts you down and sits on the porch swing, laying back and kicking his feet up across the bench. He pulls you on top of him and you happily melt into his arms.*
Y/N- Mmhmm thank you, baby.
*Bucky laughs and rubs your back*
Bucky- happy to help, baby girl.

*you never really fall asleep, just laying there with Bucky and feeling him breath and listening to his heartbeat. Soon the kids come running up begging for lunch and you almost cry as you have to leave Bucky's warm embrace. Especially when the girls take your spot with Bucky, cuddling up with him.*
Bucky- sorry babe, can I have some lunch too though? *He smiles and you roll your eyes. He blows you a kiss and you just smile and walk away.*
Jonnie- did you see us swim?!
*Bucky laughs and shakes his head*
Bucky- No I missed it! *He shrugs* guess you'll have to do it again!
*The girls laugh and keep talking Bucky's ear off. Grant and Ben are with Steve and learning about the shield. He has them throwing it and trying to catch it.*
Steve- just like that, now watch it come around and reach out now! *Grant does and he catches the shield. He spins around by its force but he hangs onto it.*
Grant- wow!!
Steve- good job, Grant!
Ben- oh my turn!!
James- me next!
Anthony- No mine!!
Samuel- I was in line!
Joshua- Nope me!
Matthew- gimmie!
*Steve laughs and holds it up out of their reaches.*
Steve- Nope we are done for now. *He calls Mjolnir to him and tells them all to go play or eat.*

*Sarah, Grant, and Winnie all eat together on the steps. Grant gets to talking about Eli's birthday party and how cool it was. Then he notices Sarah's sad face.*
Grant- I'm gonna have my party there next year, Sarah. And only the coolest people will be invited. Which means it will be a small list of just me and you. *Sarah blushes and then looks at Winnie.*
Sarah- Winnie will be there, right? I mean she's pretty cool!
Grant- ehhh *He shrugs and Winnie punches him in the leg.* ouch! *He hits her back*
Winnie- stop!
Grant- don't be mean! Just cause you got embarrassed in front of your crush doesn't mean you have to be a party pooper!
*Winnie grumbles and storms away. Grant being the big brother he is can't let it go and has to tease some more. He normally isn't like this but something just fires him up today*
Grant- oh come on Winnie! Everyone knows that you like him! *Winnie panics because Grant is talking too loud and she doesn't know if he means Eli or Thor.*
Sarah- Grant! You shouldn't-
Grant- I'm just teasing, Sarah. Winnie knows that. *He smiles back at her but Sarah is unsure. You walk out onto the porch with everyone else. You are enjoying a nice lunch and just chatting with the adults. Steve walks up and sets Mjolnir down on the top of the stairs as he eats. You see Winnie run off and Grant chase after her.*
Winnie- shut up!!
Grant- what? Scared more people are gonna find out?!
Winnie- Stop!! Or else I'm gonna make you stop!
Grant- oh yeah?! How?
*You, Bucky, Steve, Nat, Tony, and Pepper are still sitting on the front porch talking. Everyone else has gone inside or they have gone down to the lake. You hear the kids yelling*
Y/N- What's going on over there?
Bucky- I don't know.. but I'm sure Grant deserves it.. *You give Bucky a side eye.. and try not to Smile*
Winnie- I am warning you Grant!!
Grant- like I'm scared of my little sister. *Grant rolls his eyes*
*Steve sees something move out of the corner of his eye.. he slaps Bucky's arm*
Steve- Umm guys... *He points and everyone looks at the hammer and then where it goes flying to*
Winnie- I'm not little! *Winnie gets so mad she reaches out her hand and Mjölnir comes flying through the air.. it lands in her hand and she smacks Grant right in the face.. he goes flying back but lands on his feet.. he doesn't even have a scratch*
Y/N/ Pepper- oh my god!
Bucky- holy shit!!
Tony- another one?!?
Nat- I knew it!!
Winnie- ahhhhhh!!!!!
*Winnie start to summon lighting*
Steve- Oh fuck!!
*Steve springs across the lawn and rips it away from her. Not to be stopped Winnie lunges and tackles Grant to the ground. Bucky is there just as fast and pulls Winnie off of Grant. He has a few scrapes but he's fine. He gapes at her and shouts*
Grant- You're worthy too?!?
*Winnie, realizing what she had just done, looks down at her hands and sees some blood from where she punched Grant. She's shocked*
Winnie- I guess I am..
*They just stand there staring at each other as the rest of you run to them*
Y/N- Winnie James!?!
Winnie- I- I'm- I'm so sssorry! Grant I- *She starts to panic. Grant wipes his face and then brushes off his clothes. He then smiles and pats Winnie's shoulder.*
Grant- I'm okay, Winnie. But hey now that we know you are worthy as well as a Super Soldier, we can't get in trouble for this.
Winnie- what?
Grant- this *He slips her feet out from under her and then Winnie is fighting and wrestling him again.*
Bucky- hey! Knock it off!
*They both stand up and look at one another, small smiles creep onto their faces and then they start laughing. Soon you are all laughing at the situation as a whole. You make them apologize and then you take away their tablets for the rest of the time. They don't seem to care, which is more of a win than anything else. Grant and Winnie walk down to the lake when Thor stops them both.*
Thor- well I hear congratulations are in order! *He smiles* two Barnes children, worthy! I have lots to teach you, we will start when we get back home! *He cheers as he walks away. Winnie blushes and then hides her face from Grant.*
Grant- hey Win? *She grumbles* I was teasing you about Eli earlier. I'd never- *He looks back at where Thor is talking to you and Bucky* I'd never  tease you about Thor, just like I know you'd never tease me about Sarah. *Winnie gently smiles* so I'm sorry if that's what made you made enough to throw the hammer at my faces
*Winnie giggles and Grant laughs*
Winnie- thank you, Grant. You're the best big brother.
*They start down to the lake again when Sarah calls for Grant.*
Sarah- hey! Wait up!
*Winnie smiles at Grant and he groans*
Grant- what did we just talk about?!
*She laughs and gives him a shove as they wait on Sarah.*

