It's Only Fair

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‼️I am so so so sorry!! 😩 I needed this chapter to live up to the hype and my previous chapters before I could post it

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‼️I am so so so sorry!! 😩 I needed this chapter to live up to the hype and my previous chapters before I could post it. Hopefully it does! Enjoy!! It gets pretty nasty 😏🫠😉🥰🥵🤤 this is literally just filth. Lol‼️

*Bucky leans down and kisses you as he settles firmly between your legs. Rolling his hips against your center and causing you to gasp, he slips his tongue in your mouth as he guides his hand up your body and palms your breast through your shirt.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bb-Bucky! *He squeezes a little harder and you moan even louder. He lightly laughs and kisses you.*
Bucky- I fucking love your sounds, baby girl. Mmhmm fuck! Could cum right now with just your sweet moans. *You whimper as you pull at his shirt. He smirks and bats your hands away.* not yet baby. *You can tell by the look in his eyes that this is about to get messy and really nasty, you can't wait. You bite your lip and grab him by the shirt, pulling him against you harder*
Y/N- please?!
*Bucky keeps your gaze as he reaches between your legs. He slowly trails his fingers up and down your clothed center, your leggings doing absolutely nothing to hide how turned on you are. He watches as your eyes light up with hope as his grazes over your clit before he trails it away and that hope dies a little. You are putty in his hands right now, whimpering as Bucky leans over you, bracing himself on his elbow and straddling one of your legs so he can get a good view while still having room to move his hand.*
Bucky- you're gonna be so good for me, aren't you, baby girl. *He asks as he starts to circle his thumb over your clit, still trapped by your leggings so the friction is that much more intense. It's not a question but you still answer*
Y/N- yes, oh ffffuucc- yes!
Bucky- you want my fingers to rub you? Huh?! Want me to eat you out, finger you open, and then fuck you so well they will all hear your cries over the thunder? That it baby girl?!
*You nod so hard you actually hit your head on the floor behind you. Bucky notices and searches your eyes for any sign of hurt. If you are hurting you don't let on.* so enthusiastic! I like it. Now how about I get you outta these wet leggings.
*You nod*
Y/N- I mean they aren't that wa- *Before you can finish your sentence Bucky is rubbing his vibrating metal hand across your center with one goal in mind.* FUCK!!! *You cum as you squirt, your pants are soaked. You gasp for air as Bucky works you through it, kissing your neck and and leaving love bites as he praises you*
Bucky- so good, baby girl. So good for me!
*You are flushed and dizzy as Bucky peppers your face with kisses* you were saying? *He teases and you just laugh to yourself. Bucky moves between your legs again and starts to undress you. Fist your shoes, tossing them out of the way. He then slips off your socks and tosses them with your shoes. He rubs up your feet and ankles, squeezing a little before he moves to the main piece of clothing that is stealing his joy at this moment. He grabs the waistband of your leggings and slowly pulls them down as you lift your hips up off the floor. He groans as he sees the fabric pull away from your body, wet and dripping. A switch flips in him and he tosses them to the side before pulling your legs up, throwing them over his shoulders and devouring you.*
Y/N- FFFCCUUUCKKK!!! *You scream and gasp as Bucky shoves his tongue inside you. Fucking you open just like he said he would. He brings his metal fingers around your legs and rests them along your clit. He turns on the vibration and watches as your eyes roll back and legs try to lock around his neck. He laughs against your center and turns his head to the side to leave a love bite of your inner thigh.*
Bucky- Mmhmm Good girl!! *You buck your hips up into his mouth and he smiles, teasing your clit with a lick.* good fuckin' girl. Mmhmm *He spanks your ass and you yelp* that's right, I wanna hear you. *He gives you and another lick* scream for Daddy, baby girl.
*You melt, "baby girl" and not "bunny" which means Daddy is all sugar and spice. No permission or punishment, unless you count endless pleasure as a punishment.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Daddy! I need you! *Which also means you can be a little bratty and demanding and you know Bucky will cave.*
Bucky- not yet sweetness, gotta taste this pretty pussy a little more. *He gives you another lick and squeezes your thighs* maybe even this ass too. *You melt more, he will cave... eventually.* can you wait for Daddy to have his fill? Or are you just that needy and thirsty, baby doll.
*You whimper as his teasing, his beard giving you a little rash that you will curse in the morning but right now you just want it everywhere. That dirty mouth needs to be everywhere on your body, now. You nod*
