Never Enough Time

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*You get you bag packed and set it by the door

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*You get you bag packed and set it by the door. The girls come to hug you bye first.*
Winnie- bye mama!
Odette- I love you!
Elizabeth- be safe!
Jonnie- I'll miss you!
Carson- have fun mama!
Everly- bye mama y/n!
*You give them all big hugs and kisses. Grant comes up next*
Grant- bye mama, I love you.
Y/N- I love you too, Grant. *You give him a kiss on the head* be good and please help Aunt Nat and Uncle Steve with Ben.
Grant- I will, and I know Alex will help too. *He hugs you and runs off. Alex walks up*
Alex- Umm have fun.. I guess. *You laugh and hug him. He's at that age where he gets weirded out at any alone time you and Bucky have.*
Y/N- thanks bud. Be good and help watch your siblings. Also... Uncles Steve has already been told that Lilly is allowed to come over once but it has to be during the day. So don't go trying to sneak in a night time meeting. *Alex laughs and nods* I love you
Alex- I love you too, mom.
*You get Ben from his play pen and get in some snuggles as you walk him to Nat and Steve's room*
Y/N- I'm gonna miss you bubba. *He holds you tight and nuzzles into your chest.* I know, it won't be long.
Nat- hey Ben!
*He sits up and looks at Nat and then at you. He looks at Steve and then at Bucky over your shoulder. He knows somethings up*
Ben- mmmammma
*He starts to tear up.*
Y/N- on Benji, don't do that. It will be okay! *You hug and hold him. But he just holds you tighter. Bucky walks up to you and kisses your head and whispers in your ear*
Bucky- we just have to do it like we did with Grant the first time. *You sniffle*
Y/N- I know, but I can't.
*He kisses your head and takes Ben from you after you get one more hug and kiss. He hugs Ben and kisses his head as he says how much he loves him and how they will be back soon.*
Bucky- okay?! Mommy and Daddy love you so so much and you're gonna have so much fun!
*He walks to Steve and hands Ben to Steve and then rubs Ben's back as he walks away. Ben cries and reaches for you but Bucky ushers you away. He tells you it's okay and that Grant survived this and so will Ben. You blow him kisses and wave as you leave. The girls attack Bucky at the door and start to pull the same stunts that Ben pulled. Whining, pouting, crying. He just kisses them and gives them big hugs and tells them to go find, Peter, Thor, Uncle Tony, Uncle Steve, and Alex. They all run off and Bucky slips out the door with you.*
Bucky- you ready? *He says after a big breath.*
Y/N- yeah, I'm a little sad. But yeah, I'm ready. *You two walk to the car arm in arm and head to the resort*

