Christmas pt11 Here Goes Nothing

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*you don't remember much when you wake up in the morning

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*you don't remember much when you wake up in the morning. You remember Bucky opening you up and teasing you quite a bit with the toys he brought to the bed. But the orgasm you had was so strong you blacked out, legitimately blacked out. And Bucky just help you and was so proud of himself. You do remember the smug look on his face as he cleaned you up, again and then cleaned up the bed. You laid down well used and filled and just passed out. Now the early morning light is shining in through the bathroom windows and Bucky is still sleeping peacefully next to you. You go to get up and you feel something strange inside you.*
Y/N- what?! *You reach down to feel and you find the flat end of a plug. You whimper and groan a little* Bucky *You try to sit up anyway and you are pulled back down and into Bucky's arms.*
Bucky- Mmhmm leave it in Bunny.
*You get butterflies and you bit your lip*
Y/N- Bunny huh?
*He nods and kisses your cheek*
Bucky- Yup, you okay with that?
*He asks, his chin resting on your shoulder and his eyes closed in sleepiness.*
Y/N- yeah *You say quietly*
Bucky- good girl, Mmhmm my good Bunny.
Y/N- but- *Bucky lightly laughs and told you to your back and moves over you a little*
Bucky- what is it, Bunny.
Y/N- take the plug out, please. We can do this, I'll be your Bunny and I'll ask 'on what' when you tell me to 'bounce' *That made him laugh and you smile* but I have too many kids to be taking care of to wear a damn plug all day. *Bucky laughs and agrees. He kisses you as he slowly pulls it out.*
Bucky- better?
Y/N- much! Also- *Bucky pouts and rests his head against your breast. You laugh and lift his head up* No Bunny and Daddy talk or demands while the kids are around. You could do that when they were younger but they all can understand and or repeat what you say now... so save the dirty talk for the bedroom or for when you know no one else is around.
Bucky- I know baby girl. *He kisses you* but thank you for showing that we are on the same page. But that means no pouty looks when I can't do anything about it. *You giggle*
Y/N- that's a part of the fun, Daddy!
*You jump up and run to the bathroom, Bucky chases you and you squeal as he catches you. He presses you against the shower wall and flips on the water. You two have washed each other off and now are about one more minute away from Bucky thrusting inside you when you hear Ben cry. It catches your attention but it's different, his cry isn't through the monitor it's coming from the bedroom.*
Y/N- what in the- *You see someone hold Ben up and through the doorway. Whoever it is they aren't walking into the bathroom. Ben just smiles but you can tell from where you are that he got a little sick. Bucky is already moving to get him before you can say anything.*
Bucky- Umm, thanks!
Alex- yeah, you're welcome. He had just woken up and I figured I'd grab him... it's a mess in there.
*Bucky sigh and looks back at you. You dramatically blow him a kiss and he laughs*
Bucky- okay, thanks Alex. *He grabs Ben* come here stinky dude. You got sick huh?!
*Ben smiles and then lays his head in Bucky's chest. He smells horrid but Bucky knows that can all be washed away.*
Alex- do you want me to clean anything?
Y/N- No it's fine, thank you Bud. We will get it when we get out.
Alex- mom?!?
*You and Bucky now realize Alex didn't know you both were in the shower. You try to sound normal while Bucky just laughs silently.*
Y/N- Umm ye-yeah bud?
Alex- I- I thought- dad was- I gotta go!
*He runs out of the room leaving the door wide open.*
Bucky- Alex!? Shut the- oh whatever.

*Bucky holds Ben as you get him undressed. You hold him as Bucky pouts some water over him. Washing away all the sickness. He giggles and curls up in your arms, you hold him tight and sing as you rock him in your arms.*
Y/N- your belly not feeling good? Huh?
Ben- mmmaammaa
Y/N- I know bubba, I'm here.
*Bucky just watches you with Ben. His is amazed at how quickly you can flip to caring mama from whatever deviant persona he has you in, in an instant. You catch him looking*
Y/N- what? *You lightly laugh*
Bucky- just looking, admiring.
*He kisses you and then rinses off again and helps you with Ben. He gets him out and dried off as you wash off again and get dried off and dressed. You take Ben and get him ready as Bucky gets ready. You find Alex and quietly apologize, he just shrugs it off and says it's okay. He watches Ben as you and Bucky clean up bens room. It wants too bad, nothing like the Grant poop explosion when he was young. You get it cleaned and fresh again.*
Y/N- okay, onto the Christmas Eve festivities!

