Christmas pt3 Could 9

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‼️Sorry I disappeared! Needed a little brain break from writing for a bit

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‼️Sorry I disappeared! Needed a little brain break from writing for a bit. I enjoyed my Christmas and New Years with family, hope you all did as well( if you celebrate, if not I still hope you enjoyed time with you family lol) 🥰❤️‼️

*Sadly you did not get the rain check for sex that Bucky promised. The last day of school is insane and the kids are so excited for Christmas that they want to have a huge slumber party in the main living room downstairs. You look at Bucky and he just smiles at you over his coffee cup.*
Y/N- I guess! *You say and they all cheer. You can't help but smile. Bucky gives you a sweet peck and then finishes cooking breakfast for the kids before they have to catch the bus. You were hesitant about the bud at first but the kids love it and they practically fill up the whole thing so no one else is really on it with them. They are the first stop on and off in the afternoons, although you usually get them in the afternoons.*
Bucky- come on, grab a waffle and hit the road! The bus will be here any minute!
*they all file out the door and you wave as they drive off. Nat comes walking downstairs, Samuel in one arm and Matthew in the other, and Joshua behind. You wave Ben's arm at Samuel and he just laughs and waves back.*
Nat- who said yes to the slumber party?! Sarah ran upstairs screaming about it and woke everyone up- I don't have the energy!
*You laugh*
Y/N- well find it! Cause come 3pm those kids are all ours till January 8th!
Steve- morning *He says as he yawns and walks past Nat. He gives her a little kiss and then takes Matthew from her.* come on bud.. let's do your breathing treatment. *He carries him to the table and hooks up the machine. He sits Matthew in his lap and hooks the mask around his face. Matthew just holds his hand and leans back against his chest as Steve rubs his head.*
Steve- good job bubba, just relax. *Matthew takes a deep breath and reaches his hand out to Nat. She laughs and hands him her phone*
Nat- only for the treatment, okay? Then you give it back. *He nods. His little body is so small in Steve's strong arms. Nat kisses his forehead and gives him her phone to watch a video. She kisses Steve and gently smiles and rubs her back as she walks away. You can't help but watch and just smile. These two people who ran from their feelings for so long now have this sweet little family and act as though they've been together their whole lives. It makes you so happy, you look at Bucky and he can't tell you're getting a ll warm and fuzzy. He lightly laughs and kisses you. He whispers*
Bucky- how about when Ben naps you meet me in our bed and we can cuddle for a bit. *He leans his forehead against yours and rubs his nose against yours. You blush and nod.*
Y/N- yeah
Bucky- okay *He kisses you and then heads upstairs. He has a big paper due for one of his classes and he wants to get it done this morning so you've got Ben and slumber party duty.*

Y/N- so how's Matthew doing? *You ask Steve as Nat plays with the boys. All 5 of them! James and Anthony didn't go to preschool that day so Nat has them all. They are running around and she's just holding Matthew and watching. He doesn't really a feel like playing which worries Nat a little.*
Steve- he's okay. I mean he is literally me, every illness I had, he has. Except now we have medicine to fight it. He's gotten better since getting some of his shots. We opted out of some and other he got. No polio so that's a win! *He gently smiles*
Y/N- TB?
Steve- he had it. Apparently when they first arrived here Alex stole the medicine he needed. So by the time he got here with us he wasn't contagious anymore. He still has the cough though and that doesn't help is asthma. His pediatrician is extremely hopeful, she thinks he's gonna be fine once he shakes the cough. His treatments are helping so we keep doing them every morning. Just with it being flu season now Nat is very worried he's gonna get sick.
*You nod and look at her, she's falling asleep against the couch.*
Y/N- how's his muscle tone?
Steve- okay, he's built like I was... without serum he won't really be able to put on muscles. At least not like us. He's gonna be a scrappy little guy. *Steve says and smiles fondly. You squeeze his hand.*
Y/N- those are the best! *You smile and he laughs*
Steve- yeah yeah *He teases and you smile. You sit back and sigh*
Y/N- you ever think we are gonna get back to saving the world and punching out bad guys?
Steve- one day.. I kinda like the rest though *He looks at his kids and his wife. The contentment on his face is so sweet. Then the boys start yelling and it slowly sours and he closes his eyes and sighs. You laugh*
Y/N- yeah... the rest is great!
*He gives you a playful shove and goes to settle whatever is making the boys yell.*
Steve- from telling wolf Governments to 'fuck off and suck my dick' to sending kids to time out and repairing broken toys... how the mighty have fallen. *He jokes and Nat raises her hand and he gives her a high five as he passes. You laugh. One of the boys repeats what Steve said*
James- 'fuck off!'
Anthony- 'suck my-'
Steve- NO!
*Steve interrupts him and Anthony just smiles and runs away. Nat groans*
Nat- good job *She says sarcastically and he pokes her side and makes her squeal. Matthew laughs and gets up to play which makes Nat a little more hopeful.*