Y/N- I can wait, Bucky. *You take a breath, you. Know you won't get in trouble for the slip, in fact Bucky likes it sometimes just to know you're still with him* Daddy, yes I can wait. *Bucky smirks and squeezes your thighs again.*
Bucky- yeah you can, my good girl.
*His gaze his full of desire and the need to leave you satisfied and fulfilled. You literally couldn't ask for anything else.* now, *He gives your thighs a little slap, it almost tickles, as he pushes your knees up to your chest.* hold your legs for me, keep 'em up. *You grab behind your knees and hold as Bucky leans forward and kisses your center. He starts to lick and suck from your ass to your clit and then back. Your eyes roll back and you swear you could drool with how good it feels. Bucky rubs his hands up and down the back of your thighs, making circles with his thumbs and humming against your body.*
Bucky- that's right, baby girl. Tell me how you feel. Mmhmm *He bites the back of your thigh before dipping his head back between your legs. It's then that you realize you are full on whimpering and whining. That every flick of his tongue brings you closer to the edge and his hands rubbing along your legs are trying to soothe you. To let you know he's not gonna leave you needy.*
Y/N- fuck! That feels so good! *Bucky smirks up at you*
Bucky- tell me what feels good sweet girl. *He sucks hard and then pulls off with a pop.*
Y/N- your MOUTH!! *You accidentally yelp as he sucks again* Mmhmm your tongue!!
*Bucky laughs against your skin before he sits up to kneel in front of you. His mouth and chin glisten in the glow of the flashing lighting from the wetness between your legs. He keeps your gaze as he rubs his real hand along your center. One finger dipping into you while the other teases your ass. You gasp and a little smile breaks across your face as you moan.*
Bucky- tell me where you want my tongue, y/n. *His voice is low and full of lust and need. You feel your face heat up a little at his request. Married for over 10 years, sleeping together and being with each other for even longer than that; yet in the vulnerable moments like these you still blush, Bucky still gives you butterflies, he still surprises you. You love these moments. Any chance to have Bucky's all consuming desire poured on you, you'll take it. You drop your legs and quickly sit up, he watches your every move as his hands drop from your body. You pull him closer and lead his hands back to your body as you kiss him. Speaking against his lips you answer his question.*
Y/N- In me, on me, devouring every part of my body as you claim me.
*Your lips move against his mouth as you speak, the air between you two growing warm. He smiles and darts his tongue out of his mouth as he licks up and across your lips before he crashes them together growling.*
Bucky- take off your shirt. Now!
*You smile as you lift it off, he stops you before you take off your bra. Turning your around he loosens the hooks and legs it fall to the ground as he pulls your back against his chest. Kissing your neck and biting along your shoulders as he palms your breast. Twisting your nipples between his fingers and tongue fucking your mouth. He pulls back as he pushes you to lay on the ground, ass in the air. You gasp and smile as you feel his real hand strike your ass, you moan as you feel his lips kiss and suck on the spot he just spanked. He does this over and over until he spanks you across your hole and then begins to eat you out from behind. Teeth gently scraping over the rim followed by the most filth sound kisses and sucking. He takes his time opening you up on his tongue, fucking it in and out of your ass. Bucky is careful to not push you too far seeing as you two don't have any lube. But he definitely gets his full before he stops, slipping a finger alongside his tongue and gently finger fucking the entrance of your ass till you cum.*
Bucky- Mmhmm remind me to fuck you in the ass later tonight or tomorrow. *He spanks you as he sits up* been too long *You giggle and quickly turn over, completely blissed out. Bucky laughs*
Bucky- what's got you all starry eyed? *He teases*
Y/N- you. *You sit up, you realize he's still clothed. It makes this whole thing even filthier.* now it's my turn. *You smirk as you lift off his shirt and waste no time in guiding him to lay down.* Mmhmm fuck! I never get used to this sight. *You massage your hands over his sculpted chest.*
Bucky- you're one to talk. *He teases as he sits up to suck on your breast. It feels so good that you let him, playing with his hair and humming as he flicks his tongue around the sensitive skin. In fact it feel so good that you cum, hard*
Y/N- oh!! OH!! Mmhmm Ffffff FUCK!!!
*You squirt over his lap and he beam up at you with pride*
Bucky- Mmhmm it's been a long time since I was able to do that! Before babies I believe.
*You smile and catch your breath as the oversensitivity sets in*
Y/N- something like that. *You tease and kiss him* now lay back down.

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