Give Me Strength

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‼️I'm so sorry I went MIA!! I had family spontaneously come to town so I had to drop everything to help! 😅🥲 anyway here we go! Also check out these sexy new Seb Pictures! I'm sure most of you have seen them by now! Lol I hate that they came out ...

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‼️I'm so sorry I went MIA!! I had family spontaneously come to town so I had to drop everything to help! 😅🥲 anyway here we go! Also check out these sexy new Seb Pictures! I'm sure most of you have seen them by now! Lol I hate that they came out literally the day after I posted the previous chapter cause damn those pictures would have been perfect!! 🫠😅😏🥵🤭😉🤤🥰 enjoy!! ‼️

*That night, once the kids are in bed you and Bucky pick back up where you left off, except this time you both take your time. Wrapped in each others arms and without a care in the world except making this kid free moment last.*
Bucky- I love you, y/n. *Bucky mumbles as he falls asleep, you in his arms and head resting on his chest. You kiss his chest and him as you snuggle closer*
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky.

*The kids go back to school and it's relatively uneventful, thankfully. Winnie is always prepared for any accidents and she is known among her friends as the one they could go to if they have their own accident. She begs you to keep her stocked so you give into her request even when it means most of them are going to her friends who forgot their extra pads or tampons. You are so proud that your girl is looking out for her friends so none of them experience what Winnie did. Grant talks to Eli and explains what happened with Sarah and how he's really hurt that Eli would hurt Sarah like that all because Nora asked.*
Eli- I'm really Sorry Grant. It won't happen again, besides Nora is just using me to get to you.
*Grant pats Eli's shoulder*
Grant- I'm sorry, Eli.
Eli- it's okay, I hear there's a new girl who is pretty cute.
*Grant shakes his head and pushes his friend to head to lunch*

Nora- Hey Winnie! Hey Sarah!
*Sarah takes a deep breath and Winnie just smiles and whispers "be the bigger person" Sarah pulls out a classic Natasha eye roll and then smiles before turning around*
Nora- we missed you at Eli's birthday party, Sarah.
*Sarah smiles and nods*
Sarah- yeah! I missed it too. But I had a great time with my aunt. We went shopping and then we planned a trip to the lake for the rest of the break. Wasn't the lake fun, Winnie? *Winnie nods* I think my favorite part was camping with your sisters and brothers. *Sarah looks at Nora as she continues to explain an event that didn't happen. Winnie just smiles and goes along* We had that big tent and told ghost stories all night!
*Winnie nods again*
Winnie- yeah! *She helps Sarah out* I remember I told that one story that scared Grant so bad that he snuggles up close to you!
*They both laugh at the fake memory. Nora is obviously not happy about the idea of Sarah being with Grant all weekend.*
Nora- oh fun! *She says loudly, clearly trying to draw attention to them* I hope that's all he did because when he was in the ball pit at the trampoline park with me he leaned in and kissed me. Saying I was the prettiest girl he'd ever met. I hope he didn't lead you on while snuggled up to you, you're such a great friend to him, like another little sister. *And with that Nora walks away. Sarah is stunned and Winnie is fuming. She turns to Sarah*
Winnie- it's not true! I was with Grant and then the whole time. She's just being a- she's just a-
*Sarah starts to cry as everyone is starting to look at her and laugh a little. Winnie is about to take off down the hall after Nora and toss her against the lockers when Grant walks out of the cafeteria and sees the look on Winnie's face, but most importantly the hurt on Sarah's.*
Grant- Winnie? Sarah?! What happened?! *He rushes over and Sarah just turns and runs away. Winnie looks at him*
Winnie- your friends are the scum of the earth, Grant Barnes. They use to be nice but middle school has turned them into horrid people!
*She goes to find Sarah and Grant watches her run away, stunned. He sees everyone whispering and he quickly goes to find Sarah. He sees her hiding by the gym, Winnie is there too.*
Winnie- go find you people, Grant. If you won't stand up for Sarah then I will and that starts with you.
*Grant looks at his feet and then looks down the hall. He sees Nora slip out of the cafeteria and wave to him. He instinctively waves back but then stops himself. He looks at Sarah crying and walks over to kneel in front of her. He takes her hand away from where she is covering her eyes and squeezes it. Nora calls from down the hall. Sarah pulls her hand back and lets Winnie hug her tighter.*
Winnie- don't you have somewhere to be?!?
Grant- I'm right where I need to be. *He sits on the ground and takes Sarah's hand again. He gently kisses the back of it.* but before I can stay here I have to make a few things right. I'm so sorry, Sarah. I don't know what Nora said but- I know whatever it was to make you this upset is not true.
*Sarah sniffles and looks up at Winnie. She nods and Winnie stands up and grabs her bag.*
Winnie- I'm in class if you need me. I'll let the teacher know you're "in the bathroom" *And with that she leaves Grant and Sarah to talk. Sarah speaks quietly*
Sarah- so you didn't kiss her? At Eli's party?
*Grant sits beside Sarah and kisses her hand again*
Grant- no, I don't think of her like that and I don't know if I ever will.
*Sarah leans her head against Grants shoulder.*
Sarah- what about me? Do you think of me like that? *Grant could hear the fear in her voice. He hopes that she won't hear the fear in his*
Grant- y-yeah. Umm yes, I-I do. *he blushes and gently smiles. His voice cracks a little, another thing to ask his dad about when he gets home. Along with these new feelings he has in his body and all of them about Sarah and how he feels around her or seeing her hurt. He remembers the conversation about puberty and he wonders if these are the new feelings Dad was talking about. He doesn't know what to do with them, but dad will. Dad always has the answer.*
Sarah- good *she says quietly and snuggles closer. Lunch is about to end and they will be found if they don't move, so Grant hugs her tight and whispers*
Sarah- where did you learn to be so nice? *Grant smiles*
Grant- my dad. It's how he treats my mom, always meeting her where she is and never leaving her there alone unless she asks.
*Sarah smiles and hugs him closer*
Grant- I will make this right, I promise.
Sarah- I don't want you to lose your friends-
Grant- No friends of mine hurt my family and the people I care about. *He squeezes her hand* you are worth losing a few bad friends for.
*Sarah heads back to class and Grant goes to lunch. He sits with Nora and Eli.*
Grant- I want you both to listen and hear me. Sarah and Winnie are not pawns in your games to win me. Sarah is special to me and anyone  and I mean anyone, *He looks at Nora* who tried to hurt her in any way, will immediately lose my friendship. She is worth throwing away 7 years of friendships, do I make myself clear?
*Eli nods and apologizes again. Nora nods and then sighs.*
Nora- I'm sorry, your friendship means more than some need to win. *Grant asks her to explain* well there is a vet going around the 7th grade girls to see who could get you to ask them to the dance. I don't know why I thought I had a shot against Sarah anyway, I've seen how you look at her.
*Grant sits back and doesn't know what to say but Eli does. He takes his shot*
Eli- well Nora? Would you like to go to the dance with me?? *He smiles and Nora just sighs*
Nora- I guess. *Eli doesn't take offense that and Grant shakes his head* I'll apologize to Sarah after school.*

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