Christmas pt6- Life Is A Slumber Party

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*You look at Bucky* Bucky- nothing Grant, when you're old enough nothing is wrong with it

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*You look at Bucky*
Bucky- nothing Grant, when you're old enough nothing is wrong with it.
*Steve starts to speak and you shoot him a look, Nat pulls him away before you can say anything.*
Nat- not your kid, not your problem. You need to go talk to your daughter who is crying because you scared her so much. *She gives the back of his head a little smack and he hurry's over and picks up a crying Sarah. You mouth 'thank you' to Nat and she nods*
Grant- so is Alex old enough to be kissing? Cause that's where I got the idea from.
*You and Bucky look at each other and are at a loss for words.*
Y/N- Umm kinda bud. He's older and so he can but not like how mommy and daddy kiss. Does that make sense?
Grant- yeah, I guess. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make uncle Steve mad.
Bucky- he's not mad Little Wolf, just a little emotional. *Bucky smiles and Grant laughs a little*
Grant- like how you say mama is once a month?
*You can feel Bucky tense up and you're not even touching him. You stare down at him and cross your arms. He lightly laughs and stands up from where he was crouched in front of Grant. He stretches a little as he tries to play off what Grant said.*
Bucky- ha! Umm yea- you know- I don't think I ever- Umm- just-
Y/N- Grant? Go apologize to Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat. Bucky? You come with me to talk to Alex, then we're gonna talk. *You spin on your heels and yell for Alex and Lilly to follow you. Grant goes to Steve and Bucky just sighs. Hands on his hips as he looks down at the ground.*
Bucky- really stepped in it this time Barnes.. *He says to himself. He sighs again and then follows you out.*
Carson- mama? Daddy? Can we still watch the movie??
Y/N/ Steve/Nat/Bucky- yes, go ahead, keep it down, this is the last one.
*The girls cheer and press play.*

Grant- I'm sorry Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat. I didn't mean to make you mad... I just like Sarah and I wanted to tell her. *Steve looks at Nat and she smiles. Steve sighs and pulls Grant into his arms and gives him a big hug.*
Steve- I understand Grant. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. We love you, Grant and we just want to make sure everyone stays safe. Okay?
Grant- okay, am I still allowed yo talk to Sarah?
Nat- talk? Yes!
Steve- kiss? Absolutely not and I will beat you up next time you try to. *He smiles and Grant laughs. He gives him another hug and then goes to sit down. Nat gives him a look*
Steve- do you think he knew that I wasn't joking?
*Nat shoves him and goes to get Matthew*
Nat- come on Matty, time for bed.
Matthew- No! One more!
Steve- No bud, we've got to do your breathing treatment and then get your bath done. Come on.
*Matthew pouts and Grant pats his back*
Grant- it's okay Matty! We will play in the morning!
*Matthew smiles and heads to the stairs. Nat tussles Grants hair and follows Matthew. Steve smiles and then pushes Grant down on the couch, he laughs and flips around to watch the movie.*

*You pull Alex and Lilly into a conference room. Bucky walks in behind them and closes the door. You two look and you know you're on the same page.*
Bucky- okay, look-
Y/N- no more dating unless an adult is there.
*Bucky looks at you wild eyed. You shrug as you look at him.*
Y/N- what?!
Bucky- I was gonna say be respectful of our house and the other kids who live here.
*So much for the same page*
Alex- can I say something? *You two look at him* it was really nothing. It was the tamest kiss on record.
Lilly- it's true! Very Umm chaste.
*You want to curl up and die. Talking to your son's girlfriend and she describes his kiss as 'chaste'. you shake your head.*
Y/N- okay, for the first few months- let's say three. You two will be accompanied by an adult on your dates. When we see that you two can behave like responsible teenagers we will let you have some alone time-
Bucky- with pretty extreme guardrails.
Y/N- yes! No bedrooms, no closed doors. Understand?
Lilly- yes ma'am, that's very reasonable. *You want to laugh. Who is this girl that she speaks like a full grown adult from the 1800.*
Alex- I'm sorry if I broke your trust.
*Your heart softens a little*
Y/N- you didn't- it was a kiss in the hallway. The only reason it's a big deal is because your little brother saw you and tried to reenact it with Sarah.
*Alex nods and looks at Lilly.*
Alex- are you gonna tell her parents?
Bucky- now this isn't some huge deal to go telling other parents about. It was innocent, and as long as you two obey the rules we've laid out then we will be fine. Now if we catch you two again or in any other compromising positions then you bet your ass we are telling John and Maria. *Alex nods and Lilly nods as well.*
Lilly- understood, sir.
Alex- yes sir.
Bucky- okay, you two go watch the movie.
*They start to walk out*
Alex- dad? You coming? It's your favorite movie.
*He laughs as you walk up and take his good arm. You squeeze a little as you smile*
Bucky- Umm you know what bud, I'll just have to watch it another time. Mom and I need to have another chat. *Alex laughs and walks out*

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