There Is More

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‼️TW- mentions of possible SA

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‼️TW- mentions of possible SA. Mentions of child loss and death.‼️

^^^ I know, trust the process! ❤️

*You get the kids to bed and you two start packing for your two week long trip to Wakanda. You tell Bucky about the plan as you do.*
Bucky- that's amazing! And hey you can start your training school!
*You smile and laugh*
Y/N- I mean not right away but yeah! I just can't believe how many children Hydra has taken or created.
Bucky- created?
Y/N- yeah. Some of the files I read said that the Children were born there. If the children had any living family members left then the orphanage tries to reunite them. They found that half of them have no one and the only DNA that matches theirs are from women in the Missing person's database who they have found dead.
Bucky- so who's the father of all these kids? If they were created in Hydra someone had to- *His sentence trails off. He runs out of the room and you chase after him.*
Y/N- Bucky what in the world?!
*He runs down to Tony's lab and sees Tony working away.*
Bucky- hey! Can you hack the database that houses all of the medical and DNA records for the kids from the orphanage?
Tony- Umm yes but why?
Bucky- just do it, please.
*You come running in*
Y/N- what are you doing?!
Bucky- following a hunch, but I hope to god in wrong.
*As Tony gets it pulls up you pull Bucky to the side*
Y/N- where is your head at. Please tell me. *He nods and looks back at Tony to make sure he's not listening, he probably is anyway.*
Bucky- we were frozen for a long time. And I can't remember every single time they unfroze me. There are still little parts that are fuzzy, I- *He looks back again and then back at you.* They wanted to have the Winter Widow program where we made all these little super soldiers... what if they took some of my-
Y/N- Tony we need this pulled up a little faster please!
Tony- okay okay, hold your horses!
Y/N- the horses have gone off-roading, okay!
*He shakes his head and pulls it up. He turns around and points to the screen.*
Tony- there! Happy?! I just broke so many laws-
Y/N- like you care, move. *You push him out of the way.*
Tony- okay y/n now you're starting to scare me. What's going- *He sees you pulling up Bucky's medical file and DNA records.* Oh. My. God. *He shoves you back out of the way* move I can run this faster than you.
*He starts clicking away and running Bucky's DNA against every single child that has coke through the orphanage and every one that's still there.*
Tony- there are a lot of kids so it's gonna take a minute.

*Its been an hour and there is still nothing, it's still running it's sequence.*
Y/N- okay, I have our real children to think about-
Bucky- some of these might be our children.
Y/N- yes but right now they are theoretical children and I need to pack for the children I know, for sure, that I birthed. Come help me. Tony please let us know when you have something *He nods*
Tony- do you want me to run yours as well?
*You look at Bucky and he nods*
Y/N- yeah, go ahead.

*You are packing and it's quieter than it was before. Bucky was telling jokes and you two were talking about house plans, now your just lost in thought and honestly, mad.*
Bucky- Umm all the kids are packed, even Ben. His pack n' play is by the door with the suitcases. All of their travel bags are packed with books, iPads, and snacks. How's it going in here?
*He looks and sees nothing is ready. You haven't moved from when he left to grab all of Ben's stuff.*
Bucky- hey *He takes you in his arms* it's gonna be okay. *He kisses you* I promise.
Y/N- you don't know that *You break down.* the fact that they could of- *He holds you tight* I never ever thought of it but now I can't stop! There is no telling what they did to us and then just wiped from our minds. Bucky they could of rap-
Bucky- No, no. Those monsters wrote everything down. They would have documented any *He shudders at the thought* "activities" *He holds you tight.* they would have bragged to Winter about messing with you and they never did. They didn't touch you. Also Pierce, as sick as he was, wanted to make sure any possible kids were purely ours. He would have killed anyone who touched you that wasn't me. *He wipes the tears from your eyes and kisses you* look at me baby. *You do* trust me, they never laid a hand on you that way.
*You nod and cling to Bucky. You look up and meet his gaze. He slowly leans in and kisses you, his hands start to travel down your back when Ben wakes up crying.*
Y/N- I'll get him *You go to walk away and Bucky stops you for a moment.*
Bucky- are you okay?
*You nod*
Y/N- I'll be better once I know for sure.
*He nods and you walk away. It's not that you and Bucky wouldn't welcome Andy child into your family with open arms.. it's that if there was a child out there that was yours then you two would have yet another thing Hydra has stolen from you. A life that they robbed you of and molded in their own way. Violated you two even more then they did on a daily basis. So even though that child would be loved more than anything... they would also bring an immense amount of pain.* 

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