*Nothings changed, it's all the same beautiful mountains and tree lined roads. The cabin is a little more modern but still as beautiful as ever. The first thing you and Bucky do is get settled in and order some groceries for the next few days. Bucky turns on the fireplace and you find a cute movie for you two to watch during dinner. Once you two stop moving around each other and settle on the couch, you realize how quiet it is.*
Bucky- you hear that?
*You hum and snuggle close to him on the couch*
Y/N- yeah... nothing. *He lightly laughs and agrees as he wraps you in his arms. You look up and he looks down at you. Your eyes flick to his lips and then back to his gaze*
Bucky- hi *He says sweetly, quietly like he was trying to whisper.*
Y/N- hi *You answer back, just as sweet and quiet. Bucky leans in and kisses you. Soft and chaste, that's the best way to describe it. You smile against his lips and pull him closer as you slip your hands around his back.*
Y/N- Mmhmm hi *you say as he kisses you. He slides his hands up your body and moves one to your hair. Playing with it and resting on the back of your neck as the other moves up your side and rubs the side of your breast. You slightly moan and he takes that as approval, which it is*
Bucky- Mmhm how long do we have till the food gets here?
*He asks as he keeps kissing you, his hand has made its way in your shirt and now cups your breast through your bra. You gasp and moan against his mouth as you answer.*
Y/N- and hour
*He moans and leans you back to lay down on the couch*
Bucky- we've got time. *He lays on top of you and you wrap your legs around his waist as you run your hand over his back*
Y/N- Bucky *You gasp as he kisses down your neck, his real hand now on your breast and your bra is pushed down. You whimper as he teases your nipple between his fingers and kisses your neck.*
Bucky- oh y/n *He moans back. He sits up and lifts his shirt off and then does the same to yours. Your bra is next to follow, tossed to the side with the other discarded clothes. Your leggings are starting to get wet, even through your underwear. You can feel how hard Bucky his through his jeans. Sure you two had sex a couple days ago but the last time you two were intimate, no games, no names; it was probably when Ben was made or after you were cleared from him. Made after that but you can't think about that when Bucky is now kisses your breast and teasing them with his tongue.*
Y/N- Bucky?! Please?!
*He kisses you and settles between your legs*
Bucky- I've got you, y/n. *He kisses you again* I got you. *He rolls his hips against yours and you moan as he hits all the right spots. It's been too long since you and Bucky were just yourselves and had sweet, fluffy, yet fire burning passionate sex. True, pure intimacy. You need it so bad, just to feel his skin against yours, taste him, fill his desire for you as he fills your desire for him. He reaches for your leggings* Mmhmm I need to feel you, y/n. *He slips them off as he explains. You nod and agree, grabbing at his button and zipper.*
Y/N- yes!
*he slips your leggings and underwear off in one go. You thumb open his pants and pull them down quickly, his boxers as well. He stands up and tosses both sets of pants with the discarded shirts. As he walks back over to you he just smiles. It's gentle and consuming. You blush slightly as you take his hand and gently pull him down on you. He lays with you and settles above you. He leans up on his elbows and takes your face in his hands as he looks down at you. He rubs your cheeks with his thumb and you examine his face as admires yours. His smiles lines around his cheeks and the little crinkles around his eyes. His lips, perfect and soft. His eyes blue and calming. You pull one of his hands from your face and kiss his fingers. You then guide that hand lower and he brushes over your breast and down your stomach. You stop guiding him and he takes over, slipping his hand between your legs. He keeps your gaze as he gently rubs his fingers against you, the pleasure washing over your face. It comes like a wave, crashing in and slowly going back out as he rubs circles and keeps you on edge. The next time you feel that gently build he crashes his lips to yours, having seen your pleasure stricken face enough and now needing to kiss you senseless.
Y/N- Bucky *You gasp as he slips a finger inside, gently curling it and hitting that delicate spot inside you. He smiles against your lips and keeps at it.*
Bucky- I love you, y/n *He says as he keeps building it more and more. He feels you start to clench around his fingers and he pulls back to watch you cum, to watch your eyes roll back, your back arch, your breast to swell slightly and your nipples harden. You are breathtaking and he need more, all of you, everyday, for the rest of his life.* god I love you so much! *You kiss him and he pulls his fingers from you, he quickly bottoms out, it was a surprise to you but a welcome one as you feel full and... whole. Like you and Bucky being connected like this is what makes life make sense. This pure, intimate pleasure, where nothing and no one else matters, just Bucky, just your husband. He kisses you and he starts to grind against you and move in a way that is driving you mad with need. You cling to his back and gasp as his thrusts become more sure and faster. He kisses your neck and you throw your head back as he brings you closer to the edge.*
Y/N- yes Bucky! Mmhmm yes baby!!
*He slopes down and start his deep, hard, grinding strokes, you moan and pull him closer, grinding your hips up against him. He kisses you*
Bucky- cum for me, y/n. Please. I need to know you feel good. Look at me *You hold his gaze as he keeps bringing you closer and closer.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Right there- yes! *You words are breathy and needy as Bucky brings you over the edge* Mmhm yes!!
*Bucky kisses you and moans as he cums inside you. Filling you up and spilling out a little as he works himself through his high. When he's done he stays inside you as he lays down in your arms, his head on your chest as he trails his hand along your breast. Goosebumps appear as your temperature comes down, your bodies are sticky and in need of a shower, but nothing, not even the doorbell for dinner could pull you and Bucky from this moment.*

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