*You are getting snacks ready and pulling out the big projector for the movies. You get Bucky and Steve get the air mattresses downstairs and blown up. You get lots of pillows and blankets gathered around them as well as stuffed animals. The kids won't know what hit them, it'll be the best slumber party ever! You get Ben down for his morning nap and you head to the room, just as promised, there was Bucky. He was in his sweats and his big comfy sweatshirt, the one you loved so much. He holds out his arms and you run over and climb in bed. You curl up with him. One leg entangled between his and your arms curled up against his chest as his arms are wrapped around you. His chin rests on your head and your head rests against his chest. You hum and slowly doze off to the warm feeling of Bucky and the sound of his heartbeat.*

*When you wake up Bucky is still rubbing your back. He hums and kisses your head and then finds your lips. You smile*
Y/N- thank you *Kiss* thank you.
Bucky- you're welcome, baby girl. Now how about you finish up downstairs and I'll finish my paper. That way you and the kids have my full attention during the break. *You nod and kiss him before sitting up and getting Ben up. You feed him and then get him downstairs as you continue to plan.*
Peter- wow.. why didn't I get any of this?! *He jokes as he walks in the door. He was away visiting MJ for a couple weeks*
Y/N- because you never asked! *You tease and give him a big hug* Alex will be happy to have you back!
Peter- how is he doing by the way?
Y/N- better, much better! *You smile and pull Peter along with you to help*

-Alex! *He hears the sweet, melodious voice call his name. He smiles and turns around*
Alex- hey Lilly, *He tries to not blush* how about that history test, huh? *Lilly rolls her eyes and Alex laughs*
Lilly- leave it to Mr. Danes to give us a test on the last day before break! *Alex laughs and agrees*
Alex- I mean , it wasn't too bad.
Lilly- well not for you! *She bumps him a little with her shoulder as they walk and he just smiles* you are a wizard with history.
Alex- hey, I've offered you my tutoring
*She smiles and looks at him as they stop walking*
Lilly- I know, I should really take you up on that one of these days. *Alex smiles down at her.*  what are your plans for break?
Alex- staying home. My parents might try to squeeze in a little vacation to Wakanda but who knows. *Lilly just laughs and shakes her head*
Lilly- only you, Alex Barnes can make a wakandan vacation sound dull. *He smiles and shrugs. He gets an idea*
Alex- hey Umm.. if my mom and dad say it okay, would you like to come over tonight? *She smiles* my siblings wanted to do this big slumber party for Christmas break- lost of movies and snacks, no sleep... would you want to join?
*She blushes a little and nods.*
Lilly- yeah, I'd like that.
Alex- cool, Umm I'll let you know when I get home what they said.
Lilly- okay, *She goes to walk away and then she turns back around and kisses his cheek.* I really hope they say yes. *She walks down the hall and Alex stares in awe. Morgan walks up next to him and gives him a nudge.*
Morgan- you're drooling. *He actually checks and then rolls his eyes* come on, we are gonna miss the bus.
*They walk to the younger halls and get the rest of the kids and walk to the bus together. The whole way home Alex can't stop thinking about Lilly. Her sweet smile and her long chocolate brown hair. Her hazel eyes and freckles across her nose and cheeks. He gets butterflies when he thinks about kissing them- kissing her, holding her. They got close like that once before, then Annie happened. This is the first time since that incident that these sweet, innocent feelings have returned and he can't be more excited.*

Alex- hey Mom? Dad? *You both look at him* can I invite Lilly over tonight? I'd- I'd really like to hang out with her. And this way there are a lot of witness. *You smile and look at Bucky.*
Bucky- yeah bud, invite her over. Her parents can drop her off at 6. Is she gonna stay the night or be picked up late?
Alex- I mean whatever you two would want, I guess. And what her parents want of course.
*Bucky nods and looks at you*
Y/N- how about for this first time she can stay till 11:30, okay? *Alex nods*
Bucky- now this doesn't mean you two get to sneak off to one of these empty rooms. You stay in the living room with everyone else.
Alex- understood! *Alex walks way smiling and texting Lilly.* "you can come over at 6! Stay till 11:30." *She sends back* "see you then! ❤️" *Alex is on cloud 9*

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