Bucky- No really! He flew like 15 feet in the air!
Y/N- maybe not that high-
Thor- wow! I mean we knew she was worthy but that's surprising.
*You laugh and agree. Steve walks up*
Steve- okay, with all these kids being worthy we may need to find some way to lock Mjolnir up so Winnie doesn't smash Grant's face in the next time he pulls her braid or something.
*You laugh and Thor shrugs.*
Thor- No way to. Nothing will keep Mjolnir from finding who calls her. We just have to keep the children in line. *Bucky laughs and you pat Thor's shoulder*
Y/N- good luck with that!

*Later that night Winnie is laying in bed tossing and turning. She finally gets up and walks downstairs to get some water. She sees Mjolnir sitting in the table. She looks around and inches forward, slowly reaching out her hand and lifting it from the table. She smiles as tears fill her eyes. She whispers.*
Winnie- it wasn't a mistake, I really am worthy. *She sniffles and wipes her tears as she quickly puts it down then then runs upstairs. Little did Winnie know, that when Mjolnir was lifted the 5 of you who are also worthy heard her words. Tears well in your eyes as Bucky pulls you closer and kisses your forehead. Steve gently smiles and pulls Nat closer in his sleep. Grant just grumbles about Winnie waking him. Thor climbed out of bed and stumbled upon the scene, seeing Winnie hold Mjolnir and say those words. He was reminded a little of himself when he was younger. He smiles and slips away, allowing Winnie her moment alone.*

‼️ "New"/ old picture of Sebastian!‼️

‼️New pictures, kinda bad quality but whatever

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‼️New pictures, kinda bad quality but whatever. That hair has me feeling things! 😅😏😉🥵🤤🫠‼️

 That hair has me feeling things! 😅😏😉🥵🤤🫠‼️

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