The Ones Known And The Ones Lost

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*You take a deep breath and look around

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*You take a deep breath and look around.*
Y/N- Umm how about we get back to our room and we will put you on a video call.
Tony- okay
Y/N- give us 20 minutes-
Steve- 10 we will be there in 10 *Steve starts to pay the bill and gather the kids. Tony agrees and hangs up. Bucky gets the kids together and you get Ben ready to go. You all make your way back to the palace, Shuri set yall up with a huge rooms. Even bigger than what you had last time. The kids put themselves to bed and you hold Ben as he sleeps. Nat puts Samuel down so she can focus on what Tony has to say. You all get set up on the couch and you call Tony.*

Tony- hey guys... so a lot has happened in the last day.
Steve- Tony please... just tell us what's going on.
Tony- okay...

‼️About 8 hours ago‼️
Tony- okay Matthew! Stay with me! *Tony drives down the road. Weaving in and out of traffic. He calls Pepper and explains what's happening.*
Pepper- oh my god! What- is he okay?!
Tony- I don't know- I'm just trying to get him to the hospital, alive!
Pepper- keep me posted! I'll let Yelena know, she may want to come by-
Tony- No. I haven't even told Nat or Steve yet.
*Pepper sighs*
Pepper- okay, just keep me posted
*He agrees and hangs up. He pulls into the hospital and parks in the pull through*
Valet- hey you can't- oh! Mr. Stark! Umm can I-
Tony- park the car please. *He grabs Matthew from the back seat and runs inside with him.* I need help!! Help!!
*A nurse comes running over and gets Matthew to a bed*
Nurse- what happened?!
Tony- I'm not sure someone placed him in my car. I found him and raced here. *Knowing Steve's history he throws out some helpful tips* I think he may have asthma though.. *She looks at him* he was wheezing pretty bad, I know the sighs. *She nods and thanks him. They wheel him back to a room and Tony follows. They work on him and push him full of so many meds. He starts to stabilize and his fever breaks. Tony just watches as his little body fights. He's a fighter, just like Steve.*
Nurse- okay, he was in the midst of a sever asthma attack as well as about ever infection a child could have.
Tony- what does that mean?
Nurse- ear infection, strep, bronchitis as well as the asthma. He even has a swollen appendix and he is malnourished. *Tony nods.* he is little, much smaller than a boy who is two should be... whoever was watching over this kid failed at their job. *Tony sighs*
Tony- I believe it was another kid. Both orphans.
*She nods and looks back at Matthew. He is hooked up to so many machines. She looks back at Tony*
Nurse- I will call child protective services. They will figure out what to do.
Tony- don't do that just yet. This situation is much more complicated than that.
Nurse- I'm sorry sir but it's my job to report this. I could lose my license. *Tony nods*
Tony- okay, fine.

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