Distracting Me

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‼️Hopefully this lives up to the hype

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‼️Hopefully this lives up to the hype. 🤷🏼‍♀️😅😏😉🤤🥵😋❤️‼️

*His kiss doesn't start out rough, but as you get needier and louder he starts biting your lip. You become putty in his hands.*
Bucky- that's it Doll, slip into the sweet space. *He rubs his fingers over your lips and you moan as you chase them, drawing them in your mouth and sucking.* perfect little mouth, god I could live there. *You tease his fingers the same way you would if it were his cock. He watches your eyes roll back as he fucks his fingers in your mouth and down your throat. You get too into it and he pulls them away. You whine and chase them again,*
Bucky- Now Doll, this isn't about me right now. You know I'm suppose to be treating you tonight. *You buck your hips up against him and he can tell you got the friction you were searching for. You moan and do it again, Bucky smirks*
Y/N- oh Buc- bucky! *He lays his hands on your hips and guides your movements.*
Bucky- Thats a good girl *You are dripping. The way he praises you and then moves your body, it makes you want to scream and cum every single time he asks for it.*
Y/N- please Baby, I need you! I k-know you're treating mmm-me bbut- *You gasp as you feel his metal fingers sliding along your folds.* but I need mm-more! I nneed y-you! *It was hard for you to speak as he teased your entrance with vibrating metal fingers*
Bucky- have I ever left you needy when you didn't deserve it? *You shake your head no* words.
Y/N- No, Bucky
Bucky- then trust me, I know what you need.
Y/N- okay, Baby

*Bucky gives you a kiss and then sits up. He looks down at you. Spread out and just vulnerable, waiting for him. He sees how wet you are and he becomes painfully aware of how hard he is. So hard he needs to take care of it now.*
Bucky- okay Doll, a little change of plans. *he dips 4 fingers through your folds and gathers up some of your juices. You see him start to fist his cock, using your cum as lube.* Mmhmm you got me so fucking hard! *He moans and grunts as he gets closer and closer. His hand twisting over the tip and giving just enough pressure where he needs it. He takes his metal hand and massages his balls as he kneels over you. You lick your lips as you watch his abs tighten and flex. His moans fill the room and have you aching as you watch him cum in his hand and all over your bare body.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky! *You stroke up and down his sides and he loses his breath*
Bucky- Ffffuck!!! *He comes down from his high and looks down at you, covered in sweat and cum.* So. Fucking. Beautiful *He kisses you*
Okay, now I can give you what you need now that I'm not bursting at the seams!
*You smiles as you trail your fingers down his body and he bites his lip.*
Bucky- you ready?
Y/N- yes sir.

