First Date Night In Forever

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*Grant walks down the hall to Steve and Nat's room

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*Grant walks down the hall to Steve and Nat's room. He knocks on the door and Nat answers it.*
Nat- Hi Grant!
Grant- hi Aunt Nat, Umm is Sarah able to come out yet?
*Nat smiles*
Nat- she just finished her homework! Sarah!
*Sarah comes walking up. She smiles when she sees Grant*
Sarah- hi Grant
Grant- hi
*Nat slips away and leaves them in the doorway.*
Grant- Umm I- I wanted to give this to you earlier. *He pulls out the card and box you had handed him this morning* but then school happened and- well... I'm sorry.
*Sarah smiles and takes the card and box*
Sarah- thank you, Grant. *She opens it and she sees a handmade card from Grant. It's simple and cheesy about being valentine's. The box has a simple silver necklace in it. On the chain there is a carved bouquet of wild flowers. Sarah smiles*
Sarah- Wild flowers?
*Grant smiles*
Grant- yeah, I remember when we were in Wakanda, after we had the funeral for my Grandma and great Uncle, we were walking back to the house through the field and there were all these beautiful flowers blowing in the breeze but their roots were firmly planted. *Grant smiles* you said you loved wild flowers and I- *He blushes and thinks for a moment* well I just remembered how much you liked them so, yeah. *He decides against saying what he really wanted to say. Sarah blushes and holds the box tight. She then quickly leans forward and kisses Grant's cheek before leaning away.*
Sarah- thank you, I wish I had something other than this card. *She hands him his Valentine's card. He opens it and inside is a cute little picture that Nat took of them at the lake, all smiles and wrapped up in towels. Grant smiles*
Grant- this is perfect. Thank you, Sarah.
*She smiles and dashes back inside as she closes the door. Grant happily runs back to his room.*

Bucky- ahhh young love!
*Bucky says to you as He sees Grant run by. You laugh and agree. Steve and Nat pop over for a quick recap of the night.*
Steve- okay so, Grant's in charge??? *He seems very skeptical. You laugh*
Y/N- yes and we trust him. They all know there will be bell to pay in chores and conditioning tomorrow if they disobey what we've told them. They know when to be in bed by and they know to ask for help with dinner.
Nat- I will keep a watchful eye, but I'm sure they will be fine. We will keep a handle on Ben though. *You laugh and thank her.*
Y/N- okay, now if you'll excuse me I need to get all sluttified for my husband. *You smile and they both laugh and leave you be. Bucky smirks and bites his lip as he looks you over.*
Bucky- sounds like I'm in for a good night.
Y/N- you bet, Daddy *You wink. Bucky rakes his eyes over your body. He gives you a quizzical look*
Bucky- Bunny? *He asks you shake your head no. He smiles, like that was the answer he was hoping for.* Mmhmm Baby girl. *You nod and he pulls you close* I'm gonna spoil you all night.
Y/N- I can't wait *You shut the bedroom door and push Bucky against it, it's not locked by there is no way anyone is getting in while Bucky's pressed against it. You slip your hand down his sweats and stroke him.*
Bucky- Mmhm you really can't wait! *The breathlessness in his voice makes you smile.*
Y/N- Nope, wanna taste before dinner, Daddy.
*You get on your knees and pull his sweats down just enough for him to spring out. You slip him in your mouth, no teasing and no denying. You pull out all the stops and give him a good, deep, and complete blowjob.*
Bucky- fffuuuckk!!! *He says as he cums down your throat. You swallow it all and then stand up and kiss him before swaying away to the shower. Bucky lays there against the door just dazed and blissed.*

