Time And Space

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‼️Hey everyone! I am sorry about the irregular posting schedule! I went through a huge life change recently (good!) and I'm am trying to figure out my new writing schedule! Please hang in there and extend some grace (you all always do❤️) when I sa...

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‼️Hey everyone! I am sorry about the irregular posting schedule! I went through a huge life change recently (good!) and I'm am trying to figure out my new writing schedule! Please hang in there and extend some grace (you all always do❤️) when I say I'm gonna post and then don't it's because I had every intention to sit down and write and just couldn't fit it in my schedule that day!! Hopefully I will figure it out soon! 🥰‼️

*The kids are up and dressed quickly and Bucky gets the jet packed while you feed everyone breakfast. Steve comes down the stairs with bags in tow and you can't help but smile. Nat and Steve are bringing their whole family as well. Bucky almost gave Nat an ultimatum about Everly coming with him but he quickly realized Nat was just letting him ramble and get worked up before she told him they were joining the trip.*
Steve- I'm gonna help Bucky pack. Matthew is about to come downstairs, can you make sure he actually walks. We don't need another broken arm. *You laugh and agree to watch out for him. Matthew makes it down after several minutes of Nat telling him to walk and stopping him every time he starts to run.*
Y/N- Busy morning?? *You tease Nat and she laughs*
Nat- Yup! We will be lucky if we make it on the jet without leaving a kid behind.
*You laugh and go about packing lunches and snacks.*
Bucky- okay, jets all packed and we have so many car seats we should be called fisher price. Who's ready for a vacation?! *The kids cheer and grab their bags.*
Y/N- Barnes kids and my one Rogers kid, *They all look at you* if you leave your bag or stuffie, or pillow that is on you. I am not carrying your stuff, so if you want it make sure you grab it.
*they all dash around grabbing things they lady and then head to the jet. You see Alex talking on the phone, he hangs up and then grabs his bag*
Y/N- hey Alex, you ready?
*He nods*
Alex- I'm sorry again for how I spoke to you, mom. *You hug him*
Y/N- I love you Alex. You're all grown up and I'm gonna miss you so much.
*Alex holds you tight and then pulls back*
Alex- and I'm sorry about- Umm the- the other thing.
*You nod and pat his back*
Y/N- I'm just glad you were careful and that it was with someone you love.
*Alex smiles and nods. He walks to the jet and as he gets far enough away you let out a sigh and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- I was way over there watching that go down and even I could tell you were trying your best to "play cool"
*You wack his stomach*
Y/N- Stop! I will not be teased about this and neither will he!
Steve- teases about what??
Bucky- Alex had sex
Steve- go Alex- wait who with?!
Nat- oh was it Lilly? She's so sweet!
Y/N- stop!
Bucky- yeah, I stumbled upon them. Poor kid, it only lasted like 5 minutes.
*Steve nods*
Steve- longer than I would have at his age.
Y/N- you would have died at his age. Now stop talking about our son's sex life!
*You whisper scream and climb the stairs to the jet. Nat follows and Steve stays back with Bucky*
Bucky- he didn't take off his condom after cause he wasn't sure how.
*Steve laughs*
Steve- what?! No!! Oh poor kid! But he's okay, right?
Bucky- yeah, he's good. It's gonna hurt like hell cause he really liked her. But yeah, he's okay.
Steve- good
*Steve and Bucky load the jet. You do a head count and make sure everyone is there. They are and all strapped in. All the girls are sitting together and the younger boys are near them. The older boys are towards the front to talk to Tony and Peter. You hold Ben and Nat holds Samuel. They had to strap Matthew in so he wouldn't get into trouble. He is not happy*
Matthew- but I big!!!
Nat- No you're not. You are my little two year old baby and you will stay strapped in because I said so. Understand me?!
*He pouts.*
Matthew- yes.
*You laugh and look down at Ben. He is so happy and just looking around.*
Bucky- okay, Tony we are good to go!
*You wave goodbye to everyone on the lawn. They all wave and then head inside as y'all take off*
Tony- okay, next stop Wakanda!

*The trip is good, but the kids end up using the bathroom like it's a revolving door. You think it's just an excuse to get up out of their seats and stretch.*
Jonnie- but I really have to go!!
Y/N- you just went 10 minutes ago.
Jonnie- and I have to go again!
Y/N- fine but then I want you buckled up again. Understand me?
Jonnie- yes ma'am!
*She dashes away and Bucky just laughs*
Y/N- what?!
Bucky- nothing, it's just cute when you're bossy.
*He winks and kisses you.*
Steve- so what's the plan? Hide out till Kang comes looking or?
Bucky- honestly Stevie? I don't have one. I just want some time with my kids before some of them leave me. If he shows up three days from now or three months, we will look back on this trip and remember the good time it was. *Steve nods and looks at Nat*
Steve- it's almost seems unfair that we get to keep Joshua and Matthew while y'all lose Alex, Everly, and Carson.
Nat- we are losing them too, Steve.
Steve- I know, I just mean- we still have two kids to lessen the blow. *You and Bucky look at him* I'm sorry I don't mean to-
Bucky- No go ahead, say what you were going to.
*Steve takes a deep breath*
Steve- we don't have a whole room to come back to and pack up. The girls shared with Sarah when they stayed with us. Alex had a whole life- you renovated your house to make him feel comfortable. I just want us to all be prepared for what's to come and what's gonna happen after.
*You wipe a tear and nod. You hadn't thought of that yet. Bucky nods and pats Steve's shoulder*
Bucky- I know, thank you for being concerned but I know.
*Steve nods and Nat pulls him to sit down. She starts to quietly scold him for bringing up such things at a happy time as this.*
Steve- I'm a realist, Nat!
Nat- you're a real ass sometimes, Steve
*Steve rolls his eyes and sits back as Nat plays with Samuel. She kisses Steve's cheek when she sees him pouting.*
Nat- oh stop pouting.
*He still pouts but he's not as showy about it.*

*You and Bucky spend most of the ride in silence. Listening to Alex joke with Peter and Grant ask his  big brother questions. The girls giggle with Carson and Everly. James, Anthony, Joshua, and Matthew are playing some kind of made up game . It's all so sweet, and cute and it slowly breaks your heart. You lean against Bucky and he kisses your head*
Bucky- I will change time and space if I have to in order to keep them safe and with us.
*You cling to him knowing every word he said it true.*

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