*he leans over you and captures your lips in a kiss, he pushes his tongue against your lips and you open to allow him in. He slips his tongue inside and you moan around it. His metal fingers trail up and down your body, stopping at your breast to tease your nipples with his thumbs. You let your hands roam over his back and he hums at the feeling, before you can let them travel any lower he slowly pulls them away and rests them above your head. He kisses your lips and then your forehead.*
Bucky- leave them there, Doll. This is about you.
*He kisses down your neck and sucks a deep purple bruise on your collarbone. He pulls back to admire his work and smirks. You see the primal look in his eyes and almost whine. He kisses down your chest and sucks your nipples in his mouth. He moans and hums around them, the vibration driving you crazy.*
Y/N- oh Bucky!
Bucky- Mmhmm I know baby doll, I'll get to the good stuff soon.
Y/N- the good stuff is your cock inside me, now! *You whine, you've never felt more bratty then right now, Bucky loves it. He lightly laughs as he pulls back and looks down at you.*
Bucky- just for that outburst, Doll, I'm gonna take this even slower.
*You groan and throw your head back as Bucky laughs and kisses down your body, talking dirty the whole way.*
Bucky- gonna make you so fuming wet that I'll slip out of you when I finally give it to you. You'll be so stretched and ready you could take my fist with no prep. Even your cute little ass will be ready for me. And all I'll use to get you ready is my tongue.
Y/N- Bucky!?! *You cry*
Bucky- yeah yeah, I know. But let me treat my Doll the way I see fit. Can I do that? 
Y/N-ugh!! *He laughs and gives your thigh a slap as he settles between your legs and throws them over his shoulders.*
Bucky- Mmhmm fuck! *He leans in and kisses your center. You whimper and he smiles against your skin. He does it again and again as he watches  you drip in need.* I know we just had our weekend away.. but Mmhmm fuck we need this! *Bucky finally stops teasing you and starts to eats you out
Y/N- yyyyeeess!!!! *Your hands shoot to his hair and you pull a little. Bucky growls and doubles down on his effort to make you cum. Slipping his tongue inside you and then through your folds as his hands reach up and massage your breast. You feel that knot fighting in your stomach and right as it's about to break he pulls away.*
Y/N-NO!!!! *You throw your head back and whine. Bucky smirks as he sits up and flips you around. He handles you so easy it makes you even more wet. He gives your ass a spank as he pushes your knees up under you.*
Bucky- there you go *He spanks you again and you yelp* Mmhmm so good for me. *He starts eating you from behind, your eyes rolling back every time he drags his tongue from your clit to ass.* I don't have all my usual stuff but I have some things-
Y/N- don't need it!
*Bucky lightly laughs and spanks you again*
Bucky- yeah you do, Doll. I'm not about to do this without lube.
Y/N- then just go get it! *You groan and say a little more forcefully than you should have. Bucky let's out a dark laugh and grabs your hair where it's braided and pinned.*
Bucky- what was that? *He asks, heat tracing to your core. You don't answer, knowing you've fucked up. You know he's not mad... but now you might get a little punishment along with your treat.* I asked you a question, Doll *This time when he says your nickname he brushes his fingers against your center, teasing your entrance.*
Y/N- I just- Mmhmm I- *You are desperate at this point* I just need you inside me! Please?! I just need- *You hear a distant whining and crying. It's not till Bucky wipes away a tear from your eyes that you realize it's you.*
Bucky- I know you do, Princess. But what have I asked you to do for me? *You are reeling, trying to remember any rules Bucky laid out* I asked you to just give in to me. I know this hurts *He presses is fingers inside you and gives you a good stretch as he scissors them.* aches even, but if you want me to take care of that then I need you to just lay back, let out those sexy moans and let me have my way. *He curls his fingers against your g-spot, you can do nothing but agree completely*
Y/N- yesyesyes!! A thousand times, yes! I'll be good, I won't get to take control- Mmhmm just wreck me! *Bucky kisses your neck and then growls in your ear.*
Bucky- gladly