*The some of the kids are helping make cookies while Bucky sits on the couch watching the grinch... again. The girls love it and it keeps them occupied. He has Ben curled up in his arms, he looks so sleepy and pitiful yet he still smiles. Nat and Steve come down with their kids, they spent the morning upstairs with them. Matthew comes walking over to Grant and sits next to him. Grant smiles*
Grant- hey Matty, you want a blanket?
*He nods and Grant grabs him one and wraps him up.*
Matthew- Thanks Grant
*Grant smiles and continues to watch the movie. Nat watches as Sarah moves closer and closer to Grant on the couch. Steve starts to say something and she clears her throat and stares him down until he sighs and backs off.*
Nat- he's turned into a real caveman when it comes to Sarah. Dear lord.
*You laugh and look at Bucky with the girls.*
Y/N- yeah I know what you mean.
*You look at Matthew and see him shiver a little even with the blanket.*
Y/N- is Matty okay? *Steve walks up*
Steve- he's okay, just easily cold. I was like that a lot as a kid. No body fat to keep him warm. *You nod and look at him. His eyes are a little tired and he has bags under his eyes.*
Y/N- is he sleeping?
*Steve and Nat look at you and then each other*
Nat- yes y/n, he's sleeping. He sleeps as much as your kids- do you think we aren't-
Steve- Nat stop, you know that's not what she meant and now you're just trying to pick a fight because you're worried. You'd rather fight with someone than think about him being sick. Stop projecting.
*Nat sighs and wipes a tear. She apologizes and then walks over to Matthew and hold shim tight. Samuel toddles over to Steve and Steve picks him up.*
Y/N- so when did you become a therapist??
*Steve laughs and shrugs*
Steve- we all need therapy, y/n.
*You agree and look at Nat and Matthew*
Y/N- I really wasn't in insinuating that y'all weren't taking care of him-
Steve- I know and Nat knows as well. She just a little on edge is all.
*He hugs you and goes to sit with Nat.*

*You walk up behind Bucky and pulls Ben from his arms.*
Bucky- what- wait- *He shoots awake and you gently laughs*
Y/N- shhh I've got him. I'm gonna go talk to Bruce and Tony for a bit. That's where I am if you need me.
*He nods and dozes back off. You find Tony and Bruce in the lab*
Y/N- hey! Got a minute?
Tony- for you chai? I have 2, what's up?
Y/N- how sure are we that this blood ting will work for Matthew?
Bruce- like 95% sure
Tony- give or take a percent.
Y/n- I was gonna wait and tell Nat and Steve tomorrow on Christmas but- I think we should tell them without the pressure of the whole team waiting to see their response. And without the kids.
Tony- yeah... that's probably best. Don't want little Matthew hearing it all and think he needs to be 'fixed'
Y/N- exactly
Bruce- we can figure out a presentation for them later today.
Y/N- thank you, seriously. This may change Matthews life.
Tony- or our friendships with Steve and Nat.
*You don't know what to say so you just give a weak smile and look at Ben.*
Y/N- if it was my son and I had a way to possibly help him, I'd do it.
*Tony and Bruce nod*
Tony- okay, maybe before dinner?
Y/N- sure.
*You walk out and leave them to their science.*

*The rest of the day goes smoothly, thankfully Bens accident was a one and done and none of the other kids seem to have gotten it. You are cooking dinner for you family as Steve starts to cook dinner for his. Usually one person cooks for everyone but with some many different family units in the compound right now you all just decided to cook for your family's tonight and everyone pitch in tomorrow for Christmas dinner. Nat and Bucky come in to help when Bruce and Tony find you 4*
Bruce- hey y/n, is now a good time?
*You look and see Steve putting the final touches on their food. Yours if plated and Bucky's giving it to the kids.*
Y/N- yeah probably. *Bucky calls Peter, MJ, and Kate down and asks if they could watch the kids, mainly Samuel, Ben, Joshua, and Matthew, Alex could handle the others*
Bucky- we won't be long.
Peter- yeah, take your time!

*You pull Nat and Steve to the side and ask them to follow you to the lab. You take a deep breath, here goes nothing*

‼️The next part will be much longer and will finish up Christmas! (12 parts- 12 days 😉) anyway, it will take a little longer to write. May not post tomorrow! I swear I'll get my shit together one of these days and get back to posting a chapter a day!! 🫣❤️‼️

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