*You shower is an "everything shower". You exfoliate, shave, deep condition. The whole nine yards. You moisturize everything and make sure every part of your body is kissable smooth. You know Bucky would kiss and go crazy over you even if your elbows were cracked and dry but didn't mean they should be, it is Valentine's Day after all. When you get out you wrap up in your fluffy robe and get to it. Blow drying and styling your hair. Putting your lingerie on and then quickly getting dressed so Bucky doesn't see what you picked out. Doing your makeup and then double checking everything. Bucky got in the shower once you were doing your makeup and he is out and getting dressed as you finish your touch ups. You walk out in your dark burgundy dress. It has a square neckline that encases your breast perfectly without letting them be too "free show" looking. The straps are a little thicker and cover to your shoulders. The dress hits about mid calve and there is a slit up the side to your mid thigh. You match it with some nude block heels and a black purse.*
Bucky- wow! I am one lucky man. *He bites his lip and looks you up and down as he adjusts his watch on his metal arm. That little move was so hot and you know tonight is going to be a really good night.*
Y/N- you aren't too bad yourself *Bucky is dressed to the nines and his hair is pulled back into a bun, it's so sexy you could melt right there. You lean into his arms and kiss him. As you pull back you wipe off any transferred lipstick.*
Bucky- too early in the night for smeared lipstick, Baby girl. Go check and make sure it's still perfect. *You smile and squeeze his hand. You check and it's all still there and writhing it's liner. You walk out of the bathroom and grab your purse and phone. You pull Bucky close before you walk out of the door and whispers.*
Y/N- I can't wait to leave lipstick stains on your boxers, Daddy.
*Bucky moans and groans. He excused himself for a moment and then comes back. You give her m a look*
Bucky- don't worry your pretty head about it.
*you say goodbye and Goodnight to the kids.*
Y/N- you all be good, understand? You know when to go to bed and you know what you can watch and play before bed. Do not break the rules, we will know.
Bucky- we love you, uncle Steve and Aunt Nat are right down the hall if you need anything. Okay?!
Grant- okay mom, dad. Love you
Winnie- bye love you!
Odette- bye!!
Elizabeth- don't stay out late!
Jonnie- love you!!
Ben- bring me cake!
*You laugh and wave as you close the door behind you. Bucky smiles and takes your hand.*
Bucky- Mrs. Barnes
Y/N- Mr. Barnes
*He leads you down the hall and out to the car. He opens your door and helps you in, he kisses your cheek before he leans back and closes the door. Running around to his side and climbing in and you two take off to you first date night in literal years.*

Y/N- makeup was a bad idea because I can't keep my hands or mouth off you!
*You whisper in his ear as your hands glide up and down his thigh. He smiles and looks around, thankfully the restaurant is too busy with other loved up couples for anyone to notice your hand basically stroking Bucky through his pants. That and Bucky paid extra for a back corner booth that is very secluded and the lighting in the whole restaurant is low. It's like they want people to be discreetly fucking under the tables.*
Bucky- first in the car and now here??
*Bucky teases. On the way here Bucky slipped his hand along your thigh like he always does and teased you the whole way. His fingers danced around your clit as he hummed along to the radio and you writhed in need. Finally you'd had enough and you sat up, leaned over, pulled him out of his pants and sucked him off right there as he drove down the road. His moans were so sexy and you killed him for all he was worth. When he parked was when you finally let him fall out of your mouth. You smiled up at him, innocently and tucked him back in his pants before sitting up and opening the mirror to fix your make up. Bucky sits there catching his breath as he pulls out makeup wipes, a little bottle of mouthwash, concealer, and your lipstick. You smile cause he knows you so well. You take it all and fix the smudges as Bucky comes back to earth. You walk inside with his hands around your waist and grazing over your ass as he guides you in. The women waiting with their men basically eye fuck Bucky as he walks by and most of their men have to adjust their pants after looking at your waist and ass. 6 babies later and you still got it.*
Y/N- I can't help it! You are so sexy, and all I want is to get you so worked up that you have to take me in the parking lot against our car.
*You kiss him and he moans.*
Bucky- Damn, you'd think it's my birthday.
*You smirk and kiss him, reaching for his bulge yet again but he stops you.* No. you've had your fun Baby girl but now it's daddy's turn. *You whimper as you move closer. He shushes you* I know, I know Baby girl. *He leans in and whisper* my little sluts just hungry for Daddy, huh?! *You nod, your cheeks turning red.* yeah, you are. Be a good girl for me and maybe I'll let you warm my cock on the way home. How about that?
*You nod*
Y/N- I'll be so good! *Bucky cocks an eyebrow, you quickly correct yourself.* Daddy
*Bucky hums in approval and kisses your temple*
Bucky- Atta girl

‼️I told y'all we'd get a written out night... didn't say it would be in one chapter though! 😅🤭😏🫣🤤🥵🥰❤️ it will continue tomorrow! ‼️

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