Its Been Too Long

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‼️TW- mentions of abuse, PTSD episode‼️

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‼️TW- mentions of abuse, PTSD episode‼️

Alex- mom? What does all this mean?
*You turn around and see Alex standing in the doorway. You look at Bucky and shake your head. He rubs your back and speaks for you*
Bucky- it means you and your sisters will stay here for a bit, then Loki will be taking you back to your universe. At least that's the plan.
Alex- what about Joshua and Matthew?
Steve- Umm, they were also a part of Kang's experiment. He started messing with your world long before his warning. If they go back and The TVA resets the timeline they will be erased as well.  They will stay here with us.
*Alex wipes a tear and nods*
Alex- okay..
Nat- but Loki did say that this isn't a permanent separation. He said that we would be apart of some of the events that happen in your world. When you three do have to leave it won't be forever.
*He nods and looks back at the kids.*
Alex- okay, Umm I should tell them-
Bucky- we can tell them, you don't have to-
Alex- No, it need to be me. *He walks over to the kids and starts to tell them what's gonna happen. They have some tears and just nod. Grant walks over to you and hugs you as you still hug Bucky. You cry and pull him into a hug.*
Grant- I'm sorry you're hurting, mama.
Y/N- oh my little Wolf
*Alex over hears and he smiles through the tears. That's the name his mom always called him. The girls come over and give you a hug too. Ben starts to whine and you hear him through the monitor.*
Y/N- I'm gonna go grab him. *Bucky rubs your arms and kisses your forehead. You run up and pick up Ben, he wanting to sleep in longer so you let him.* hey bubba. *You wipe your tears* I'm sorry mamas a little sad today. *He reaches a hand up to your mouth. You cry and hold him close. You end up just sitting in his room for a bit, holding him and letting him nurse for as long as he wanted. You needed this time with him.*

Alex- where's mom?
Bucky- she's upstairs with Ben. Do you need something?
Alex- I just wanted to apologize to her for everything. I never meant for her to get hurt-
*Bucky reaches for Alex and he flinches. That breaks Bucky's heart. He pulls him into a hug*
Bucky- you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry you lost everything but we are gonna make it right. *He pulls back* I promise. *Alex nods. Bucky puts his arm around him and they walk to the living room* So, you and AU Bucky ever spar?
Alex- Umm yeah before everything then after he just- well he wasn't training after that. *Bucky nods and squeezes his shoulder*
Bucky- then we'll just workout.. how does that sound? *Alex smiles*
Alex- good! *He lightly laughs* do you even know what AU means?
Bucky- yes... Peter has given me a couple books that use it. *Alex laughs and nods*

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