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*You are completely out of it most of the ride

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*You are completely out of it most of the ride. You nurse Ben and then he sleeps in your arms. Bucky holds him once your arms get tired. The kids sleep off and on, thankfully no one did anything to warrant their tablets being taken away this time so they are all occupied.*
Steve- we're about 10 minutes out.
*The kids start packing up their stuff and get ready to get off. You land in the field near the house and see that there is a welcoming party.  The OG kids climb off and start to say hello to people they remember. The AU kids are shy and stay back on the jet with you and the others.*
Y/N- what's wrong Carson?
Carson- it's just different- another new home I guess.
*You pull her close and kiss her head*
Y/N- yeah, for the time being. But you are gonna have so much fun! Jonnie knows where all the fun places are, you wanna go with her and Peter? Check them out? *She looks down the ramp and then back at you.*
Carson- do I have to?
*You gently smile and shake your head*
Y/N- No baby, you don't have to if you don't want to. I will say we will be doing all the boring stuff though.
Steve- yeah, like moving suitcases and talking to people.
*She smiles and takes Steve's hand*
Carson- that's okay daddy, I'll be with you.
*She holds her blanket you made her tight and you wipe a tear. Steve picks her up and then picks up Joshua and heads down the ramp. You have Ben and you hold Anthony's hand as you walk down. Bucky has Everly on his shoulders and Nat has Samuel with Matthew trailing behind.*
Shuri- welcome! I'm glad to see you all back and I'm glad that all that annoying building is done! The hammers and drills were enough to give me a headache.
*You laugh and hug her*
Y/N- well we are glad to be back for a time.
Shuri- I took the liberty of furnishing the houses for you, on your dime of course. *Bucky laughs and you smile* I literally just bought everything y/n had on her amazon wish list for the home. It is all there and most of it has been unboxed and put together.
Y/N- you didn't have to do that, shuri!
*She smiles*
Shuri- I know, but given the circumstances as to why you are here right now- I thought the kids deserved something... put together. *You sniffle and nod as you look at them all playing and giggling as they splash water on each other.
Bucky- we can never repay you for your kindness, Shuri. Letting us come here-
Shuri- it's what he would have done. *She gently smiles.* if you need anything just call.

*The kids drop their stuff inside and then run out to the yard to play. You and Bucky start to situate each kids stuff as Steve and Nat walk in the front door.*
Nat- Damn! See Steve I told you we should have gone with the floor to ceiling windows! And it's not too hot like you said it would be!
*You laugh and look around.*
Y/N- they did an amazing job.
Steve- yeah they did.
*Steve and Nat's house is right in the edge of their property and yours is on the edge too. The houses are right next to each other so the kids can come and go as they please.*
Nat- so dinner at our place? The boys are all down for their nap so I've had some time to plan.
Y/N- sure! That sounds amazing.
*Nat smiles and heads back to their house to get started on dinner.*
Steve- I'm gonna go keep an eye on the kids with Peter.
*You wave goodbye as you walk your suitcase to your room. You start to unpack as you feel two arms slip around you. You smile when you feel Bucky's lips kiss your jaw. He whispers*
Bucky- what do you say to quickly christening the bedroom while Ben sleeps and the others are under adult supervision? *He kisses along your neck and you moan as he slips his real hand down your body and between your legs.*
Y/N- I say take me quickly now and make up for it later tonight. *Bucky growls in your ear and does just that. He has you bent over the bed as he pulls your pants down over your ass and gives it a smack. You whine and spread your legs as best you can. You hear knees hit the floor and before you know it he has buried his face in your center and is eating you out from behind.*
Y/N- oh Bucky!!
*He gets you so wet and before you can cum and pulls off and stands up. He pushes in and bottoms out in one thrust as he holds your hips steady. You moan and he sets a brutal pace, hips slamming against your ass over and over as he bottoms out with each thrust.*
Y/N- Yesyesyesyes!!! *You scream as you get closer and closer. He pulls you up so your back is against his chest. Both of you are still clothed from the waist up so it feels weird to not feel his skin on yours. He reaches his metal hand between your legs and rubs your clit as he turns on the vibration. It's over for you right then*
Y/N- fuck!!! Don't stop!!
*He keeps going and you fall over the edge in pure ecstasy. Feeling him fill you up is even better. He kisses your neck as he grunts and jerks his hips, his orgasm being squeezed out of him by your walks.*
Bucky- Mmhmm fuck yeah! Yes baby, just like that. Mmhm take what I give you. *He smacks your ass and you moan and yelp.*

*Bucky pulls out and quickly cleans you up. He pulls you up right and adjusts your pants. You lazily hum and let him take care of you.*
Y/N- Mmhm thank you, Bucky. Took my mind off-
Bucky- shhh *He kisses you* that's the point Baby girl. Now let's get outside and enjoy our family.
*You nod and kiss him*
Y/N- what room should we christen later?
*You tease and Bucky laughs. He kisses you  and wraps you in his arms as you walk outside to the lake.*

‼️it's gonna get sad so we needed short, sweet, and dirty 😏‼️

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