You Always Know

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*Ben's crying wakes you up, you get up to get him and see he's not in his pack n play

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*Ben's crying wakes you up, you get up to get him and see he's not in his pack n play. You panic, you throw a pillow at Bucky and wake him up rudely.*
Bucky- what the fuc-
Y/N- Ben is missing! I can hear him crying but he's not in his crib!
*You throw on your robe and Bucky springs out of bed not even worrying about clothes. He's in his boxers as he dashed out of the room. He sees Grant sitting on the floor with Ben in his lap. Bucky takes a deep breath and tries to calm his heart rate. You run in and see Grant and Ben, you start to cry as you are overcome with so many emotions.*
Grant- good morning *He says as he smiles*
Y/N- Grant!? *You try not to be angry.* why is Ben in here and not in his crib? *Bucky rubs your shoulder and you just breath.*
Grant- he was crying and crying, he wink us all up. I went to check since you and daddy weren't getting up. You two were sound asleep and there was no waking you up. So I picked him up, I made sure to support his head. I brought him out here and changed his diaper. He pooped. I think I cleaned him well. I was going to get him dressed for you but I didn't know where his clothes were. So I just held him like this.
*You see Ben is in his diaper and have his blanket wrapped around him as Grant holds him.*
Grant- then he was hungry, I didn't know how to fix a bottle so I just gave him his Paci, it worked for a bit. But now I think he's really hungry.
*You nod and try not to cry, your sweet boy. Bucky squeezes your shoulder and walks over to Grant, he picks up Ben*
Bucky- thank you, Grant. That was very nice of you to help us out, wasn't it mama?
*You nod, you pull Grant into a hug and kiss his head*
Y/N -thank you little wolf. I love you
Grant- love you too, mama
*Bucky gets the kids ready as you check and make sure Grant changed him right, he did. You get Ben dressed and then sit down to nurse him.*
Y/N- hey bubba, you gave me a scare this morning. You were just hanging out with your brother so I guess you were safe. *He grunts and you kiss his head.*

*It is Animal kingdom day! You get there early and get on the safari. Bucky takes Grant and Winnie on flight of passage and Expedition Everest while you take the girls and Ben on some calm water rides. After the scare that morning you wear Ben almost all day. You know he wasn't in danger and he was safe but you couldn't bring yourself to put him down. Only when you ate, rode a ride, or went to the bathroom, and even then your brought him with you too change. While changing him the girls come running in and need to potty. They are moving around and one of them knocks you pump into the toilet, fully submerged. You gasp and look at them.*
Y/N- girls?! This is why I asked you to wait!
*You groan and send them back to Bucky. Once you are done you walk out with your pump and throw it in the trash.*
Bucky- Umm why did you-
Y/N- you girls want to tell him?
*Winnie looks at the triplets and sighs*
Winnie- we were fighting over the toilet and we knocked it into the toilet.
*Bucky nods and looks at you, he can tell it's taking everything in you not to spiral at the moment.*
Bucky- okay, well sit down and eat lunch, we have the lion king show in an hour. *They sit and eat, you sit next to Bucky and he takes Ben. You try to find a breast pump anywhere who Tim driving distance- sold out. *You groan as you slam your phone down and hang your head in your hands. Bucky rubs your back and you just breath.*
Winnie- mommy I'm sorry we didn't listen and we ruined your pump. Did we mess everything up? *She asks with tears in her eyes*
Y/N- No Winnie boo, you didn't. Mommy doesn't NEED the pump it just makes it much easier. I will be okay, I forgive you. *You hug her and hold her.* I love you Winnie boo
Winnie- I love you too mama

*You see so many shows and get so many treats the kids have no where else to put them.*
Odette- we filled the stroller!
Bucky- oh well! No more gifts!
*He teases and they all freak. He laughs and they all giggle and run into yet another store. Bucky cries and looks at his wallet, then he follows them.*
Y/N- you can say no. You know that, right?
Bucky- you try saying no to Jonnie's puppy dog eyes!
Y/N- I do it all the time
*Bucky nods and agrees.*

*You are sitting down for dinner when you start to have some pains in your breast. You've already nursed Ben but he wasn't that hungry so now you feel like you're gonna explode.*
Y/N- shit
Jonnie- mommy said a bad word
Bucky- I know- *He laughs and looks at you* you okay baby?
Y/N- yeah, just could really use my pump right now.
*You take a deep breath. Bucky nods and observes you as you sit in pain and eat. The kids going on and on about the next thing they will do. You just smile and nod. When it's time to get up the kids ask for one more ride. You start to agree even though your chest hurts so bad and you need some relief.*
Y/N- uu-uumm sure
*Bucky steps in*
Bucky- actually let ahead back, call it an early night.
Grant- but Dad-
Bucky- No buts, let's go. Head to the front.
Y/N- Bucky I'm fine-
Bucky- head to the front, we are leaving. *He says to you. The then whispers.* my wife is in pain and I need to get home to take care of her, that's all that matters to me right now. *You blush and kiss him. He smiles and pushes the stroller as you all Make your way to the bus. You get back to the hotel and the kids make it upstairs just in time for the fireworks at magic kingdom. The new room is so high up and next to the park that it's honestly one of the best views.*
Bucky- alright kids, y'all watch the fireworks. Mommy and I need to talk, knock before you come in, understand?
*They all nod and go back to watching the fireworks.*

*You are putting Ben in his crib to rest for a bit when you feel Bucky's hand on your waist. You him and he kisses your neck*
Bucky- lay down, baby
*You do and he lifts your shirt off. He takes your bra off and immediately goes to relieving your pain. You gasp at the sudden feeling of a tongue around your nipple but it soon becomes so welcome. As your body gives in to Bucky's demand you feel relief. You play with his hair as he basically does the job of your pump. He switches and relives some pressure from the other as well. You smile and rub his back as he kisses up your chest and neck. He kisses you and you smile*
Y/N -thank you, Bucky. You didn't have to do that-
Bucky- I did though *you're heart sinks a little, thinking he did it out of obligation* I couldn't let you live in that pain. Also I know messing with your pumping schedule will also mess with Ben's nursing schedule and I could let all your hard work go to waste.
*You smile and kiss him*
Bucky- plus I just really like this. *You laugh and he kisses your breast.* call it a kink or whatever but it's sexy and it does something to me *He winks and you laugh*
Y/N- thank you, you always know how to take care of me. *He kisses you and you smile*
Bucky- come on, let's get these kids to bed, huh?!

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