*Your ass is in the air as you lay on your chest, your knees propping you up. Bucky is kneeling beside the bed and has his face buried between your legs. Slowly working his tongue in and out of your pussy as he presses a vibrator against your clit and his vibrating, lubed up, metal fingers against your asshole. He moans against you and you squirt in his mouth. He's slowly dragged you over that  edge so many times you just cum with no warning. His tongue dips farther inside, licking up more and more of your cum and making you cum again. You can't form words anymore, all you can do is moan and make sounds so uninhibited it would make a porn star blush. When Bucky feels his own desire getting harder he pulls away, slips his metal fingers  inside your pussy and starts curling them with no remorse. Just tickleing that spot inside and making you scream till you cum, creaming down your legs. He then pulls his fingers out and starts all over again, eating you out and teasing your ass and clit. You don't have the words to beg even if you wanted to, which you don't because this feels amazing. When he notices the sensation is almost killing you to sleep, he changes things up.*
Bucky- alright Doll, you ready?
*You shift a little, confused at the change*
Y/N- ready for wha- *You are cut off by the feeling of Bucky's tongue pushing into your ass.* oh!! *He spanks you and you yelp. He pulls back*
Bucky- saw you were getting a little sleepy there, can't have that! *He teases and you blush*
Y/N-ss-sssorryyy! *You whine and whimper out as he starts to eat your ass again*
Bucky- No need to be sorry, Doll. I pride myself that I can't make you feel so damn good- that you are so blissed out you are lulled to sleep! That! *He slaps your ass for emphasis* is a fucking goal of mine!
Y/N- to put me to sleep with sex? *Thats the clearest sentence you've put together since you started this endeavor... three hours ago!*
Bucky- to have you be so blissed out that my body put you at peace even more... yeah, that's the goal baby girl. *You whimper and reach back for him. You want his lips. You don't care where they've been, you don't care that you promised you wouldn't take control, all you want is Bucky's lips on yours, forever.*
Bucky- Nah uh baby. Daddy's gotta work. You just sit there and enjoy.
*He licks over your ass and presses his thumb against the rim slightly. You moan and groan at the same time, you feel Bucky smile against your skin. God you love this man!*
Y/N- yes Daddy
*He groans and presses his tongue in even more. You are both playing unfairly right now. He breaches the rim with his thumb and start to fuck it in and out as he circles the rim with his tongue. His other hand reaches under you and starts to rub your clit.*
Bucky- Mmhm you gonna cum, Doll? My finger in your ass, my tongue licking the rim, my fingers playing with your clit? You gonna make a mess of daddy's chest and squirt all over me?
*You whine as he speeds up everything, his tongue and fingers. You cum screaming and clenching around his thumb in your ass and nothing in your pussy, squirting all over him. And man does he praise you.*
Bucky- fuck yes! You're so fucking good!! Mmhm my dirty Doll, always obeying. Squirting all over me, eager to show me how good you feel. *He pulls his fingers from you and pulls back. He sits you up to lean back on him as he kisses your cheek and neck.*
Bucky- I was gonna fuck this pretty ass but I think now I just want to lay you down on your back and fuck this pretty pussy till you pass out. Huh? How does that sound? *He smirks down at you and you bite your lip and nod* alright then.

*You stars up at Bucky as he settles between your legs. He leans in and kisses you deeply and he pushes inside you. You gasp and cling to his back as you arch off the bed. You thought he was gonna take it slow... that was not the case. He bottoms out in one thrust and makes you see stars.*
Bucky- Mmhmm oh yeah baby! Just like that!!
*You are breathless. The only sound is Bucky's grunting and the sound of your bodies moving together. He hits home every time and brings you closer and closer to the edge.*
Y/N- o-oohhh!! Mmmmyy Ggggoood!!!! *You scream as he holds your hips tighter and fuck into your even faster.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I'm so close baby!! So fucking close!! *You grab his ass and dig your nails into the cheeks there. He yells and slips his hand between your bodies and rubs your clit hard. You clench down so hard Bucky gasps and grips your hips so tight that you know it's gonna bruise for days. When the knot breaks you just float. Every muscle in your body just relaxes and all you can feel is the white hot pleasure of Bucky being inside you. It feels so perfect and right. You actually shed a tear. You hear Bucky grunt and do his little moan he does when he cums, it's so hot and needy, it makes you almost want to ho again just to hear it.*
Bucky- ffffuuucckkk! *He moans and leans down to kiss you, the taste of you still on his lips. He shudders a little as his temperature returns to normal and he lays there with you. He hasn't pulled out yet and you don't plan to let him pull away anytime soon. You rub his back and kiss his face over and over as he kisses your breast. He rolls onto his back and has you lay on top of him. Bucky pulls the covers over you both and you fall asleep; warm, satisfied, and safe.*

*You wake up to the pain of Bucky pulling out of you. You whimper and he lightly laughs as he kisses your lips.*
Bucky- I know but I need to pee. *You scrunch your face and he laughs and excuses himself. When he gets back he pulls you into his arms again.*
Bucky- so... did I do a good job?
Y/N- pleasuring me? Fuck yes! I will be sore all day. Distracting me from why we are really here? Also yes. And thank you, Bucky. I- I really needed that.
Bucky- you're welcome, Doll. We both did. *He smiles and kisses you.* I'm not ready to say goodbye.
*You sigh and let a tear fall*
Y/N- me either.

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