Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

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‼️Sorry this took so long 😅😂 Thanks for sticking with me! 😘🥰‼️

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‼️Sorry this took so long 😅😂 Thanks for sticking with me! 😘🥰‼️

*Now that you and Bucky aren't on the brink of death the nurses demand that you get back in your own bed. You begrudgingly obey, they all know it's just because you're in pain and you want to be with Bucky.*
Nurse Victoria- now Mrs. Barnes if I come in here again and you aren't in this bed we will be having words. *You nod and you both then laughs and smile as she walks out. Steve pokes his head in*
Steve- hey! There are some people who are dying to see you since they heard you both woke up.
*You smile and sit up*
Bucky- send in the wolves!
*Steve laughs and nods. The door opens wider and all the kids come rushing in. Grant leading the way with Ben by his side. Winnie and Odette come walking in arms linked and Elizabeth and Jonnie are following close behind. They all rush you both with hugs and kisses, crying and saying how much they love you both. Ben hangs on and doesn't let go. You cry and hold them close as you look around. Steve can tell who you're looking for.*
Steve- Alex and the girls had to go back to Peggy's time. Say goodbyes and wrap up any loose ends. It's so no holes are ripped in the timeline I guess. They said they would be back soon.
*You sniffle and nod.*
Y/N- okay, well that's good! It gives us all time to get ready and back home. Time to heal a little. *You wipe the tears away as you hug your babies tight.*
Jonnie- mama you're kinda squishing us!
Y/N- I don't care. *Everyone laughs and Bucky meets your gaze then reaches for your hand over the bedrail. You hold it tight and look at your family.* I am so very happy that I get to see all of you again. *The tears flow even more* and I can't wait to see you all grow up even more. *Bucky squeezes your hand and hums in agreement.*
Nurse Victoria- okay I love family reunions as much as the next person but this is a fire hazard. *You all laugh and the kids say their goodbyes and file out. Grant hangs back for a moment. And you pull him closer.*
Grant- I thought- *He takes a shakey breath. You can't help but think about how he did that as a baby and how cute and sad it was. Still is.* I love you both so much and I'm sorry I disobeyed-
Bucky- you saved our lives, Grant. *He looks at Bucky* thank you. You should never have had to do that but you did and I can never thank you enough-
Grant- you're my parents. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Y/N- well let's hope you never have to. Huh?
*He nods tearfully as you hold him tight. You kiss his head and he stands up. He hugs Bucky and Bucky pats his back and gives his head a kiss too.*
Bucky- we love you, Grant.
Grant- I love you both.
*He leaves the room with a wave and Steve gives a little wave as he shuts the door.*
*You turn to Bucky and you both reach over and take the other hand. He squeezes yours and rubs the back with his thumb.*
Bucky- we are all safe and well. *You nod and lean down to kiss his hand.*

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